Haley Johnson – P5 Image Editing Assignment

This P5 Final showcases my audio sculpture from MUL103, expanded into video with a 5 handed monster.

This project was a learning experience through its entirety. Between mixing audio in Adobe Audition to video editing in Premiere, it became a slightly daunting experience because I am a novice in both programs. There’s always a learning curve to tackle but I was able to quickly find the fun in the assignment once I figured out how to navigate the programs for my needs—seeing it come together was the most exciting—but because I was so new to Premiere, it took me twice as long as I expected. There were a few effects I wanted to add in but couldn’t figure out how to. It was also difficult getting the audio and video to line up. I went through a lot of trial and error and back and forth between the programs to get them to match. Even with that extra effort it is still certainly not perfect. 

My main goals as I progress is that I get quicker in my process and can learn even more in depth effects to make my editing ability much richer. That being said, I am still satisfied with the end product based on the time I allotted for the project. I hope the love I have for the Tears of the Kingdom game is palpable through my effort. 

(The Youtube upload really tanked the quality and I wasn’t sure how to fix that.)

By: Haley Johnson

P5 Image Editing By: Esteban W.

For my P5 Image Editing assignment, I embarked on a creative journey using 5 different mediums of art. I used Adobe After Effects to convey a unique interpretation of the concept of “FIVE.” My creative process revolved around the simple yet powerful elements in my backyard: a guitar, the natural surroundings, software and my imagination.

The backyard served as the canvas for my artistic endeavor. To encapsulate the essence of “FIVE,” I harnessed the visual potential of Adobe After Effects. This software became my palette, allowing me to craft a mesmerizing kaleidoscope effect within the video I was creating. Each twist and turn in the kaleidoscope visually represented the multifaceted nature of “FIVE” as I perceived it.

The guitar, an instrument I hold dear, played a pivotal role in my project. It became both my muse and a means of expression. As I strummed its strings in the open air, the guitar breathed life into the project, adding an organic and emotional dimension to the composition. Each note reverberated with a sense of harmony, underscoring the concept of “FIVE” through the auditory landscape.

To complement the visual and auditory elements, I ventured into the world of music composition. I used a blend of instruments, including the guitar, piano, and drums. This fusion of musical elements was a manifestation of “FIVE,” encapsulating the diverse dimensions of sound. Furthermore, I experimented with various audio effects to elevate the composition, adding depth and texture to the music.

The process of creating this project was a journey of pure creative joy. I immersed myself in the artistry, investing more time than I had initially anticipated, driven by the desire to convey my interpretation of “FIVE.” It was a delightful obsession, and in retrospect, I might have devoted an excessive amount of time to it, but the end result made every moment worthwhile.

In essence, my P5 Image Editing assignment is a harmonious fusion of visual art, music, and personal interpretation. It’s a testament to the limitless possibilities that open up when technology, creativity, and a heartfelt connection to the subject matter converge. This project aims to encapsulate the essence of “FIVE” through a rich tapestry of visual and auditory elements, inviting viewers to embark on a journey of exploration and interpretation.

Jade P5 image editing

This took me a couple of hours to make. If I had make a rough estimate, I say around three to five hours in total. It was really fun to make because I enjoy making stop motion. I struggle a little bit because the clowns didn’t want to stay up.

I had a lot of fun editing the sound effects and music. Editing took me one hour to do. My personal favorite part is the twin clowns. They’re were really fun trying to figure out how to do a flip. I also animated them differently from the others. Instead of setting them up on the wall, I set them up on the ground and changed the angle of the camera to make it seem like they sitting up and not laying down.

What i would change is the lighting to the last clown, Kiki. I tried really to fixed but nothing worked, And honestly, I didn’t to retake the shot. My legs and back was numb and sore with me sitting on the ground for hours. I’m really proud on how it turned out.

by: Jade Wilkerson

P5 Image editing

By, Danielle Hilliard

I chose to do my image editing project on the many parks my dog Charlie and I  enjoy visiting together. He loves to play, run and hike at all the parks he has ever been to but the 5 I chose are his very favorites. This assignment was really fun for me to do, I have google photos and was able to type the names of each park in and then it shows me every picture I have taken at each park. This made selecting photos and videos very easy to do. The hard part was picking which pictures to use because I have over 1000 for each park. What can I say? I love taking pictures and videos of my dog. Charlie is the best friend ever and I enjoy park time with him. He saved me from the lowest moments of my life and changed me for the better in so many ways. Going hiking with my dog at all these beautiful parks Oregon has to offer is very healing to my soul. Nature helps me regulate my mind, body, and spirit, being outside just feels good. This is why I chose to do these five parks. They are very meaningful to me with the memories they each hold and I wanted to share that with everyone.

P5 – Image editing

By: Julia Hansten

For project 5 I decided to go with the 5 people in my closest friend group. 

The vision and goal was to make a video inspired by a title sequence or theme for a TV show, as you can see we didn’t really achieve that, at least not the vision I had in my mind.. 

I decided to do mostly still images because I thought it would be easier to match with music, but I also included a few short video clips. 

The music is from adobe stock and the pictures are taken at night with a relatively old iPhone so the quality isn’t top tier. I decided not to have a story or goal with the ”show” but to make it seem like a regular but really dumb sitcom. 

For the editing I went off a little bit.. I’m not super familiar with the software and haven’t done much editing in my life so I viewed this project as a good opportunity to mess around with different effects and transitions to learn more and actually had a lot of fun with it. 

Also, don’t worry, 5 Schmucks will not be picked up by HBO, Hulu or Netflix


by Nicole Sherman

I will admit I was kinda procrastinating on this project. It may have something to do with that I’ve been feeling burnt out lately but I don’t know. My original plan was to do five steps to walk your dog but it got extremely cold out like it was in the thirties when I was planning on recording. So I decided to work on another project but my dogs were being annoying. Eventually I got the idea to do five things for your dog to do while you’re working.

I can’t actually remember which specific scene I recorded first, which scene I recorded second and so on. My process for this project was instead just recording my dogs doing dog things and picked the ones I liked most. I also recorded a scene of myself stuffing a treat into a toy. So it wouldn’t feel like the whole thing is just dog videos. There was a clip that I had to censor and didn’t have enough time to replace it was because of some content that YouTube would never Let me show. Anyway the whole process I took was sewing the videos together in iMovie. Then adding graphics with premiere rush. Also adding sounds that I recorded myself and adding night gatherings by pecan pie.

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: DESP9ECBZYIK5ACR

Duncan P5 Image Editing

I play Minecraft a very normal amount. The assignment said 1-2 minutes and Youtube shorts are 1 minute max so I wanted to make a Youtube short for this assignment. I also wanted to do something fun and simple for it so I ended up going with this. The hardest part of this for me was adding all the sound effects because I was calling with my partner so I had to mute the footage to remove the talking, and so each sound effect I had to manually ad individually. In some cases though I think that made it better. I tried to keep it simple and stupid because I didn’t want to stress too much about this assignment.

By Duncan Gustina

5 Stages of reading a book

For my project 5 I made a 2-minute video, showing humor in the five stages of reading a book. The goal was to maintain viewer engagement through dynamic music and a funny take on my personal reading struggles.

My video is a realistic exploration of my love for reading, despite my perpetual distractions by music and my phone. To build the narrative, I employed the framework of five stages in a book’s journey, from the initial excitement to the inevitable loss of focus. The use of dynamic music was one of the main elements in enhancing the comedic aspect. I tried to build the video around the music. We can notice an increase in the speed of my actions whenever get more and more dynamic.

This video targets people who, like me, struggle with maintaining focus while reading. The humor from the relatability of the situation and the internal conflict between my love for reading and the addictiveness of my phone and music.

By keeping the video short and incorporating the number 5 as the assignment requires, I tried to engage viewers and provoke a response. But really, it was a playful attempt to bring my personal reading journey to life.

by lisa

P5: Image Editing By Dennis Pak

My experience with this project reminded me when I used to YouTube regularly. Finding things that I liked & creating something silly yet technically in depth was always a joy to me. Also, figuring out how to solve edits by essentially going through Final Cut Pro’s features always given me Eureka moments. Which in turn gives me a new skill to implement for future projects & gives me more confidence as an editor.

Anyway, this particular project not only stirred up my creative juices, but it also reminds me of my youth playing video games. Ranging from both Diddy & Donkey Kong from the Donkey Country series to the cast of the Super Mario Bros. They always served as comfort food in video game form. Coming back from a stressful day of the life of an elementary schooler to then be sucked in the 16 bit world of Nintendo melts whatever trivial issues I had in the real world. Whether it be riding a barrel cart in one of the fun cart levels in Donkey Kong Country, or  playing as Mario to get through the mushroom kingdom without getting taken out by Bowser & his army of Koopas, it was always a good time for me afterschool.

Glad I was able to do this project.

Bridget Holst P5 Video

When I first heard about this project, I was excited because the number 5 means a lot to me. I was born on 5/05/2005 so I consider it to be my lucky number. I initially wanted to make something about how the number 5 means a lot to me, but I couldn’t come up with any actual ideas, so I looked at the older videos for this project from 2019 to find other ideas. I eventually came up with the idea to make a video about my 5 favorite albums. Actually picking the five albums to put in the video was also hard because I like a lot of albums. Another struggle I had was knowing what to add for audio. I initially didn’t want to add music because I know that Youtube is weird about copyrighted music but there were also no places to add sound effects and I didn’t want to talk through the entire video. I ended up going with the music anyway because I’m not making any money from the video and only about 20 people are probably going to see it. I also had a problem with the “My Top 5 Songs” for Stranger In The Alps because I used a colored background for the textboxes so that the background wouldn’t be black and for the previous three “My Top 5 Songs” there was always a song with a long enough name so that the textbox background would cover up the black background, but for this one there was still some black on the sides and if I made the font bigger the background would be big enough but the text would be cut off, after some trouble shooting the easy solution I found (that I probably should have thought of sooner) was to just add spaces after I typed the song name. Other than these issues I had a lot of fun with this project.