Category Archives: Fall 2019

Hopes and Dreams

Moon 2019

Hello everyone, my name is Kaitlynn . I am currently enrolled at Lane Community College as a Multimedia Design student. Right now my goals are to finish at Lane Community College and go to a university that may help me get into the fields I want to be in. I love to draw, take photos, play with the adobe programs, sculpt, do videos, and basically anything that has to do with creating. I also love anything that is high fantasy with a dark atmosphere to it. Some examples of that would be stuff like The Dark Crystal, Lord Of The Rings, Sweeney Todd, Coraline, and Mirror Mask. I am heavily influenced by all of those examples and that reflected in most of my creations.

Me and 9
Me and 9

My goals for the future are to work on stop motion animation projects and puppeteering projects. My favorite styles of movies are all the ones created by LAIKA, Jim Henson or inspired by Jim Henson, and Tim Burton. One day it would be my dream to be able to work on a project similar to those styles or even work on a Tim Burton, LAIKA, or a Jim Henson movie. I love to create and I love the stress of a project. So in the meantime, I am trying to learn as much as possible to achieve my goals.

Blog Search- by Krizia

  1. Picture Bookers
  3. (See below)
  4. I was delighted to find this website because I have written and illustrated my own children’s book and hope to not only make more, but use my Graphic Design skills to design things such as children’s decor, websites, branding for toy stores, package design for toys, games, etc. This site is very welcoming and provides a wide variety of interviews
  5. tell us why you choose this site and why others would also find it interesting
    1. There is an entire article (fairly recent- Feb 2018) that talks all about the types of degrees you may want to have to be successful and knowledgeable in the field. I was surprised to learn there is an actual degree called “Children’s Book Illustration Degree” and the closest place this is offered to me is in San Diego. Hmmm……
    2. I think the site is very professional and easy to navigate. I was not confused once and I was very engaged in looking around at all the content.
    3. write about the quality of information from this professional blog
    4. make sure to support any statements you make with examples

A Lane Campus Tour

By Brian McCalla

Lane’s campus has a lot to offer when it comes to sight-seeing. The buildings can be like mazes to travel through but the art that’s outside is incredible to look at. From the sculptures to the murals on the sides of the buildings. The art made at Lane gives it a distinct and creative personality that can grab people’s attention.

Here is the Media Arts Equipment Checkout counter where you can rent out media equipment that you need for class.

This is the Blue Cyc Wall used for digital art and photography.
The Center for Student Engagement in the Center Building offers help for students as well as free popcorn. Yum.
Here we have the Main Art Gallery on campus where students showcase their artwork.
The Art-O-Mat is the funky machine in the Art Gallery that sits outside the Art’s Division Specialist’s offices.
The Reference counter inside the Library is a good resource for books you need to find.
This is the larger beautiful sculpture outside of the Health and Wellness department.
Here we have Cas, one of the Arts Division specialists, in her office, hard at work.
The Student Help Desk is the best place to go for students seeking technical help.
Judy Gates is the adviser for the Media Arts department. She’s a very nice lady.
Teresa Hughes is an instructor here at Lane as well as the Co-Op manager for the Media Arts division.
The Students First building is welcome to all people from around the world. Promoting an environment of ethnic unity.
Here’s a creative photo I made using toy photography. And yes, that is The Rock as a Ghostbuster.

I hope you have enjoyed this small tour. Feel free to discover Lane’s campus to see for yourself.

A Lane Campus Tour

This is the student check out desk where we can get equipment for awesome creativity.
Found the blue Cyc wall and I’m not quite sure what its used for yet but it think its for custom backgrounds.
This is the center for student engagement.
This is the art gallery. I haven’t had time look at it yet but it is on my to do list.
This reminds me of the old vending machines where you could buy cigarettes.
Found the library on the second floor of the center building.
Not sure what this is but I’m interested in the round disk in the middle on the ground.
Art division office specialist
Student help desk
Judy Gates office. Her note says she is out of the office. She is super helpful and I’m grateful for her help with getting my classes sorted out.
This is our teachers office.
This one of my favorite things I have found so far. For some reason I keep wondering how they got the flags up there!
This was my creative shot. I feel like there is not enough attention brought to the people that keep this place going. Thank you for a job well done!

Take a little tour with me…

Lets take a little tour around campus shall we? Check out some places below.

The Equipment checkout where students can get items to help with their school work/projects.
The studio with the Blue Cyc Wall. Pretty awesome if you ask me.
Center for student engagement was pretty busy with people (Free popcorn, duh) So here is the sign!
I was told this was a main art gallery on campus… I wasn’t sure but here is a nice view of the Gallery!
Not even kidding… I thought this was an older cigarette machine. This would be the Art-O-Mat. Interesting,
Unfortunately the Reference table wasn’t okay with their picture being taken. So “Here’s your sign” – Bill Engvall
Enjoy this little cutie outside the Health and Wellness building.
Cas’s Office
The ATC… Yet another location who didn’t want their picture taken. Sad day.
Judy Gates office… I didn’t get to meet her because shes gone for the week but its good to know where she is.
Teresa’s Office. Loving the little figurines.
The Students First Building.
As for my creative shot… This beautiful little “Miniature Mushroom Garden” up in the library by the reference desk is adorable.

Well, that does it for our little tour. Hope you enjoy!

A Lane Campus Tour

The Equipment checkout counter where Media Arts students checkout gear
The Equipment checkout

My first photo of the Equipment Checkout wasn’t hard for me to find at all because I used to work there as a tutor and a checkout person. The person in the photo is my friend Chloe and she works there now as their graphic design artist. She is very knowledgeable about the adobe programs so if you ever need help she is the one to ask. 

The Studio with the “Blue Cyc Wall”
“Blue Cyc Wall”

I decided to take a picture of the Blue Cyc Wall this way because sometimes when I space out and stare at it I get lost in the blueness and imagine that I’m just floating in an empty blue space. I know that seems strange but it can be very relaxing when taking stressful classes in that room. 

Center for Student Engagement

I have never actually been in this place in all the years I’ve been at lane community college. so it was nice to see a new cute place where you can get free popcorn. 

The main Art Gallery on campus
Art Gallery

This particular art piece struck me. The moment I walked into the art gallery it was the first thing I saw. I loved how the light shined on it and how the bronze color made it stand out from everything else in the room.

The Art-O-Mat
The Art-O-Mat

I like how the knobs looked so I wanted to exaggerate them in my photo. I also made them black and white because The Art-O-Mat kind of reminds me of the 50s style.


For this one, I just wanted to show that I found the Library so I took a cool picture of some books. It was also funny having people stare at while I was taking pictures too. 

  1. The large silver sculpture that sits outside of the Health & Wellness building
Wizard Of OZ

I liked this sculpture because of how the light made the green tiles shine like emeralds against the silver of the sculpture. It was almost like something out of Wizard of Oz. 

Ingram or Cas's office
Cas’s office

I went to Cas’s office for this one because I knew she had a cool picture of an owl. It was funny because when she saw me with my camera she instantly knew I was there for the scavenger hunt. 

SHeD (Student Help Desk) in the Center building
Student Help Desk

The people at the help desk seemed very nice and they have a super cool 3D printer. However, they did not want their picture taken so I just took a picture of their sign. 

Judy Gates’s office. She is an advisor for Media Arts
Judy Gates’s office

Judy was in a serious meeting so I just took a picture of her door. She works very hard at her job. 

Teresa’s office
Teresa’s Monsters

I love the monsters in Teresa’s office! They are so cute. The ones I took pictures of are my favorite because I think the colors look awesome, three eyes are better than none, and they look like they should be in an animated band.

The flags or other “identifier” inside of The Students First building
The flags inside of The Students First building

I liked taking this picture because the sun was hitting the flags just right to make them look beautiful. 

A creative shot of my choosing

This little baby caterpillar hitched a ride on my shoulder while I was taking a picture of the wizard of oz sculpture. It made it halfway back to my class before I noticed it was on my shoulder. 

Lane Campus Tour

Welcome to Lane’s Campus Tour! This was a fun assingment because it was a sunny day when I took the photos. I really like my creative shot and I’m glad I went on this tour.

 Equipment Checkout Counter located in building 18.  This is where students checkout the equipment they need in order to complete projects for photography and multimedia classes.
 Equipment Checkout Counter located in building 18.  This is where students checkout the equipment they need in order to complete projects for photography and multimedia classes. 
The Blue Cyc Wall is also located in building 18. This wall is where students can create any backdrop they may need if they’re filming.
The Blue Cyc Wall is also located in building 18. This wall is where students can create any backdrop they may need if they’re filming.
The Center For student Engagment is located in the center building. This is where you can relax and do some homewok. Or take a break and grab some popcorn in your free time. 
The main Art Gallery on campus. This is located in building 11 and is a beautiful gallery with many artistic pieces. 
The Art O Mat is located in building 11 next to the art gallery. This machine dispenses small pieces of art such as poetry, paintings, and music. 
The Refrence Counter is located in the library, which is in the center building. 
This Silver sculture is located outside the Health and Wellness building. I liked the idea of capturing this shot with the grass.
Ingram’s office is located in building 11. I didn’t get to go inside because some people were working in there. 

The SHeD desk (Student Help Desk) is located in the Center building. If you have any questions with technology this is the place to go. 

Judy Gate’s office is located in building 11. She is the academic advisor for the media arts program.
Teresa’s office is located in building 18. I love the artistic setup this office has. 
The flags are located in building 19. I took this picture from upstairs. I liked how all the flags line up. 
View of Lane’s campus. This was my creative shot. I took this picture from the upstairs of building 1 . 

A stroll through the best campus in North America

The Equipment Checkout Counter

Come here for amazing gear and friendly faces! They will even answer questions!

The Blue Wall Studio

So blue even if the blue man group were there, you wouldn’t be able to see them.

Center for Student Engagement

Free Popcorn, need I say more?

Art Gallery

Come here to see beautiful art pieces and get inspired by ridiculously talented people!

The Art-O-Mat

Art-o-mat machines are retired cigarette vending machines that have been converted to vend art!

Reference Counter

Ask questions and you shall receive answers! It also seems like they post some great events, jobs, etc here!

Silver Sculpture

Rumor has it; if you stand under here and say “beam me up” 3 times, aliens will appear!

Ingram Alders office

Administrative Specialist
Office: Bldg. 11, Room 101

Student Help Desk

Building 2, 1st Floor

Judy Gates’s Office

Bldg. 11 Room 118

Teresa’s Office

Bldg. 18, Room 222

The Flags

Main Campus, Bldg. 1. This is where your enrollment, advising and financial aid questions will be answered!

Creative Shot

‘Conception of Creation’ a bronze sculpture by Roger Williams

here we are, in verse and song

Welcome one, welcome all, to LCC’s beautiful campus- I love it around here! Let’s have a walk around, shall we?

Because of the fantastic rolling chairs and the microwave, I spend the majority of my free time in the media center in building 18. This is the equipment checkout counter, where (when it’s open) multimedia students can check out a whole host of tools to help them with their classwork.

The door on the left leads to the studio with a great big ole green- or, sorry, BLUE screen. I haven’t gotten the chance to play around with the screen yet, but there’s a ton of equipment and props in there to play with, so I bet it’s a blast. Some classes meet in here too, so there’s also a long table with a bunch more of those very good chairs!

If you’re willing to walk on over into the center building, then next up is the Center for Student Engagement. It was too late in the day to get inside, and, well… I’m not actually tall enough to see in through the window. Sometimes we shorties just have to make do with what we’ve got!!!

The art gallery in building 11 is one of my favorite places on campus. Whenever I pass by, I just have to pop in and check things out! Right now, there’s an exhibit by a bunch of faculty members here at Lane. Do you ever think about how, sometimes, art just looks real comfy? It’s hard to tell when something’s meant to be a chair, or a set piece, so… I decided to refrain from relaxing here. Looks like there’d be some good reading available if I had decided to sit, though!

Just outside the art gallery sits one of the most intriguing machines I’ve ever had the opportunity to stare at and wish I had five dollars for. The Art-O-Mat comes with a little sign explaining that it holds a bunch of tiny pieces of art. Apparently, there’s paintings, music, poetry and more! Regrettably, however, it does not take debit cards.

After lamenting my loss, let us make our way back over to the center building, but a couple floors down. The reference counter in the library holds not only a lot of good info, but also a man behind the counter who, when I asked if I could take some pictures, very graciously took a pose like he was working on some very serious business at his computer. Meanwhile, I found myself enamored with the little fungus exhibit off to the side. I’m so sorry, sir- you’re an excellent model, but… shrooms…

I actually got lost trying to find the Health and Wellness Center- one of my classmates and I had to ask for directions. Regardless, the effort was well worth it. If you ever have the opportunity to stop and stand in the middle of this structure, check it out! The acoustics in there are AWESOME.

Back in building 11, I got another good pose from a faculty member. He was used to being a model in there, but he said I was the first person to take a picture of him through the plant on his desk! I can’t imagine why- it’s a real nice plant.

When I got there, I realized that I’d never actually been to the Academic Teaching Center before, and there was a lot in there for me to take pictures of! I actually did take quite a few shots in there, but… I mean, just look at this little guy. I love him. It’s impossible to beat this tiny googly-eyed titan bobblehead.

Not to extend my second apology in one post or anything, but… sorry, Judy. I didn’t know she was in her office, so I was lying on the floor, trying to get an interesting angle of her closed door, when she caught my classmates and me taking pictures and came out to greet us. She agreed to let us take some nice photos of her at work, but none of them could hold a candle to this one!

I knew Teresa was still in class when I went to take this picture, so I had no problem snapping this one through the window. Is it weird that I’m just really enjoying the different materials of the walls in here? You’ve got a pretty nice workspace, Teresa! I also really like the cute little figurines in the window.

Dearest reader, our tour is reaching its close! If you’re here from class, I hope this post is interesting enough among all the other versions of this assignment. (If you’re not here from class- what are you doing here?! That’s wild! I hope you’re having a good day!) I certainly have had fun running around campus! Being at LCC has been an incredible experience for a lot of reasons. Here, I feel comfortable to be who I am, and pursue what I love. I’m excited to keep going forward and learning- whether that be about my area of study, or about the world, or about my own self!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go find out what this is all about.


Media Arts Campus Resources: on Camera

On Week Two of MUL 101, I was assigned a scavenger hunt…

Camera in hand, I set off, excited to learn more about campus!

In Building 18, I was greeted by the friendly crew at the Equipment Checkout counter. I snapped this photo, and didn’t realize until later that two of them were having lots of fun with silly faces!

Then I headed to the Blue Cyc Wall, which has a fascinating network of lights and rigging above it.

This next photo is of the Center for Student Engagement, from which often comes the delicious wafting smell of buttery popcorn….

Having never been in Building 11 before, I enjoyed looking around its art galleries.

When I first walked into Building 11, I completed overlooked a small vintage vending machine off to the side. Turns out, it was the Art-O-Mat!

One thing I love about librarians is that they know everything. After taking this picture in the Center Building’s library, I got a question answered by this kind lady.

Despite the fact that the day was overcast and drizzling, the billowing clouds and colorful trees still set a beautiful background for the silver sculpture in front of the Health and Wellness Building.

Here is Ingram’s office in Building 11!

When I visited the SHeD Help Desk, I noticed they had a 3-D printer, so I decided to include it (and some of its creations) in the picture!

….and this is Judy Gates, my Academic Advisor!

Back in Building 18 is Teresa’s office; I love the way the high window illuminates the room.

Building 1 is a unique place, with rows of colorful flags hanging from the curved ceiling. I photographed my favorite part of the flag display.

In front of the Center Building near a sloping walkway is a metal board with hundreds of engraved names posted on it. A few years ago, my older sister pointed out the name of someone who used to teach here at LCC : Rod Metzger. He is a special family friend, and I grew up riding his horses.

– And that concludes my scavenger hunt! –

By: Kailey Slocum