Category Archives: Winter 2021

About Me

Hello! My name is Miya (my-yuh), my pronouns are she/her and I’m a nineteen year old student here at LCC. I really enjoy playing music, I currently know how to play the drums (still have plenty of room for growth though) and am learning how to play the piano and ukulele. I took a break from music for about a year, so I’m trying to get back in the habit of practicing consistently and getting back to the skill level I was at before the break. Although I don’t do it as often as I should, playing and making music feels very natural to me. I’ve always wanted to jam out with some other people or possibly start a band just to mess around and have fun making music! But since none of my other friends played music, I’ve never found other people to practice with outside of high school band. I actually started out this year majoring in music, but then eventually decided I wanted to start a career in multimedia design instead. I took a few classes in high school to explore this field (AUD 120, and FA 250), which ended up helping me make the decision to change my major this year. Although I love music and plan to continue pursuing it for the rest of my life, I’m so incredibly happy to have made the switch. After one term in multimedia design, I definitely felt like I found where I was supposed to be. I feel so inspired by the skills I’m learning in all my classes and the career opportunities available to me, I don’t know which area to choose! I really enjoy video and audio editing, photography, and digital imaging with Photoshop and Illustrator. Doing anything in these fields would make me happy. I’m really excited and looking forward to interacting with other creative artists focused on multimedia design!

By: Miya Ott

About Me

This picture was taken at Smith Rock, state park here in Oregon.

Hello my name is Bryson Edlund, my nicknames for short are Bryce and Bry. I was born and raised here in Oregon, I really like traveling through Oregon, finding new great things and places in Oregon. I have been to ghosts towns in Oregon, great museums of Oregon’s past and history, went to the Astoria’s Column, and so much more here. My hobbies are drawing, Legos, watching movies and shows, and video games. I really enjoy drawing because it is where I can create my own stuff from my imagination and it is a great way to tell a small story of every drawing I do and have. I have always collected Legos, I get Star Wars and Marvel sets because they my my favorite films and comics. My dad got me into Legos and we really enjoy making our own mocs and collecting. I enjoy watching good movies and shows, my favorite creators are Stan Lee, George Lucas, and Christopher Nolan, I really like their films and their stories. Finally video games, they are fun to play, my favorite games are the story based games. I came to Lane Community College for the one year certificate in multimedia design, but I am thinking about the degree in multimedia design. I might change my mind if I want to keep on going. I want to be an animator and a filmmaker. I want to make my own films and shows, tell my own stories, and create my own characters. I thinking filmmaking is a great experience and looks very fun to do. I have been wanting to get into the film industry for several years of my life. 

About Me

At the time during 2007, I was aware of CGI from a few other movies but I have not really seen it to the extent that Transformers brought it. Although I merely brushed it off as something that was particularly cool. When it came time to think about what I wanted to do with my life I struggled just as much as everyone does on such a life-changing choice. From a young age, I have been trying to make doodles of spectacular ideas and gave up due to my lack of skill. I eventually came to the decision to do something that I thought would be cool as well as reasonably plausible. I came to the idea of CGI from learning more deeply about it from doing some research. I watched a few tutorials on some very beginner-friendly software in the later years of high school and have been determined to become proficient in CGI since then. Unlike in the past, I am committed to learning the craft to satiate my inner creativity. At the time of typing this the Media Arts program was the only real path that encapsulated this idea. However, the animation pathway will open up soon. This way I can properly create visual spectacles within the animated medium.

by Riki Stewart

P1 Bassi’s Blog

What the best describe yourself? 

 “Friendly / Social / Extrovert” I think the exposure to new places and new people can be really reviving personally and also eye opening to see how other people live.  I love to travel because not only is it the ultimate adventure but it also exposes you to new types of people, different ways of living, and opens up your mind. 

My name is Suthasini Chaiwohan but you can call by Bassi.  I’m from Maha sarakham, Thailand. I graduated from Mahasarakham University Demonstration School (secondary). I have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes color.  I’m a person who is positive about every aspect of life. There are many things I like to do, to see, and to experience. My personality is I’m really easy going person and love to make new friends. Sometimes I have to tell myself “ BE QUIET ” because I talk too much but it’s okay I can be quite for five seconds.

For now I am the first year student at Lane Community College (LCC) in Eugene Oregon as  an international student. Also I’m in a graphic design major because I personally love drawing and creates new stuffs. So the graphic design program is what I’m interested in and I want to be a graphic designer for my future career. The reason I come to the US is because America have more modern technology and I can be close to all my old friends from the high school. 

Jasem Dulany’s Blog

Starting this new chapter to my life after falling off a roof last summer and breaking my heel. Before the injury I spent a majority of my free time involved in athletics of some sort, I played college basketball about 10 years ago, I’ve spent the last 10 coaching at Thurston High School, I got into distance running and bouldering as well. My life pretty much revolved around these activities. While in the process of recovering from my injury I decided to take up photography as a hobby, I realized that it gave me a creative expression and an opportunity to capture all of my future adventures with friends. After taking a digital photography class in the Winter I decided to make a career change and pursue multi-media. 

I’ve started two businesses in the last 7 years and have always had to high someone to do the graphic design work, product shoots, and video work. I hope through this program that I can develop those skills to help my current business as well as future ones. I feel like we are moving towards a gig economy and I’m looking to add to my skill set.

Sp21-P1 About Me: Melvin Stratis.

You all can call me Mel!  Firstly, I’d like to give you a little background. I’m 30 years old and was born and raised here in Oregon. I went to Lowell Highschool and graduated in 2009. In Highschool, I participated in a lot of sports. I wrestled and ran track. While I wasn’t in sports, I was really involved with the coir and music the program. I sang tenor, played a variety of instruments, primarily guitar and bass. After I graduated, I went on to get a normal job at Carl’s Jr and wanted to go to LCC. A few months later, I put my application in to LCC and got accepted. I jumped around college a lot struggling to get my AAOT in music for a year and a half. After finishing math, writing, and some elective courses I decided to take a break and go back into the work-force. After considering I had a kid on the way, I wanted to just focus on him and a full-time job at-the-time. I started off working Temp jobs that weren’t very consistent. Eventually, Value Village hired me on full-time for 3 year until they shut-down, and I had to go work for Walmart right afterwards. After working for Walmart for quite some time I decided I’d go back to school and try out Automotive, but that didn’t work out too much for me. So, I decided to take yet another break from school to try and figure out what I wanted to do. So, last spring I began painting and flagging throughout the year. This brought me here to LCC yet again, so here I am hoping to get my degree in multi-media arts. 

About Me

By: Shaymus Marshall

Hi. My name is Shaymus and I am a 17 year old college student studying to be a vfx artist/editor. I am from a small town in Pennsylvania but I moved to Oregon in the 7th grade because of my mom’s work. In highschool I swam and played water polo for South Eugene High, but due to Covid I ended up graduating early from high school so I will not be able to do my senior year of sports. Despite not being able to do my senior year of sports it is a good thing that I can start college early. During my time in high school to now I have been learning how to use the 3d program Blender which has been very fun and a great look into what I could possibly be doing in the future and with Blender being free anyone can get their start in VFX. In my free time I like to play all types of video games although if I were to pick my favorite genres they would be fighting games, jrpgs, roguelikes, and metroidvanias. I am very excited to be in the Multimedia program and I am looking forward to see where this journey goes.

P1 – About Brittany

Hello, I am Brittany. I am 29 years old, born in Colorado Springs but I have lived most of my life here in Oregon. I attended LCC once before back in 2012-2013 ended up having to drop out due to life circumstances that left me with no choice, I’m now back again to finally finish and get a degree, I started out with the Game Dev art option but had to change degree paths due to issues with some classes for the game degree, so at this moment I’m not entirely sure what I want to do once I’m done with my degree, I’d love to work in video games as an artist but I am also pretty flexible and will do any job that I know I can do well. I enjoy playing video games doing art, my favorite painting is Starry Night by Van Gogh I actually have the painting tattooed on my left upper arm I have 4 tattoos total. I love the color purple and hanging out with friends. I may seem quite when you first meet me but once you get to know me and I open up I’ll talk your ear off. I am also polyamorous, I have a husband and a partner out of state. The pandemic has been hard on my family we are coming out of the worst of it, but like most people we can all agree the pandemic was not nice to our mental health or our wellbeing, I have learned how important it is to stay in touch with friends (within your own capabilities and comfort of course) and finding ways to hangout with people while being distant. anyway its nice to meet you all and hope we all have a good Spring term. By: Brittany Emery

Me and my doggo Riley

P1 This is Chayton

My name is Chayton Storm. I am a 19-year-old college student born and raised in Grants Pass Oregon. I moved up to Springfield Oregon in August of last year and have been living with my significant other and best friend. 

We are almost a year down the road and have done well up here since the move. I believe I was more prepared than several people my age and this is thanks to my outstanding parents who taught me to respect myself and those deserving, openness, honesty, and most certainly responsibility. It has been a blessing now that I am on my own and can take care of the people I love the same way I was taken care of.

I work in a Deli as of today, and have met some amazing people. I was worried about not having connections up here and being stranded when in need, but I have learned to open myself up to people willing to help. I do enjoy what I do, but will be leaving the food service game as soon as possible to jump into the world of media and design.

As far as hobbies go, I do a lot of bike riding. I love to explore the streets of Eugene but I frequently visit Eugene’s skatepark with my roommate. We like to go at 2 or 3 am to make sure we can freely enjoy the park to ourselves while working extremely hard to improve our riding skills. 

I also have been gradually building experience and skill with my camera. After leaving Grants Pass, I don’t explore as much, so I have less opportunities to capture new places and moments in life, so I am focusing on portrait photography. I would like to be much further than I am now, but between work, taking care of my living space, and other hobbies, I don’t get around to it as much as I’d like.

I am an avid gamer as well and am currently working on getting new equipment to fit my tastes and needs. I enjoy fps games, but you can’t go wrong with some action or adventure RPG and even some Survival.

Design and creating have been a passion of mine since I could remember. I was very fond of art and drawing at a young age, but haven’t built on those skills as much as I’d like. Currently I have outlined and designed a small personal clothing brand just out of interest in fashion and creating. I am having a few pieces produced just so I can share them with people in my personal life and community.

That is a quick look into the life of Chayton Storm. I have so much more to accomplish and learn, and I am always taking steps towards that goal.

By: Chayton Storm