Category Archives: Past Student Work

Whom’st am I?

IMG_0872My name is Caleb Lowery, I grew up in a small town called Oakridge. Oakridge is a awesome place to live, there are so many things to do. People call it the mountain bike capital of the world. I like to fish, hike, and play basketball. I’m a huge car guy, I love to work on and drive cars. I’m currently building a 06 mitsubishi lancer evolution. Building cars is definitely one of my biggest passions. My other passion is art. I love drawing and basically making any kind of art. My goal is to one day make my own graphic novel. It is my second year in the Media Arts program. I love it so far, storyboarding is so far my favorite skill I’ve learned. When I’m done with the program I hope I can use all the skills to start making graphic novels and to find a job in graphic design.I work part time at a local Dollar General store. I hate working retail, but it pays the bills. I also do a variety of odd jobs around town, and work with a landscaping business. I have a dog, his name is Boo. He is half english bulldog and half rottweiler. Thats pretty much everything about me, Have a good day!

F17-P1 About Me

My name is Jesse Williams, I’m 20 and recently I moved from California to Eugene in June. An interesting thing to know about me is that I’m actually an identical twin. If you are wondering who is older, it is me and yes I do hold that against my twin. I am and always have been interested in art and music. I can’t remember when I started drawing because it seems like I’ve been drawing my entire life. I find drawing and music to be very therapeutic and relaxing. I find a lot of my inspiration through music while I draw which is why I really enjoy really listening to music when I work on projects. Here at Lane my major is Multimedia Design but it wasn’t my original plan and I kind of shifted to it from graphic design. I’m excited to begin working in Multimedia Design and meet new and great people with great ideas.IMG_1231

Another major important thing to know about me is that I do enjoy gaming and sports. Basketball, football, and track & field are my three favorite sports. In high school I was 4-year all varsity in track & field as a sprinter/hurdler. I ran the 100m, 200m, 300m hurdles, and my personal favorite was the 4x200m relay because relays were always the most exciting races in track & field. As you can see I am a competitive person which is why you’ll find me “casually” playing competitive video games such as League of Legends.

I hope all of you have a great day and peace, love, and positivity!


All About MElia

wordpressphotoGreetings! My Name is Melia and I grew up being told my name is a Hawaiian word for, ‘calm waters before the storm’ . Now at 18 through some Googling I think it’s just a flower and a hotel chain. I moved to Eugene maybe a month ago from Grants Pass Oregon. It’s about two hours south of here. Being new to town I don’t get out much, and still have yet to find a job. With that being said if anyone out there could fill me in on who’s hiring that would be great. I enjoy working and having a schedule it makes me really appreciate my down time. In my downtime I paint, roller skate, and or binge watch varies tv shows. I was once on a roller derby team called The Rogue Skate Cartel. When I find the time I’d throughly enjoy to get back into it. I love attending live shows, music, and art festivals. It’s part of what made me want to join the media arts program. I hope to one day be among the crowds or on stage as a videographer. I hope that this path will connect me to travel and far more experiences than any nine to five office job could ever offer.


2017-09-02.DeejMartinezHi my name is Daniel but I also go by Deej (DJ). Daniel is my father’s name and it took me a while to get used to being called by that name when I started working at 17, but it feels normal and professional now and I don’t care anymore. I’m 26 years old and lived in Hawaii with my big family from 11 to 22 years old. I went to some college there to be a paramedic and became super interested in physiology. The idea to do the paramedic program was from a friend of mine, so I never completed the program. But because of what I learned there I delved into health, and ended up learning a lot about to apply new ideas and knowledge into action (I applied my knowledge to getting results in the gym). I think I cared so much because I used to have lower back issues in my freshman year of college and around the same time that I wanted to start putting on some size. It was pretty cool to understand why things worked the way they did. Working out also became a form of self expression for me because at the time I was a pretty shy person. I became a personal trainer this summer (2017). But I’ve always had a latent interest in arts and media and decided that exploring this interest would be very gratifying and the career move I’d enjoy the most. When I went to school before it was because I felt like I was, “supposed to”, and was just going with the flow. Now I think I’m going to put in the work this time because I’m doing something I really want to do!

Some things I like to do are, write, exercise, meet people, hike, make/EAT food, explore and travel and I think make art but thats what I am here to learn.

When I finish this Media Arts program I plan to create content, or films and make a business around it. I also hope to help other people follow their dreams by making films or photography or training programs that are great and help/inspire others. I also hope to have an positive effect on the way that people relate with the natural environment.

Thanks for readin”.

By: Daniel Martinez

About Me


Hello, my name is Maurissa. I live in Corvallis and have been there most of my life.  I come from divorced parents and was raised by my mom. She is my best friend and I am humbled by her sacrifices to take care of me. I grew up being independent and doing my best at what I did.

I had always dreamed of being an artist. Specifically, I wanted to be a fine artist and make a living at it. I took art classes from middle school all through college; it has always been apart of me. Ironically though, I was not keen on becoming a Graphic Designer. I did not like the idea of creating art with a computer. Yet, I thought of majoring in it. After a mandatory job shadow in my senior year of HS, I freaked out and majored in Accounting.
Fast forward past obtaining business and accounting degrees, I went back to school and just recently graduated with an Associate’s in Graphic Design and discovered that I needed this. In the process, I also fell in love with Web Design. So in the Winter term, I will be seeking my Certificate in Web Design.

When I am not in school, I work part-time at the DMC and just picked up a second part-time job doing design work. I love craft projects and have a laundry list of them to do. I also like watching movies and going out with friends, but if there is a good adventure to be had, I am in!

When I am done getting degrees and certificates, I might become a freelance designer. As of right now, though, I am taking it one day at a time.

Here is to a great term!

By: Maurissa Keller


Hello, My name is James Blake Irwin and I am a student in Intro to Media 101 Fall of 2017.
unnamed     I enjoy listening to music, most recently the 2015 remastered Beatles album 1. One of my favorite albums is The College Dropout by Kanye West. I enjoy the album mostly because it inspires a feeling of freeness in his search for what he cares about. The album recreates his journey from doing something that he is not passionate about and feels trapped from to doing what he loves and feels free and happy doing; creating music. My favorite song(s) from The College Dropout is “All Falls Down” or the outro of the album; “Last Call.” All Falls Down is one of my two favorite because it documents the downfall of the situation that he does not any longer want to be apart of, which is confrontational. Last Call is also one of my two favorites because Kanye literally tells the story of how his career in music production got started.

I massively enjoy snowboarding in the winter. My regular snowboarding spot is Mt. Bachelor in Bend, Oregon. I mostly enjoy backcountry snowboarding versus park setting.

When I finish the media arts program my goal is to be an effective storyteller through media and be able to change the way people think about a certain topic through a piece of content.

About me, Jason Dallas

Hello world, fellow students, teachers, people who may have interest, even those who do not have interest, welcome to my blog page.

          About myself. I am a 43 year old artist originally from eastern Kansas. I have a lifetime history of drawing,  painting,  photography and sculpture. I have resided between western Oregon and New Orleans Louisiana since 1999. I have been a Lane Community College student since 2014.

          My earliest artistic influences in life were multimedia designers. Before a Star Wars movie ever existed, before I knew what Saturday Morning cartoons were, ( do they even exist anymore?), before I had any kind of art education, there was the influence of Jim Henson, and all of his work with Sesame Street, his Muppets, and all of the people he worked with. His work has influenced billions of people around the globe and I can be fairly confident that you can go most anywhere on Earth and have a conversation about the Muppets. Henson was a bold adventurer that made more than mere puppets and children’s entertainment. He worked in every creative world that existed, and was brave enough to venture into new fields of artistic exploration and never let failure defeat him.

         A very important thing I learned from Jim is that it takes not just one, but many imaginations to create something big enough to reach large audiences. I do not want to be just a painter hanging a picture on a wall, but part of a creative team dedicated to building something larger than a single creative artist can do alone.

F17-P1 About Me……Michael Holt


Michael O Holt (mohtown productions)


My name is Michael and I prefer to be called Michael. When I was a kid I would get annoyed when my mom would correct people when they called me Mike. She would always say that my name is Michael, her mechanics name was Mike (he was!) But now its just one of those things that stuck. I am so excited to be starting this multimedia program and being able to start a new career to go with my new life. I had a stroke a year ago and almost died. I’ve spent the last year in recovery and have lost almost 100 pounds! My health has improved dramatically through hard work and dedication to living a cleaner and more productive life. My goal is to keep learning and expanding my love of making music and collaborating with other artists. I’m looking to expand my photo and video making abilities to be a more well rounded audio and multimedia producer. Feel free to contact me about any ideas or just to talk. I love meeting and talking to new people, that’s the best way to learn and expand. I have a mostly complete but ever evolving home digital music studio and I’m looking to do start doing more full audio/video productions. I love being both in front and behind the camera and would love to work with others who do the same.

Thanks and have a great day!

Michael O Holt

About Me


15253614_10205914985472189_9120909321566913665_nMy name is Zori, I’m 19 years old and this is my first ever blog post! I’ve lived in Salem, Oregon my whole life but recently I moved up here to the Eugene area so I can attend Lane Community College. I came across this program entirely by accident. I worked and procrastinated so much during the summer that I forgot about class registration, and I didn’t apply for classes until the second-to-last day. All of my planned classes were taken, so I was scrambling through the Lane catalog when I found this program–Multi-Media Design–and questioned how I never noticed it before, because it looked like it had everything I wanted. I knew for sure that all of the program’s classes would be taken, but I gave it a shot anyways; and to my surprise, they were available! This taught me a valuable lesson, to never procrastinate again; at least not as much.

When it comes to hobbies, I’m a pretty boring person. YouTube is my go-to time waster–It’s my ‘Netflix’. I always find myself watching videos of Gordon Ramsay yelling at people, “You Laugh, You Lose” compilations, and cat videos. I try not to watch too many cat videos however, because then I get homesick about my cats that I had to leave with my family back in Salem. I never thought I’d be a ‘crazy cat lady’, but when I found myself Face-Timing with my cats, it hit me. Whenever I actually leave my house, I find myself taking pictures of anything and everything; as long as it looks interesting to me.

Once I finish the media arts program here at LCC, I’d like to find myself in either photography work, post-production work, or web design. I haven’t quite pinned one down specifically, but at least I have it somewhat narrowed down. From what I always hear about college students changing their majors like underwear, this may change as time goes on. This concludes my giant post of narcissism; Congratulations for making it through to the end!

Just Another Day In Paradise

Oh hello there! Sorry I didn’t see you I was distracted by some dog trying to push me off my couch! My name is Tyler Nichols and I’m from Junction City, OR! Although I was born and raised in Springfield, OR I do enjoy how quiet and small Junction City is. Well except for the train tracks that run right next to my house, those suck. Anyway I’m 20 years old, have four tattoos, and two dogs! I guess I just kind of fell into the Media Arts Program here at Lane. It’s always been a field I tinker with but never actually did anything about so I thought I’d give it a try!

On any given day I’m probably busy! Between school four days a week, work three other days, and trying to help take care of my parent’s two labs it can be a handful! In my down time I like to chill out by playing on my computer. Typically I’d be playing Overwatch or just streaming some movies. I’m a big fan of comic books, especially Marvel, and even more especially Captain America and Deadpool comics! And of course Mickey Mouse has a very special place in my heart!

That’s pretty much the gist of what makes me, well, me! If you ever want to know more just feel free to ask! I like to think i’m a pretty open book!




By: Tyler Nichols