Category Archives: Fall 2019

My Lane Campus Tour Experience (Wirrick-Coad)

Picture 1: The lovely equipment checkout was sadly closed as I went to take pictures of it after 2:00 P.M
They mysterious studio withe the blue cyc wall inside. Just to the left of the equipment checkout! What’s it for? We can only imagine.
The center for student engagement. Funny enough, they were closed but had left the door unlocked, so I went in and took my pictures then was promptly told to leave.
This is the statue in the main art gallery. I wanted to capture the emotions on the statue’s face and I think I’ve captured it well. It actually reminds me of Doctor Who.
The wonderful Art-o-Mat, I didn’t have any cash on me to get anything. Hopefully, I’ll have some money next time I pass it.
The reference counter. People were sitting there and didn’t want to be photographed, so sadly I just took a picture of the words and some glass.
The silver sculpture. I really enjoy the lighting that I got from this balcony across the way. I think my photo shows a lot more of the area and has some neat colors.
I believe this to be Cas’s office but I don’t know for sure. I do know that it was a treat to take a photo of the room and I think the colors turned out great.
This is my picture of the ATC (before it was switched to the SHeD) (Student Help Desk) in the assignment. I didn’t go in because people were working hard and I didn’t want to bug them.
This is Judy Gates’s office! She is really wonderful and allowed me to take multiple pictures to get just the right one.
This is our wonderful teacher’s office. She had just closed the door on me to head to class, so I decided to take this picture and follow her to the classroom.
These are the flags in the Student’s first building. I love all the diversity of flags that we have out here at LCC, not only does it make a pretty picture, it’s very welcoming to all.
This would be my “creative shot”. I really wanted to do a black and white architecture piece and find the perfect setup for the sun to come through the trees and the steps to be slightly lit. I think the photo is incredibly cool looking and has some sort of relaxed vibe to it.

A Lane Campus Tour

The Equipment checkout counter where Media Arts students checkout gear – bldg 18

Really? More photos…

On my third day of photography, I chose to take capture this image after scheduling an equipment pick-up. Glad that we have equipment rentals that are made available to those of us living off of Ramen.   

The Studio with the “Blue Cyc Wall” – bldg 18

Got a Light?

After the equipment checkout, I walked in the studio production room. I found instructor Hughes and Stark working with students on media work. I decided to ninja on through and snap a light and ninja roll out afterwards.

Center for Student Engagement in the Center building

Rat’s POV

On the actual first day of the Scavenger Hunt, I went to the center building to find this one on the second floor. When I arrived, my eyes were glued to the ground due to shadows making patterns. So, I decided to incorporate those shadows with the door to the center.  

The main Art Gallery on campus – bldg 11

Angel among us

The main art gallery was closed the first day and I had to revisit it the next day. The art work in the exhibit were beautiful. There was a video made by two familiar faces on campus (Jan and Mel). It is an adorable video that I enjoyed, but not the focus of my camera’s eye. The bronze colored angel was the one I had to capture. Ingram got me a step ladder so I could get this shot. 

The Art-O-Mat

Where in the hell are the cigs?!

It didn’t occur to me what this item was till I found a fellow student who pointed it out to me. The ART-O-MAT was by far a favorite item since it looked like something out of the 50’s era. For this shot, I intended to make it look aged and abandoned. I love this image.

The Reference counter in the Library

Reference clerk taking a siesta at the moment

I found an abandoned Reference counter that had a certain eerie vibe. The lights have a haunting glow to them and like the yellow strip that goes off frame.

The large silver sculpture that sits outside of the Health & Wellness building 

Where is the other piece?

This was my first stop of the Scavenger Hunt. I took over a little over a dozen shots. I was able to get some nice reflections of the environment from the sculpture. Did run into class mates but we all worked in very well aside from me flipping one of my classmates off. I kid, I actually posed for them.

Ingram or Cas’s office (The Arts division Office Specialists – Building 11) 

Ingram at his gaming station in his “office”

After hooking me up with a step ladder to use for an earlier shot, I harassed Ingram for this shot. I could tell he felt awkward, so I told him to just carry about his day like if I wasn’t there. Good sport. 

The ATC (Academic Teaching Center) in the Center building 

Stop Facebooking and look busy

Figured this was actually the Academic Technology Center. It was easy to find and the staff was very welcoming to being photographed.  

Judy Gates’s office (She is your advisor for Media Arts)

Judy fixing my jacked up education plan

Caught up with Judy hard at work, although she had time to talk to me for a bit. She appreciated that I asked to take her photo fist instead of just assuming that I could.  

Teresa’s office – bldg 18

Into the mouth of madness

Teresa’s office seems to be a room emanates with an eldritch presence. Had to capture the photo before whatever was behind that door decides to pop out. Not in the mood for tentacles dragging me into the void…again.   

The flags or other “identifier” inside of The Students First building 

No shortages of flags here

Failed to realize that we had a massive collection of flags in building 1. I posted up on the second floor to capture this. I wanted the curve and the colors in the shot. While taking photos, a friend stopped by to say hello and then I bumped into another friend on the other end. Always a pleasure to greet and talk to others as I work.

A creative shot of your choosing. 

Ghost above studio

 Ah yes. For this part of the hunt, I had to find a dark and creepy location on campus. I found the look at building 17 in the old studio production room. Light and shadows worked out for my tastes. I got a nice overview of the site and the overhanging light hooked me. I took it to Adobe Lightroom and enhanced the dark and moody effect. I had another photo besides this , but this was my favorite. 

Casing the LCC campus

I’d been referred to the job and sworn to secrecy regarding the origins of the tip. Not that there were many beans to spill, just a list of thirteen clues. However, I was on the hunt for one of the worlds greatest treasures and any clue was invaluable. There’d be time to work on memoirs later, now it was time for the hunt!

Closed equipment counter.
1. The Equipment Checkout Counter – Rumors about campus hinted that this was the place to score gear, if you had the right class credentials.
Studio with blue cyc wall and long table with chairs.
2. The Studio with the “Blue Cyc Wall” – Across the hall from the checkout counter was a prime area for setting up equipment and securing “stellar” shots utilizing the studio’s cyc wall.
room down hall at top of stairs
3. Center for Student Engagement – Examining clue 3, I wondered if I’d stared at the deep uniform blue cyc wall too long.
sculpture of winged female figure amidst art gallery
4. The Art Gallery – Here was a place to recalibrate my perception and seek exposure to a full range of tones and hues. Each exhibit offering a fresh medium for meditation.
ART O Matic vending machine
5. The Art-O-Mat – “We believe that art should be progressive, yet personal and approachable. What better way to do this, than with a heavy cold steel machine?” (AIC)
library student help desk
6. Student Help Desk in Library – Clue six led me to the SHeD helpdesk, a wonderful resource for seeking assistance in the many tools and technologies I’d be utilizing along the quest.
Silver sculpture amidst courtyard
7. Large Silver Sculpture – Captured this shot around the moment Audrey was working on theirs. (Two knees behind signpost) Also, learned about the design of the H&W Building.
office with standing desk, plants, and soft lighting
8. Ingram’s Office – I haven’t gotten to work with Ingram yet, but I know that a standing desk means business and positive ergonomics!
door into Academic technology center
9. Academic Technology Center – Here was a motherlode of specialists all ensuring smooth operations about campus.
office with woman at computer
10. Judy Gates’s Office – I took an opportunity to consult the oracle and confirm we’d charted the right courses for this quest.
office with desk and chairs
11. Teresa’s Office – A serene scene just around the corner from the equipment counter and blue cyc studio.
Country flags from around world, pride flag in foreground
12. Student’s First Building – An initial step in the beginning of anyone’s quest for the ultimate treasure. Prior to taking this shot I was inspired by a custom shirt with the phrase “Positive Energy Only” and also met Lorenzo, who designed the shirt. Quite serendipitous. (I used a cell phone for this shot & #13 so I was not at risk of blinding myself.)
Sunny day
13. A Perfect Day – I’d covered the clues and cased the campus. I was ready to embark on a quest for the greatest treasure. For now, it was rewarding enough to relax and soak up the sunshine.

A walk about LCC

This is Michael and his new work study at the Equipment checkout counter where Media Arts students checkout gear in building 18.

This is the welcome sign to the Center For Student Engagement located in the Center Building.

The Studio with the “Blue Cyc Wall” in building 18, this is were students shoot video with a digitally input background.

This is the main Art Gallery on campus in building 11, where I work part time.

One of my favorite features at the entry of the gallery is The Art-O-Mat!

LCC Library has many great selections for reading and very helpful staff.

This is the large silver sculpture that sits outside of the Health & Wellness building.

This is the door to Ingram’s office (The Arts division Office Specialist – Building 11), his office is right behind the desk where I work at the gallery.

The ATC (Academic Technology Center)n is located in the Center building, they help keep all of our tech running smoothly.

This is Judy Gates’s office (an advisor for Media Arts.)

This is Teresa’s office in building 18.

The Students First building has a ceiling adorned with flags of many countries!

This is my creative shot for this project of my class mate, Roberto.

Resources for Media Arts Students at Lane

First we visited the Equipment Checkout in building 18. Students can check out cameras, tripods, and other equipment needed in the multimedia program here.
Next we visited the “blue cyc wall” which is located in building 18 in my Digital Photography classroom.
This free popcorn machine is in the center building in the Student Engagement center on the second floor. The popcorn was good.
The art building has a couple of amazing art galleries. We found a painting, or a photograph (not sure which one) of Georgia the equipment checkout lady done by our teacher Teresa Hughes.
While we were in the Art building we found the Artomat! An old machine that used to sell cigarettes.
This is the reference desk at the library, I decided to crop it because it wasn’t a very flattering picture of the lady working there.
This is the silver sculpture outside the health and wellness center. We noticed that there are lights on the bottom of it. It would be cool to see what it looks like at night. It might light up.
This is in the art building. Not sure if it is Ingram or Cas’s office.
This is the ATC center located in the center building. I believe they can help if you’re experiencing technical difficulties.
This is Judy Gates Office. She’s the arts academic advisor.
This is our teacher Teresa Hughes’s office.
This is the flags in building 1.
All lastly, my creative shot of this cool plant in the tutor center.

Test by Matt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras mi arcu, facilisis vitae pellentesque quis, consequat vitae tellus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla gravida scelerisque velit et auctor. Quisque ut elit ut quam commodo luctus non eget ex. Proin quam lectus, cursus id eleifend id, sagittis quis augue. Sed convallis, tellus sed tempor facilisis, nisl dolor ullamcorper felis, eget ultrices nisi felis non mi. Morbi scelerisque tortor id arcu placerat, ac mollis turpis ullamcorper. Curabitur volutpat facilisis tellus, nec auctor lectus convallis eget. Ut aliquam, nulla at porttitor viverra, augue purus volutpat quam, quis pellentesque purus odio vel diam. Vestibulum et lacinia leo, ut maximus diam. Phasellus ultrices augue placerat, consequat lorem eget, iaculis dui. Nam pretium urna quis justo scelerisque suscipit.

Krizia’s Lane Campus Tour!

This was a fun assignment to do because even though every one of these landmarks are physically the same; each and every student is going to see them differently and I’m really looking forward to seeing the variations! Here is how I saw this lovely school! —


a melody that no one can ignore

I’m having a real hard time trying to come up with a fun and cool way to start this post without just saying, like, “Hi! I’m Amanda,” so, instead of being witty and interesting:


I’m Amanda!

I’m a multimedia major here at LCC. Last year, I was a film major, so I’ve already taken a few classes further along the first-year course, but I changed my mind and looped back around to give media arts a shot.

For my entire life, I’ve fancied myself an artist and a storyteller. I’ve bounced back and forth between wanting to be an author, a musician, a film director, a comic book artist, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera… But, seriously, no matter what, I’ve got stories to tell, and I’m gonna tell them. That’s why I think media arts will be a good place for me! My dream right now is to found a multimedia production company and have a place for my friends and me to work on projects together, but I’m sure I’ll be on something else in a couple of weeks.

Outside of college, I’m a big podcast nerd and a HUGE cat person. I like to sit in my room and listen to audio dramas and cuddle with my most beloved, sweetest, whiniest, babiest kitty cat, Snickers. I also draw all sorts of stuff and I’m (slowly) learning to play the piano!!

OH, OH, ALSO: I feel like it’s probably worth mentioning that I primarily use they/them pronouns! (“Amanda is an artist. They like to draw and their art is pretty good sometimes. Please be kind to them and give them lots of chocolate.”) She/her pronouns don’t bother me too much if that’s hard to remember, but it’d mean a lot to me if you’d use they/them instead!

I am excited…

I am excited to be starting both the Multimedia Design program here at Lane and my 4th year in Eugene, OR. My partner and I moved out this way from Tallahassee, FL when she chose to pursue her Economics PhD through the University of Oregon. Oddly enough I was a ‘PacificNorthwesterner’ by birth, but I spent most of my early years in Savannah, GA with my 4 younger brothers.

four boys stand with mother, one wears a graduation cap
BottomLeft Clockwise: Oliver, Henry, Maureen, William, Greyson, Ezra

I currently work as an IT Manager at Twenty Ideas, 20i is a software company in downtown Eugene. Before 20i I worked at Imagination International Inc, an art supply distributor, where I worked alongside engineers, photographers, designers, and many more great people. My favorite parts of my job are helping teams to reduce stress, focus on what matters, and work together harmoniously.

When I’m not at work or school you may find me cycling/longboarding about town, enjoying a tasty beverage & book at the Barn Light, or climbing the leader-board of a competitive FPS. I love Eugene’s rich farmland and am often seeking delicious produce at the farmers’ markets. I’m a voracious reader and love learning new things.

I would love to use the experiences gained from the media arts program to create, refine, and amplify positive patterns. Multimedia arts is an exciting creative field that will continue growing as multimedia experiences become richer and accessible to more people worldwide. I haven’t the faintest idea of what area or specialty I will pursue when I finish. I plan only to give my whole heart to every one and see where things go.

I’m excited to begin collaborating with everyone, especially those of you who are also in the Multimedia Design program and/or its courses.

Thanks for reading!


man's face under neon lights spanning the ceiling

P.S. I have a hard time writing as my thoughts are usually racing along a mile a millisecond. John Keats wrote, “The only means of strengthening one’s intellect is to make up one’s mind about nothing — to let the mind be a thoroughfare for all thoughts.” I doubt he anticipated how chaotic our modern ‘thoroughfares’ could become.

I’m all too often caught in a passing detail and whisked off along all the routes that train of thought may take. It often feels like my conscious attention is an infinite roll of paper that variably speeds along in front of me. No sooner have I finished drawing up a perfect picture of a situation or concept before it’s fading out of sight.

F19-P1 About Me By: (Alex Wirrick-Coad)

Hello everyone, I’m Alex. I also go by my middle name Walker considering how many people are named Alex in the world. I’m really into photography and have already taken some classes with Teresa before, so I already have some understanding of the basics that we are covering during this class. I try my hardest to do new things and make my photos better than the previous ones. During my free time I am making music, with my girlfriend, or just being completely lazy and wasting my time on the computer playing video games. I’m incredibly free going and relaxed to the point it might look like Im bored, but trust me, I’m paying close attention. Before taking these classes I was working on my general studies and also working towards a culinary degree. I finally decide (with some help from others) that photographing food would be more fun than getting yelled at for making it. I still love cooking for my family and friends and always strive to make myself better. The thing I hope to do after finishing the multimedia program would be to either transfer to the UFO or work as a freelance photographer or journalist. Still thinking about all that so I’ll get back to you. I hope that I can create some great friendships with you all and also learn some new things from you. I really hope we get to create some cool things together that we can look at and very proud of.
-Alex Wirrick-Coad