Category Archives: FALL 2018

Resources for Media Arts Students at Lane

Equipment Checkout Counter

The equipment checkout was all locked up when I got there.

2-Blue Cyc Wall
Blue Cyc Wall

I was originally locked out of this room, so I had to come back in about an hour or so to take this picture.

Center for Student Engagement

I’ve never actually been in this place, but I am always smelling the popcorn when I go by!

4-Art Gallery
Art Gallery

Every time I am waiting to meet with an academic advisor (Judy Gates), I am checking out all this beautiful art. Come check it out. It’s free!


I know I am not the only one who doesn’t really know what this is. Maybe I’ll learn in this class?

Reference Counter in the Library

The guy working at the Reference counter in the library was trying to charge me five dollars to take a picture of the counter.

7-Silver Structure
Large Silver Sculpture

This is a very interesting piece of art, and I know very little about it. I know that it is covered with engravings, but I didn’t stay long enough to see what the engravings were about.

Ingram’s Office

Ingram was very busy at the time (doing his job, of course), so here’s a picture of his door!

Media Creation Lab

I had trouble finding this place on campus, but someone in the library was willing to show me where it was. He also informed me that this room will be changing to something else, but I can’t remember what it was changing to, unfortunately.

10-Judy Gates
Judy Gates’s Office

Once again, Judy was very busy at that time, so here’s another fascinating picture of a door! I guess I didn’t time my scavenger hunt very well.

Teresa’s Office

I had to take a number of different pictures of Teresa’s office because I would always look back at the pictures and a reflection of myself in the window taking the picture. This angle seemed to be the most useful considering the situation.

Flags in Building 1

I really need to pay more attention, because I just found out that Lane had so many flags of different countries!


This turkey is the coolest turkey on campus! She stood there for about 30 seconds, standing still, just for me to take her picture (or because she thought that if she stood very still, I would eventually leave).

Mary Spilde Diversity Garden

I also decided to take this shot as well because I didn’t want to just take a picture of a turkey; I wanted something a little different and more original. 


Blog Searches!

I found this site immediately interesting because of the aesthetic as well as the amount of articles avaliable. Theres a lot of media to consume that catches the eye. The site also has a plethora of resources for illustrators, online classes, books, and podcasts, to use or simply look into. I think even if a viewer isn’t a illustrator, people who are interested in art and comics would find it enjoyable.

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Amongst it’s many resources I looked into the Freelance Folder to help educate myself on becoming a Freelance artist in my free time.

Interestingly enough the site is also produced by WordPress, although it has it’s own personal domain. The about page mentions the creator of Illustration Age, Thomas James, but no other team members, although considering the amount of media, as well as their other social media, I’m sure he has a larger team behind him.

As far as quality, while the art featured is phenomenal, majority of it’s posts are collections of illustrations with little to no text to context them.

The last link has absolutely no text involved, other then a link to the authors website. While text isn’t necessarily required to look at art, for a blog it does seem strange.

The text is minimal and kept short, even in text heavy posts, like the Q&A with comic artist Aminder Dhaliwal,

I personally would have liked to see more text, contextualizing the art, introducing the artist better, or possibly even analyzing the featured artwork to act as a example artwork for newer illustrators to strive toward.

“Woodsy Studio”: Visual Novel Developing Blog

The name of the Blog I chose to write about is “Woodsy Studio,”

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This website is home for the Visual Novel Developing studio, “Woodsy Studios.” A visual novel is a video game that is more focused on the art of storytelling than game play; there is some agreement however, when it comes to categorizing a visual novel as a video game because of it’s lack of game play. As a person that has always loved anime, video games, storytelling and illustrating, I find Visual Novels very appealing, and would like to challenge myself by creating one, on my own one day.

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I find this blog very useful and interesting since it talks about the process of making a visual novel, updates of progress on their projects, links to their “patreon” and recently, some job opportunities in the voice acting department.

I think this website can serve as an example of what a professional Visual Novel Developer blog, should look like. I also believe that because of their concise and frequent updates, it shows us a glimpse of what the process of making a visual novel is, and how to look for help or talent for your project, since they seem to be open to looking for personnel outside their production circle.

A really cool, and unique feature this website has, is a quiz that you can take that can match you to one of their visual novels, that you might enjoy due to your interests and other factors. This is the first time I’ve seen anything like this, and found it to be very clever when it comes to capturing the attention of a potential customer or client.

I believe this website is of very high quality, the home page is interesting and eye catching, it’s very easy to navigate and clearly organized. If you’re interested in illustrating, storytelling video games, and production of a project such as this one, I highly recommend checking out this blog and doing some more research on visual novels.

-by Monica B

Scavenger Hunt!

There I was, looking like a fool snapping a close-up picture of the Equipment Checkout sign…

Need some equipment? Come to the Checkout Counter!

It’s kind of hard to take pictures of the Studios when they locked! I had to ask someone to let me in…

Blue Cyc Wall…I get the feeling that I should not enter it…

Man, that’s a lot of resources! Thank you Student Engagement Center!!

This where I can get popcorn, right?

I am always amazed by the art in the campus’s own Art Gallery!

I can feel the artistic inspiration!!!

Can’t get enough art by just visiting the Art Gallery? Thankfully, the nearby Art-o-Mat can get you some art for five bucks apiece!

Whew! As a minor, I’m not forbidden by law to buy some art!

Hush!!! It’s the Library!

Looks like a nice, quiet spot to do some reading!

It may not look silver, but this in fact is the Silver Sculpture by the Health and Wellness Building!

You may not notice it at first, but the translucent green tiles are a nice touch!

There I was awkwardly taking pictures of someone’s door. In this case my victim is Ingram!!

Woah! Arts Division Specialist?! That sounds important!!

If the media creation resources of Building 18 just aren’t enough, I’m pleased to announce that there are even more resources located in the library!!

That’s a lot of fancy computers!

Yet again, I was making myself look like a fool by taking pictures of Judy Gates’s meeting sign-up sheet next to her office!

Judy Gates has become my camera’s victim!!

Next victim: Teresa Hughes’s office!

ROOM 222!!! Now that’s easy to remember…

Need help with figuring out where to start? Come to the Students First Building!

If you are wondering why I didn’t take a picture of the flags inside the building, the reason is because I didn’t feel like it! ?

I wanted to have find a turkey to victimize with my camera, but I decided to victimize half of the campus instead!

The Center Building has some nice views, doesn’t it?


Lane Scavenger Hunt


1.The equipment room in building 18


2. The studio “blue cycle wall”


3. Student engagement center


4. The art gallery


5.  Art-O-Mat


6. Library reference


7. Large silver sculpture at “health and wellness occupation.”


8. Mr. Ingram’s office.


9. Media arts lab in the library.


10. Judy Gates Office.


11. Teresa’s office


12. The flags in building one


13. The Fountain by building one

Must know places, for Media Art Students at Lane

First up is the Equipment checkout counter in building 18, the students working here are very friendly and helped me out with some camera tips. Be sure to learn their schedule if you ever need to check out equipment!




This is the Studio room with the “Blue Cyc Wall” in building 18, it’s used as a back drop for photo shoots and video recording. This place opened up in the Winter term so it’s still pretty new!











The Center for Student Engagement is where you can find information about school clubs, fun activities like board games, and popcorn!



The main Art Gallery on campus has different exhibitions all the time, one of my favorite recurring exhibitions is the “Annual Faculty Exhibition.”



The “Art-O-Mat” machine is a very interesting little machine, you insert a $5 and you can get a surprise piece of art varying from tiny sculptures to beautiful earrings and necklaces.



The library is located in the Center building in the second floor, it contains a large computer lab and friendly staff to help you with technical problems and how to find resources or textbooks.



The “Health and Wellness center” can easily be found on campus because of the beautiful, silver structure sitting in front of it. You can capture a lot of beautiful photos, by shooting the structure from different angles.



Ingram is our Arts division Office Specialist, you can find his office in building 11. It was my first time meeting him, but he seems to be very kind and approachable.



The Media Creation Lab is located in the Center building, inside the library. There’s usually plenty of room here, quiet and all adobe creative cloud programs are installed in all the computers. If you have a big multimedia project come here, the ram and storage in the computers can make your projects go a lot faster.




Judy Gates is our Media Arts counselor, she’s very kind and helpful; I wish I had gotten to know her sooner, since she’s been a great source of support for myself and others I’m sure.










Teresa’s office is located in building 18, it’s pretty easy to recognize because of all the little clay figurines lined up on her windowsill.



In building 1 the “students first building,” you can find lots of places and resources such as the “Gender equity center,” and the multicultural center.



Welcome to Lane! Hope you enjoy your time here!


Scavenger Hunt


Blue Cyc Wall. 

You can totally climb the latter in this room if you have a camera in your hands.

Center of Student engagement 




This popcorn is F R E E, and pretty dang good.

Art Gallery

Wonderful works of art from students here at Lane.


I have no idea what this thing is or was used for.

The Reference counter in the Library.

where you can go to find help looking up or verifying a source.

Silver Sculpture

this piece of art has some cool quotes engraved onto it.

Ingram’s office

This dude is really cool about getting his picture taken!

Media Creation Lab

another room of computers in the library

Judy Gate’s Office

awesome counselor! very helpful with any scheduling needs.

Teresa’s Office

These ceramic sculptures are pretty cool! i love the cyborg frog!

Students First Building.

a beautiful display of nations flags from around the world!

a really mad turkey.

this turkey is not a happy camper as I chased it in and out of bushes…


Scavenger Hunt Adventure!


Equipment Checkout in Building 18! Sadly they were closed ?


Blue Cyc Wall Studio in Building 18.


Center for Student Engagement on the 2nd floor of the Center building. 


Main Art Gallery in Building 11.


The Art-O-Mat! I believe…If you feed it money…You can get little pieces of art from it; in the possible form of stickers, or little cards.


Reference Counter in the Library, in the Center Building. 


Silver Sculpture in front of the Health and Wellness Building.


Ingrams Office, The Arts Division Specialist, In Building 11. 


Media Arts Creation Lab, located on floor 2 of the Center Building.


Judy wasn’t in, but here’s her office in Building 11. 


Teresa’s Office, Building 18. 


The Flags in The Students First Building.


A path I stumbled upon behind building 18, that will now be acting as the new shortcut to my car in the back parking lot.


The Life of Isiah

Hi everybody, firstly let me introduce myself, my name is Isiah. I stem from Northeastern Oregon in a small town called La Grande. Most of you probably haven’t heard of it because you could drive right through it without realizing you were even there. It’s one of the many rural towns in Oregon with few things to do unless you’re an outdoorsman. 

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This will be my second year in College, but first year at Lane. Originally I attended Eastern Oregon University and studied English Education. Coming out of High School I thought that teaching was my calling, but after shadowing some teachers I realized it wasn’t the right field for me. Since then I’ve taken a gap year to consider what interests me.

As I binge watched youtube videos and looked through social media profiles I became extremely intrigued with the editing that was done in the videos. This led me to wonder what the process behind it all was. I dove into seeing how professionals edited their videos and told myself I wanted to do that as well.

I decided to change my major to Multimedia design and get my foot in the door. I’ve barely taken any pictures or videos with cameras other than my phone. My hope is to let my creativity soar and find a role in videography. Admittedly I’m not sure if I’m interested in starting my own business, like my grandfather did, or working in a company. Shooting concerts, festivals and possibly music videos is what I am currently interested in and I’m stoked to give it a try this spring and summer.

Isiah Mowery

Resources for Lane Scavenger Hunt

I went on a journey this week in order to find the best places and people to know in order to get ahead here at Lane. My first mission was to locate the Equipment Checkout, a place to get whatever devices we are going to need throughout the next few years.

Equipment Checkout

Found it! This is going to be a frequently visited spot I’m sure! Okay up next we have the studio with the “Big Cyc Wall” hmmm, there’s a door marked studio 1, wonder what’s in there…

Blue Screen

There it is, wonderful. This is where we have photography class as well. Now it’s time for the Center for Student Engagement building. Well that must be in the Center.

Student Success Center

Yup here we are, also there’s popcorn, and it’s free! Our journey should now lead us to the main art gallery, probably in the old media building I’m guessing.

Art Gallery_

Look at this cool bunny-cat-rooster, I like it! This also appears to be the gallery we were looking for…


Nice, we also found the Art-o-mat as well! Let’s check out the library now.


Rows and rows of books, it’s beautiful, a place of learning indeed. I hear there’s a media lab in here too, but first let’s go see the large sculpture outside.

Metal Structure

Look at it shining in the sun, what a cool structure.


And look we have Ingram sitting in his office, look at that pose! Back to the library we have…


Media LabThe media creation lab, there’s also one in building 18 and I’m sure there will be lots of hours typing away on these computers. Looking back towards the old Media Arts Building we have,

Program Advisor_

Judy Gates, our program advisor, working on some fun things I’m sure. Let’s find Teresa Hughs office now.

Hugh's Office_

Look at these cool figures she has in her office! I love the On Air switch as well, it cycles through a ton of different colors. We are almost done with our adventure but a few more stops first.


We have these flags located in the Students First building, a great place to go for all kinds of information about the campus and classes. Finally we turn to, arguably, the most important staple of the Lane campus, the greatest part about the college, and what we’ll be seeing most while we’re here…


The beautiful and majestic turkeys we have running all over campus. I don’t know what they’re doing here, but I think they’re absolutely wonderful. This poor little guy was probably upset that I followed it to get a picture, but it was certainly worth it in the end. Thus our journey is now complete and we have a better understanding of the campus as a whole. Thank you for accompanying me on this wonderful quest, I’m sure there will be many more to come as we continue on!