Category Archives: P1 About Me

P5- Diaz Lady

Link to Project 5:

For project five I wanted to be ambitious and try something new. I combined two ideas together: quizzes and animation. I originally wanted to do a 2d short film of one minute, however I realized that the amount of drawing and coloring I had to do would not be possible within the time limit given.  While in the brainstorming process I created a background, sketches and filmed myself which later on helped with deciding the final outcome. 

Process for Animated Clips

  • Idea. 5 stages of life
  • Collect references that represent the five stages I had in mind.
  • Sketch the key poses for the animation
  • Refine the line work

Process for the  Quiz

  • Search for inspiration on youtube and trivia games
  • Choose color theme
  • Add copyright free  audio to match the trivia theme
  • Add voice over for timer
  • Create templates for the quiz on procreate
  • Add questions and answers

Process for  Video editing.

  • Add all files into premiere pro and arrange music and clips.
  • Adjust the speed of the countdown, correct the pitch
  • Duplicate the countdown 
  • Adjust clip time for the Hint image.

Lastly, upload the video to youtube. 

Struggle: I struggled to color 40 drawings. Changed the approach to be more productive by focusing on having clean linework. 

By Lady Diaz

TAdams P5 Image Editing

By: Tristan Adams

I did my best to include details of 5 of the same object in my frames, five tables, support beams, steps, cars, sections etc. , that I took photos of, and since this was more of a fancy slide show I wanted to make it an old style to it while adding effects to make it look like old slides. For the music I just wanted very calm record formatted music to keep the old style theme with all the audio. Of course I couldn’t show my entire route back to my home through the pictures but I did what I needed to to get the point across. Getting the image on the high way was just recording the whole drive and cropping the image as best as I could so I didn’t risk a crash. Other than that I didn’t actually go to sleep in the final image at five in the afternoon that was really the only way I could think of ending the video. It wasn’t a hard assignment through the work it was more difficult figuring out what I wanted since I still lack going outside in recent time.

Also while looking for the music I started out in free sound and just wanted to give this link because this is a really nice song and wanted to share it.

Project 5, by Jeremy Roman

Grief, as it turns out, is a five letter word. It’s kind of funny how that worked out, seeing how the theme of the project was fives. Grief is something that is not linear. In other words, grief just hits when you least expect it. A certain phrase that reminds you of them. A song, a smell, a color, anything can bring you back to that moment of pain, and the weight of that loss. There are also five stages of grief. In order, they are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

That’s not to suggest they come in that order specifically, or any order at all, they just come when it’s time. Anger is the easiest to spot. I was angry back in 2019 with the captain of my ship when, while on deployment, my grandparents passed away 6 weeks apart and I couldn’t go home because of where we were in the world. Denial can often look like “This can’t be happening!” and often goes hand-in-hand with bargaining (“Please, just take me instead!”). For me, following quickly after anger, was depression.

I couldn’t believe that, of all people that this could possibly happen to, it happened to me. Denial. Why couldn’t this happen to someone else that I didn’t know? Why, if it had to happen to me, couldn’t I at least be allowed to go home and say goodbye? Bargaining. What kind of captain doesn’t even have the guts to tell his sailor that he can’t have his emergency leave approved to his face? Anger. Then comes the depression. For me, my depression at the time took the shape of going through the motions and making “too soon” jokes so that I didn’t have the time to sit and think. Which, as it turns out, is not the healthy way of dealing with things.

Acceptance was hard for me. It took me a while to get there. I got out of the Navy in 2020 (Talk about good timing), and it’s only been within the past two years or so that I’ve really come to accept what happened, that they’re gone, and that it’s okay. Talking about it helps. What helped me more, however, was making things. Exploring grief through making art, writing about it, making short films about it, etc. Just don’t keep it inside.

Expressing yourself through creativity helps a ton, even if no one but you sees it. The point isn’t necessarily to show everyone what you’re feeling, but to capture that feeling in an artistic medium. Also know that, while it can seem all encompassing and everlasting in the moment, the grief will fade with time. It might never stop hurting fully, but at the very least, it becomes manageable.

The best way that I’ve learned to deal with loss in life is to talk about your loved ones. Tell stories about them, share what they taught you with others. That way, at the very least, some part of them will live on.

P5 – MORENA in 5


Here are 5 of my favorite looks! Using my set up at home that I acquired through my husband’s apologies, I was able to shoot these under a lighting set up and a mirrorless camera. Drag is the biggest part of my life right now and I totally did not pick these because I already have them. Drag gave me friends and connections that opened up different possibilities not just in the performance aspect but also with my event photography, producing and hosting career.

I shot the videos using Canon R6 and two studio lights then edited the clips through Adobe Premiere where I used a couple of transitions and cropping. I am still learning how to color grade. For the blue look, I actually tried shooting that in C-log which apparently is the best way to shoot for color grading. And for the photos, most of them are just screenshots from the videos. i shot in 4K, did a couple of poses so I could pause and take a screenshot with little to zero motion blur. Then I used Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom to showcase the looks better and to make the necessary adjustments to make me look prettier because there are things you just can’t hide in 4K and I’m definitely not talking about my pores. If you are interested in drag feel free to check my instagram @themorenaqueen.

go count.

I wanted to use this video assignment as an excuse to work with different types of light-end visual effects and transitions that I had picked up from another class that I’m currently taking. There were a few rough moments, but when dealing with most of the issues that came into play, I was able to discover a work-around. In addition, I was often finding myself getting lost in options and possibilities. While this is not a bad problem to have, it is one that could have drowned me if I had let it. I needed to learn how to relax on the controlling aspect and let myself see the video in its entirety and not obsessively focus on its little pieces. So this was also a good exercise in learning how to make fast decisions and manage production time.

I enjoyed the fact that this made me want to go further in different areas of editing and video production. It was something that I did a bit of in high school, and I had forgotten how much passion I held for it. It’s been a beautiful thing to come back to, and I have a lot to learn. I’m looking forward to the work.

by: Erin Schooley

P5 Image Edit: Max Klug

This little guy was primarily done in Premiere. It took me a little bit to get everything just right, tweaking all what needed to be tweaked. Then, there it was. My beautiful list of the Top 5 weddings to ever occur. “Mwah,” I say, “Mwah!” One of the idea eggs that lay incubating in my brain cracked during one of my morning shifts as a janitor. I stopped everything I was doing, shot my index finger straight up in the air, and went, “Eureka! It’s perfect! The top 5 weddings!” My boss, however, was furious. “What’s going on with the THIRD toilet in the SECOND women’s bathroom?! Didn’t I ask you to clean it? What’s all this ‘eureka’ gobbledygook?! Shut up, ah? Jeez, you got the personality of a dead moth.” My boss is actually the infamous American comedian and actor Don Rickles, hence the particularly harsh demeanor (I didn’t take it too personally.) I aimed for this project, along with my last project, along with just about everything else I’ve worked on, to be at least somewhat surreal. Honestly, I love toying with people’s heads. I’m typically uninterested in things that are predictable. If there’s anyone out there who watched this video that knew exactly what was going to happen as it happened, let’s be friends for the rest of our lives.

By: Max Klug

P4 Audio Jurnee Mickelson

By: Jurnee Mickelson

For this assignment, I wanted to tell one of Aesop’s Fables, “ The Bear & The Bees ”. These short stories are intriguing and interesting to read. I wanted to find one that had wildlife characters, and an environment in the forest. I also chose “ The Bear & The Bees “ because it was a Fable that I hadn’t heard before and wanted to learn something new along with this project. My ultimate goal with this P4 Audio project was to tell this story using dialog, including environmental sounds and give the listener a more immersive listening experience. Adobe Audition is super new to me, and I had a great time playing around with the program for this assignment. There is still so much  to learn and utilize in Audition and I look forward to improving my audio work. The audio effects and ambient noises I used were all free, non copyrighted audio downloads on They range from sounds like ambient forest/field sounds, with birds chirping in the background, a swarm of bees flying around and darting near the microphone, to a cannonball splash sound effect to enhance the section of the fable that talks about the bear evading the bees by jumping into the water. The Sound Cloud bear photo is also non copyrighted and free to download. Overall I feel like I understood this assignment and learned more about audio editing programs. 


A man uses a laptop while it is engulfed in flames.

By Nicole Sherman 
on Tuesday I was thinking about this assignment, anyway I started to listen to the sounds around me such as the rain. Walking to the cafeteria I noticed that I couldn’t hear the sounds inside but when i when in the sounds of the rain were gone replaced with talking and piano music. So my original plan was to have a werewolf of some sort going inside from the rain. So anyway the original idea I was going for was to illustrate the feeling of coming inside from a storm. Unfortunately I couldn’t do this idea because I got sick before I could record anything. 

eventually I got the idea to reuse the sounds that I collected from mixkit and uppbeat for my original idea. Putting them into my audio I realized that it wasn’t exactly one minute long so you can kinda hear me stalling for time at the end. My goal with this project was to kinda meet the requirements honestly, but it was also about things not going as planned. Then trying to figure out something last minute. It also delves into performance anxiety in me trying to tell the story not with words but with sounds. 

speaking of things going wrong the program that I used broke on me last second. Which is why their isn’t any music because I couldn’t find any that would fit and I just couldn’t add the music for some reason. So yeah making this audio was a complete disaster. 

Typing on keyboard- Mixkit

Paper scrunched into ball- fascinated sound- Uppbeat

Lightbulb idea twinkle- betacut- Uppbeat

Footsteps on tall grass- Mixkit

Heavy rain and thunder in background- Mixkit 

Children screaming- smart sound – Uppbeat 

Wearwolf howl distant dark location- locran – Uppbeat

Haley Johnson – P4 Audio Project – The Shire

This assignment was a fun journey of learning new skills and eventually being able to realize my initial idea. In the beginning I had many different scenarios in mind, but I was able to settle on my final product because it is what I found the most inspiring. My concept allowed for a lot of room to expand on sound effects and the overall atmosphere I wanted to convey. It was a bit challenging in the beginning trying to find ways to get the effects I wanted in my audio, as well as collecting all the sounds I wanted to use; but once it started clicking it was a smooth process that really became enjoyable. My least favorite part was recording my own voice for the narration, because I could never feel satisfied with my voice and the way I read my story. But once I added all of my various audio in to create my mix, I felt satisfied with the result. I want the feeling of my project to be a calm, cozy morning in a beautiful hillside town straight out of the Hobbit movie. The Shire.

By: Haley Johnson

P2 Riddle

By: Fedya Lockwood

One sheet, two-sheet, three sheets or four…some use less and some use more. What am I? : book

What has arms and legs, but no head? : chair

What can’t be burned in a fire nor drowned in water? : rock

I have a big mouth and I’m quite a load. I’m not gossip, but I get involved in everyone’s dirty business. What am I? : washing machine

Stepping out? Wear me first! I’ll protect your feet from the worst. : shoes

Tall and strong, I stay outside. The sun, the rain, they’re by my side. I give birds homes and help you breathe. I even give you fruit to eat. : trees

Here I come and there I go. I move really fast, anywhere I go. That’s why you take me when you’re in a hurry. When I zoom by, I might look blurry. : car

Kick up your feet, if you will. I’ll keep you company through Netflix and chill. Though you might not notice, I’m always here, to hold your zines, your snacks, and beer. : table

You say we’re pals, that we’re best friends. But only until the morning ends. You say I give you fuel for the day. And when we’re done, you’re gone away. : coffee

Don’t frown at me, I made it clear. Won’t make a difference if you’re near. Just stand in front and I’ll show you exactly how the world will know you. : reflection