Tag Archives: Sp-P5 Final Project

P4 Audio – Rob S.

My goal for this assignment was to create an interview with one of my bandmates with Nevermix. I wanted to create feeling of a professional interviewer talking about someone’s experience as a musician and what their goals are as member of a newer band writing our own songs. Being part of a new band itself is an exciting experience. And I wanted to get to know one of my bandmates a little better. Really though, it’s an excuse to share the band and its members for people to become more familiar with. Because we will get out there and show the world

It was relatively simple with my experience with recording and editing audio. The difficult part was using an editing platform I’m not overly familiar with already. Helps me broaden my skills and experiences by working with new programs and new effects, as well as a new form of audio entertainment I’ve never experienced before. Working with something as simple as sitting down with one other person made me realize I don’t need to have my voice present for the initial interview since I can record my voice asking the questions at a later time, making both voices as clear as possible.

P4 Audio – Frankie and His Fly Friend

With this story I was hoping to bring some laughs with a weird story about these frogs and toads and creatures you would imagine that lurk around in dirty swamps. I was hoping to grasp the idea of the atmosphere with the background “music” being sounds of crickets chirping in the night and introducing you to this sort of personified world that these creatures live in, with the breaking news sound effect in the beginning you can tell these critters clearly live in some sort of civilized society, giving context clues about the type of universe we’re possibly residing in. I was hoping to make a short comedy. It ended up being a minute too long so I had to shorten it a bit and add what I think would be considered a classic (to the generation of memes) “to be continued” song that is often used in a lot of memes. I went to youtube for my sound effects of the frogs ribbiting, and I tried messing with lowing the voice. I am very new when working with audio and sounds, still learning of course so it’s not perfect but I put my spirit into it. I hope you get some laughs out of this, whether or not you end up laughing with me or at me.

By Remedy Brady

P4 Audio – Bianca H.

BOTTOMS UP TRADE SCHOOL (B.U.T.S) – Radio Advertisement

For this project I wanted to show a little humor on a make believe scenario about dropping out of a four year university and looking up a trade school called Bottoms Ups Trade School (B.U.T.S. I made this school up for this project.) I think that high school teachers and college counselors underemphasize trade school and don’t really advertise it as a different option for higher education. I have friends that share their stories with me on how people react when they learn how much they make a year and share how they don’t have any student loan debt. I personally like going to school, so I don’t intend to drop out, just to make that clear.

I was unable to run Audacity on my outdated laptop, so I got creative and used iMove. They have great options for foley sounds and royalty free music. I am happy how this turned out. I hope you all enjoy it! 

P4 Audio – Jazlin

For this project I was not really sure what I wanted to do. I struggled with thinking up a topic so I decided that I could do something about that. So my little story is basically about me trying to get a assignment done but my cat keeps interrupting me. 

I wanted to try and keep my project simple. I have not done much in the way of audio editing before and that was still a very long time ago. Recording my own voice is something I don’t do often and I really found it awkward listening to my own voice over and over as I tried editing me project. I feel like I should defiantly spend more time working with audacity and other audio programs to get a better feel for them. I especially found working with incorporating music tricky and feel like I need to experiment with it more. I would also like to to try doing more with recording my own sound effects. I recorded one for this project but because its tricky to get recordings of my own cat meowing I had to use recordings I found.

-By Jazlin Sobel

P4 Audio – Jazlin

For this project I was not really sure what I wanted to do. I struggled with thinking up a topic so I decided that I could do something about that. So my little story is basically about me trying to get a assignment done but my cat keeps interrupting me. 

I wanted to try and keep my project simple. I have not done much in the way of audio editing before and that was still a very long time ago. Recording my own voice is something I don’t do often and I really found it awkward listening to my own voice over and over as I tried editing me project. I feel like I should defiantly spend more time working with audacity and other audio programs to get a better feel for them. I especially found working with incorporating music tricky and feel like I need to experiment with it more. I would also like to to try doing more with recording my own sound effects. I recorded one for this project but because its tricky to get recordings of my own cat meowing I had to use recordings I found.

-By Jazlin Sobel

Audio p4 Quinn

H.P Lovecraft’s The Festival

In typical Quinn Brown fashion I got in WAY too over my head for this project. At the beginning I knew I wanted to read a passage from an HP Lovecraft story so I chose to read from “The Festival” because of it’s descriptiveness and the fact that it’s one of his more underrated short stories. The story is about a young drifter who returns to the town of his ancient ancestors, but when curiosity gets the better of him he’s ensnared in a dark ritual known only as the festival. The first major problem that I encountered was the fact that the scene described in the paragraph I chose is meant to be almost completely silent. This meant that I had to try my best with simulating the ambiance of the scene by making it sound like a large group of people quietly walking past the listener. I’m not completely happy with the result but I should have known from the start that it would be hard for someone with as little experience as me to mix a scene like this.

Roadtrip Nation

Matt Ogens, Director

Matt Ogens had a passion for storytelling and art, but had no idea it could be a career, so he majored in business at Tulane university in Louisiana because that is what everyone told him to do. One summer he worked on Wall Street, specifically in the World Trade Center. Then he received job offers, but realized that he wanted to take a chance on becoming a director. While looking for ideas for a short film, he was held at gunpoint, so he made a film about violent crime. He then worked as a production assistant, and later was hired as a director on a documentary series on ESPN where he was nominated for three Emmy Awards.

By Dimitri

P4 Audio- Shawn Zousel

With this project I originally wanted to make a story but after watching a few episodes of Rick and Morty with my roommates I was a bit inspired by the intergalactic cable episodes and this is what came out of it. The “service” I am providing with this ad was targeted for kids and so I chose to use some sing-songy background music on top of kids cheering sound effects. I feel like this definitely brought it home and I found myself laughing a ton while editing it. In the future I think I’ll avoid using my laptops microphone as it sounded a little grainy but overall I think it turned out okay. While this service definitely is not available I hope that if it was none of you would ever recommend it haha. I wish I could’ve made it a little longer but I feel like that would’ve taken away from the “fake advertisement” feeling I was trying to convey so I made it short and sweet and to the point. I think that if it went on any longer it would’ve felt less like a commercial and would’ve caused the feeling to dwindle out a bit. I hope you all enjoy hearing this as much as I enjoyed making it ?

P4 Audio by Jabre Reyes

Credit to visual on the direct link

What I was trying to accomplish with my Audio Project was to NOT use a lot of narrating to describe the actions in the scene, and to only focus on ambience and dialogue. The character I voiced is talking aloud to themselves and or other objects the entire time, and although my voice acting is not that of a professional- I hope I was able to capture the idea that the character was there on the island for a long, long time alone. My personal experience with this assignment was actually a little frustrating- not from not knowing the program (I’ve used it quiet often before for other personal projects), but because of the fact that I couldn’t find good sounds of someone hitting two damn rocks together. Can you believe that? I searched for DAYS. I even looked in my yard for some decently sized rocks but all I had were PEBBLES. I had to ask my friend to run outside his home and smack some rocks together MULTIPLE times to be able to get the sound I wanted, and felt insane. Made me deathly wish that I had the “play room” that was shown to us in a video in class last week. Other than that, everything else was a lot easier for me to find- the free to use fire sounds, the crickets, the steps- literally anything except the rocks. Enjoyed it all besides that (and the voice acting).