May 7th, 2016- Autzen Stadium @bradyygreyy
Nitro Circus- 05-07-2016
What Was The Event?
On May 7th, 2016 I had the chance to go to a Nitro Circus event at Autzen Stadium in Eugene, Oregon. This event was the perfect opportunity for me to do this project and also to have the chance to get to watch professional FMX, Skateboarding, and even a guy nicknamed “Wheelz” in his wheel chair do crazy, and dangerous stunts. Hopefully to give you guys a better idea of what nitro circus is, I’m going to try and explain it in a way of witch I experienced it. What was interesting to me is that this event in Eugene was one of their largest stops on their North American tour. Half of Autzen stadium was filled with 17,000 people. Waiting for these crazy athletes too perform crazy unseen stunts. I was pretty excited, and I honestly could not wait any longer for it to start.
I was also excited to see “Aaron” as known as “Wheelz”, and “Street Bike Tommy” because they were really the only original nitro circus crewmembers that I recognized from the nitro videos and movies that I have watched/seen. “Wheelz” is a friend of Travis Pastrana that does crazy unknown stunts with his wheelchair. “Wheelz” is the first guy to turn his disability (Spina Bithia) into an ability that will pioneer an all-new extreme sport. Mostly everyone here was new to the freestyle crew for the nitro team. They were all really good and did some amazing stunts, but it would have been cooler if all the original guys were their. The FMX riders did all the known tricks or freestyle such as the “superman”, the “whip”, and the “backflip”. It was also fun to see the skateboarders and BMX guys do their stunts and tricks, street bike tommy (the speaker) did name all the tricks, but when having too much fun, I honestly forgot them all.
Nitro Circus Blog – Eugene, OR @nitrocircus
The speaker of Nitro Circus (Street Bike Tommy as they call him) was great as well. He really kept the crowd engaged to what was going on, and to what they were doing. He spoke with enthusiasm, and excitement. Letting everyone know a little known information on how they come up with the stunt, as well the effects of it if they did it wrong. He really brought the crowd to an overall involvement. For one stunt he asked for thee Volunteers, two of them would ride with “Beau Bamburg” a local FMX rider from Beaverton, Oregon to do a backflip with him and the two volunteers on the back. The good news is that the stunt overall turned out to be successful, as the volunteers when for it. Although street bike Tommy made them sine wavers as well as shows them pervious footage fatal events that happened when this stunt was performed in the past. As for the last volunteer, he as well did a backflip, but on a bmx bike. I can’t remember the bmx, freestyle riders name all that great, but all in all this stunt turned out the same. Thankfully know one was hurt in either one of them. The three brave souls that they picked did get to keep the FMX gear that was provided for their safety as an award for entraining the crowd.
The overall presentation seemed to be great to see. For people that are into this type of media/professional practice like me, it was a overall fun, and great time. I thought this would the overall a great way in showing a professional practice that in someway showed activity towards media. Too bad they wouldn’t let me fly my drone for a video.
By: Brady Grey