Category Archives: Past Student Work

Resources for Media Arts Students at Lane


It is at this very door where I can checkout a fantastic camera to play around with (for class obviously).



I must say, that blue wall looks a lot better while on the other side of the door.



The Center for Student Engagement is very welcoming with their door wide open.



It was weird walking into an art gallery with my camera out ready to take pictures… ” NO PICTURES”.



I couldn’t really tell what this what but I get the feeling that it could be older than me. It sure looks like it.



This sure was the quietest library I’ve ever been in.



They say that when the light is just right this sculpture makes cool reflections.



I was hoping to meet Mary for the first time but she wasn’t in her office.



This sure looks like a place where one could stay for quite some time to finish up their Media Arts homework



I have yet to talk to Judy. Maybe I should change that since I’m in a Media Arts program here.



I just have this feeling that a good chunk of time will be spent here



My first time in this building I must not have ever looked up…



In my old high school these things are a dime a dozen. Yet here at Lane I have only ever seen one pencil sharpener.


By: Tevin Goddard

F17-P2 Scavenger hunt.

Everyone loves a scavenger hunt! (Well, maybe not everyone…)

Here are 13 locations that are essential knowledge for Multi Media Design students at LCC.
1. The equipment check out counter in Bldg 17.
2. The studio with the “Blue Cyc Wall”, Bldg 17.
3. The Center for Student Engagement on the 2nd floor of the Center Bldg.
4. Main Campus Art Gallery.
5. Artomat!
6. One of many reference desks in the Library.
7. The sculpture outside of the Health and Wellness Bldg.
8. Mary Jo Kriendel’s office. (Arts Division Office Specialist)
9. The Media Creation Lab in the Library.
10. Judy Gates’s Office. (Academic Adviser for Media Arts.)
11. The “commons” or “Indy Lab” in bldg 17.
12. Flags all over the “Student’s First” bldg.
13. Construction Zone.


About Me


Me, Family and Friends

I am a cat/dog lover (mine only) and own 2 dogs and 4 cats. The pets are my friends and help me when I get upset with things. I am an easy going person most of the time. I find the time here at lane fun, but stressful from time to time. Some classes were the best classes CIS 101 and 102. With what I learned from these classes I have been able to track down hackers that have hacked my computer by obtaining the IP address from the security logs my computer records and reporting it to the authorities. I enjoy time with my family especially my nieces and nephew. I enjoy video games (Skyrim (PS3) and Summoners War (android Tablet) and time with the family doing arts and crafts as well as cooking together. My eldest niece Sabyn is quiet the cook. We cook a lot of desserts and sometimes dinner as a team. I also like to connect with my instructors here at Lane Community College; it helps smooths things when I need to see them in their offices. They are always willing to help and work with me on difficult projects/concerns. When I am done getting my degree I plan to work for a gaming company/theme park in the advertisement department. I have always wanted to work at a theme park since I was 7 and went to Disneyland for my birthday. Something there calmed me and wanted to return since.- Jeremie Balek

The Locations to Know as a Media Arts Major at Lane CC

  1. Check out, The Equipment Checkout Counter where Media Arts students checkout gear, cameras, lighting equipment and more! Make sure to reserve ahead of time. – On first floor of Bldg 17Scavenger_Hunt_10
  2. The Photography Studio with the “Blue Cyc Wall” (“Cyc” is short for Cyclorama, aka blue or green screen). – Also located on the first floor of Bldg 17 Scavenger_Hunt_11
  3. Center for Student Engagement in the Center building. *See free popcorn just through that doorway. – located on the second floor of the Center BldgScavenger_Hunt_1
  4. See student creative work in the main Art Gallery on campus. – located on the first and only floor of Bldg 11Scavenger_Hunt_3
  5. The Art-O-Mat. An original artwork dispensing machine, just $5. – Located in Bldg 11Scavenger_Hunt_4
  6. The Reference counter in the Library. Ask your questions here, I do when I have printer problems or am looking for something specific on campus. – Located in the Center BldgScavenger_Hunt_2
  7. The large silver sculpture that sits outside of the Health & Wellness building. – You can’t miss thisScavenger_Hunt_7
  8. Mary Jo Kreindel’s office (The Arts division Office Specialist). – Located in Bldg 11Scavenger_Hunt_5
  9. Media Creation Lab in the Center building. Need more time to complete a project? This is where you will have access to a computer with Adobe Suite until 7pm Mon – Fri. – Located in Library in the Center BldgScavenger_Hunt_9
  10. Judy Gates’ office (She is your advisor for Media Arts). If you haven’t met Judy, she is a very knowledgable about the program you are attending as a Media Arts major. Book a time with her to look into the crystal ball of your future at Lane CC. – Located in Bldg 11Scavenger_Hunt_6
  11. “The Commons” area on the 2nd floor. Meet, converse, hangout and study with your fellow Media Arts Majors here. – Located on second floor of Bldg 17 Scavenger_Hunt_13
  12. The large hall representing many countries in the Student Services Center. Financial Aid, Advisors, and Placement testing are located here. You will see the inside of this room if your are just starting your time here at Lane CC. Located at Bldg 1 Scavenger_Hunt_8
  13. The LCC turkeys are our unofficial mascots! The real Titan. – Located everywhere, as long as you aren’t looking for them.Scavenger_Hunt_12by: Daniel Martinez

about me again

Hey there! my name is Clifford. (cliff, cliffo, is fine) Born somewhere in the South Pacific, I’ve been living in Eugene since I was six and have really embraced the culture. :P. I’m a multimedia production student at lcc.

I really enjoy media in general.  I love movie’s, music, its hard to choose a favorite movie, band, show etc. with all that’s out there I like to  find out what you might previously enjoyed and recommend from there (which im happy to do or talk about at anytime). I love to collaborate on projects, when I finish the media arts program I would like to continue to find like minded artist and bring them together for  brainstorming/colabrative work. I love nature and sight seeing and have a big todo list but seem to fill up my time with basic day job and responsibility stuff yada yada etc.

I love to collect books but I am really falling behind on reading my ever-growing collection and I don’t know how to handle this compulsion.

making people laugh and working in a team are my strong points…. most days. looking forward to learning and sharing.  hmmmmmmm. yup! that’s all! see ya later!pic

Locations To Know: Media Arts

Equipment Checkout Was Closed
He Longs for the Big Blue
Free Popcorn in the SEC!
Objects of Affection: Andrea Ciaston
Gotta Love the Help Desk!
Sunlit Silver Statue
Mary Jo’s Personal Touch
Taking Advantage of the Media Creation Lab
Judy Hard at Work!
Always Someone in the Indy Lab
Counseling Center for All Your Needs!
Gotta Find Time to Relax


By: Tyler Nichols

About Me


Hi everyone my name is Andrea, I’m here at Lane taking the multimedia program. I moved here from Lynnwood, Washington in 2014 and even though it’s been three years it seems like I still find and discover new things every day. I had never been to Eugene before even though I spent the first 15 years of my life in Monmouth, Oregon, which is a tiny little town about an hour away from here.

When I originally enrolled here I was working on getting a transfer degree for Fine Arts due to an interest in drawing and painting but after taking a class on film theory I met a lot of people that were in the multimedia program and decided that was the way I wanted to go. I love that there are so many mediums you can learn and develop skills in, so far there hasn’t been any aspect of the program I’ve disliked, though there have been ones that are challenging. I’ve always been really interested in music, tv, film and animation so I really feel that this has been the right path for me to go down. Outside of school I work part time at a restaurant and enjoy spending time with my friends and family when I can.

Who, What, When, Why, and Where?


Hello there. My name is Emma Rose. I live with my best friends, Zoey, and Eli in our cozy apartment. I have three sisters, Skyla, Megan, and Maci. I was born and raised in California, but I have lived in Oregon for most of my life. In the past decade I have visited almost half of the United States and eventually I plan on traveling all over the world. Due to my slightly nomadic background, I have been introduced to many different culture patterns and morals. I believe this has impacted me the most in grasping a better understanding of myself and what I want to give and get from the world. My primary interests are music, nature, art, and animals. I also love to snowboard, longboard, dirt bike, rock climb, slack line, photograph, draw, paint, sculpt, travel, and much more. I have been lucky enough to pursue many of my interests including cheerleading, military programs, and flying a plane. I have also done acting, sound production, and worked my way from stage crew to stage manager for my high school theatre program, along with managing a few small local performances. I was lucky enough to manage the largest production our theatre had ever performed. Unfortunately after the show, I released an emergency brake resulting in a $12,000 incident and some insurance problems for my school. Despite my mistake and newfound fear it generated, I continued to fulfill tasks and persevere through the remainder of my time there. I left theatre to get a job teaching me professional, organization, and leadership skills. A year later I earned a promotion and won best of the best for the year. Though I loved my job terribly, I moved to Eugene. I am now majoring in Multi-Media Design, and I just want to be happy.

By: Emma

About me… That one loser

Greetings and salutations,

Tis I that one consistently late person whose name is Justin Radillo. I began the media arts program mainly because I am an indecisive piece of work who couldn’t decide on whether media arts or graphic design (still haven’t decided). I am a rather shy person with horrible time management skills and very nonexistent social skills. My free time is mostly consists of reading a plethora of different books, drawing a ton of abstract and strange things for my art classes, or video games with my high school friends, but there is one more neat’o burrito thing to know about me and that is I work at a Fred Meyer’s, yeah at that good old soul crushing emporium chain of goods and people pissed off that the bottle return is down do to the fact that those machines pre date the ancient Grecians. Alas I digress, anywho the main reason I went into the media arts program is because I have had a huge fascination with animation ever since I was little and I saw that it was in this program of study, and as the years have gone on I also grew a vague interest in video editing. My goal while I am in this program is to just do everything so I have a basic idea of what I do well with and what I am horrible at.