Category Archives: F16-P4 Audio

Nice to Meet You

Hello! My name is Brittany Large, I’m an animation/ illustration major at Lane Community College. If being a nerd were more of a major I’d do that too.

I adore the whole culture of nerdom and I think it’s very professional and fun at the same time, which I rather enjoy. What is being a nerd to me? It’s expressing yourself through different mediums such as art, music, writing, photography, you name it! Even nerding out is an expression in it’s self because it’s an expression of passion. With that in mind, there’s a lot out there to nerd out about.

What I like to nerd out about is anime and my Soundcloud account, also animation in general. Anime, I can’t stop watching it, can’t stop drawing it, so might as well make a life out of it and have fun with that. My Soundcloud I’m a producer, I like to cultivate sounds I think are fun or inspiring. One could say that I’m nerding out with sounds, if your interested what I do produce my username on Soundcloud is misamisia. Animation isn’t just anime, so I added this because I also love animation in general, it’s even my major. There’s a certain beauty to adding movement to art that is so full of life and inspiriting. So if you’ve read this far, thank you! I understand time is very valuable especially in the creative field. Any feedback is greatly appreciated?20161003_101539-2

About Me

I am Kirk Hollins, 34-year-old from Seattle Washington. I’ve lived in Eugene for about 6 months. I grow up in a black community, so moving here is a big culture shock for me. I have 3 children  Kirk Jr, Ayona, Tatianna that I am blessed to raise in this indifferent world of today. I love 14344155_1152711271490494_6742060218887459804_ntelevision and music hence, why I’m in the media arts program at Lane. I’m a very ambitious person and when I put my mind on something I will find a way to do it. I came from a world of darkness and turn it into something beautiful. An old man once told me that,” the past doesn’t make you who you are but gives you a story to tell the world.”5 years ago I couldn’t see myself in the this picture you see above here; now it is not enough. I on a one trip to the top and regardless of the bumps in front of me I can’t and won’t be stopped. Life can be a dream or a nightmare it’s all up to you. I learned in my short life, that giving up when there’s no hope and you feel can’t take another step cannot be an option.To starve when there nothing to starve for but maybe to eat, to keep you head up when you feel your just getting step on. today maybe a nightmare, but tomorrow could be a dream come true.

32 Flavors


Every once in a while, you get a chance to start over. I married early and had many small children soon. My entire twenties were spent taking care of my four kids. I was pregnant and/or nursing nonstop for over seven years. When the youngest went to kindergarten, I finally got to work on what I wanted to be when I grew up. My path led me to going back to school to pursue a career in multimedia arts. My current career goal is to help an entertainment company make beautiful media. I restarted my college education last year by taking art and digital media classes at Linn Benton Community College. I transferred to Lane when I realized they had the perfect degree for my goals.

I have been married for twelve years to my balancing force, Kyle. He is the yin to my yang, the left brain to my right brain, the Greg to my Dharma, and my partner in crime. We’ve learning lots of communication and parenting skills together as we raise our kids. We’ve weathered having many small children, him working through beginning years teaching/being the only tech person at a school, and my deconversion from our shared religion a few years back. Our kids are full of enthusiasm and fun, with a variety of emerging personality traits. As a family, we’re all into board games, outdoor adventures, and Hayoa Miyazaki movies.

Extended Family. We’re the six on the far right.

I am a secular humanist and very passionate about human rights. My ENFP personality means I love interacting with people, brainstorming lots of ideas, pursuing highly creative hobbies and jobs, and I am strongly intuitive with feelings and communication. I’ve tried out many different creative hobbies. The ones that have stuck around longest are photography, fiber arts (knitting, crochet, yarn spinning), and 2D art forms (drawing, oil painting, and digital illustration).  You can see my portfolio online here.


Music artists: Florence and Machine, Foster the People, Haim

Shows: Orange is the New Black, Modern Family, Stein’s Gate, Fullmetal Alchemist

Podcasts: Alice Isn’t Dead, Snap Judgement, Two Dope Queens

Foods: Thai food, brownies, and coffee

A Retro Poster Recreation I made using Adobe Illustrator

This term, I’m very excited about learning the concepts of 4D design and adding film to my creative pursuits. I’m equally excited to work with others and see their creative styles. I’m Diana, and thanks for reading. If you’re dropping a comment, I’d like to know a movie or show that you love to watch over and over.

About Me

Cashmere and I

Hi, my name is Jordan Rich. I am 20 years old and a Gemini if that means something to you. This is my second year at LCC. I am a political science major but I also love journalism. I got the awesome opportunity to become the opinion writer at the Torch here on campus.

Right now I live with my girlfriend Frankie, her dog Petey, my cat Cashmere and our three other roommates in a house near the University of Oregon. I currently spend my free time watching Youtube videos or playing League of Legends or Pokemon Go.

I am interested in Multimedia because I understand the importance of adapting journalism into accessible online content with visual and audio elements. Some of the things people do with their video editing simply amazes me and I would love to get to a level of skill where I could create the content that I want to see.

Before moving to Eugene for college I lived in Cave Junction, a small time in southern Oregon. It was impossible to get decently fast internet there. For the same price here you get ten times the speed  and as an internet junkie I think that is my favorite part about moving here.

I am introverted and fairly shy but I won’t let that stop me from trying to become a better person. I am really hoping for a great term full of growth and success.

Our Introduction [F16-P1 About Me]


My name is Alexander Driskill, or Xander for short. I am a first year student at LCC, but I am no stranger to College. My first attempt at College started in ’08, but with no direction I floundered and dropped out, thinking it just wasn’t for me. Now I’m trying my hand at it again with a clear direction in the Multimedia Design Program.

My hope is that when I finish here I’ll be proficient in Video and Audio Production, skills that I believe will supplement my proficiency in photography. My current interest with Video Production is creating Music Videos, as Cosplay Music Videos (CMV) has been very inspiring to me. As for Audio Production, I want to create a Podcast or an Audio Drama for people to enjoy.

I’ve been a photographer for over two years and while I started off as a portrait photographer, it quickly veered off toward Cosplay Photography. I have been to several conventions in the PNW (Pacific Northwest) and am currently staffing two, Kumoricon and Newcon PDX, as a Photographer.

In my spare time, outside of photography, I consume lots of media, like Youtube Videos, Episodes of Anime, TED Talks, Podcasts, and more. I love Roleplaying Games, such as Dungeons & Dragons, and I love World Building. My current World Building project consists of developing the setting of a city that is run by Intelligent Undead and has a heavy influence from Film Noir, a film genre popularized by Private Investigator stories.

Me in a Nutshell


I was born in California but raised here in Oregon. I didn’t fully appreciate how great our State was until I joined the military in 2010.

I spent a lot of time in Texas between basic training and my tech school. The hot, dry, flat environment made me miss the beauty of the Willamette Valley. I got lucky and spent the first part of my enlistment stationed in England at RAF Lakenheath. Being in England gave me a lot of travel opportunities. I had the opportunity to go to Oktoberfest in Munich for my 22nd birthday. I also had deployments to Italy and Djibouti.

After my time in England I got moved to a Squadron in North Carolina. The Unit I was a part of was a training Unit which had a much slower work tempo, which was a relief after the fast paced, mission ready pace of my Unit in England. After getting out of the military I returned to Oregon and started going to school.

Since returning I’ve also started working as a firearms/security/Red Cross instructor and I’ve started a mildly successful YouTube channel.

I’m hoping to use the classes I’m taking toward a multimedia design degree to improve the production quality of my videos and increase my overall online presence.

by: Ryan Miller

Josh Knerl

Good day my name is Joshua knerl but I would like to be called Josh. What is there to say about me well I have lived in Oregon all my life and i don’t get out of state much  I am a fan of anything that has to do with multimedia and special effects it has been a passion of mine since i was 12. I enjoy anime and manga (Japanese comics ) I have been reading and watching  them for as long as i can remember. I don’t enjoy starting conversations but I enjoy talking to people so you can see some problems there. Another thing I enjoy doing is Live Action Role Play (LARP for short) a activity that gets me outside and moving.                                   I am a fan of creating characters and worlds so currently I am working on my own manga story and have been working on character designs for quite a while now and its some of the most fun I get to do. Another hobby of mine is mask and prop making I have studied these two things quite a lot and it is a good way to pass the time when I have nothing to do along with playing video games . So thats me unnamed-1.jpg

About Me

About me

Hello everyone, my name is Noah Gutierrez. I grew up in Tacoma, which is a port town in the great state of Washington with my Mom and two Sisters but after 14 years I spent the rest of the time as a high school student in the Santa Barbara area with my Dad. I loved the beaches and the perfect 75 degree weather in southern California but the lure of the Northwest was too strong and decided to move where I spent quite a few years back in Washington and here in Eugene Oregon.


I’m a first time college student and decided to major in multimedia where my artistic talents will hopefully shine. I used to be an avid reader of novels and comics but due to working two jobs and playing ice hockey, I haven’t sat down and read a series of books in a while. I still draw and sketch in my book from time to time but now a days hockey is all I want to do. I play goalie 3 times a week here in Eugene.


When all is said and done for me here at Lane I hope to be be playing in A league hockey and working in character design and computer animation.


-By Noah Gutierrez