Category Archives: FALL 2021

P1 about me

Hi, my name is Nicole. It is my first year in college, l also just learned how to ride the bus at the end of summer. I didn’t get into all of the classes that i wanted. i was planning on getting intro to drawing, into to media arts, intro to animation, and design tools. but i only got in to two classes, media arts and animation.

for my major i am studying animation to become an animator. my favorite type of animation is 2D. I like 2D animation because its very easy to find videos on the internet to learn about animation. I can make fully fledged animatics but still trying to find the time to actually animate.

for animating i like to use procreate to draw out the frames in animatic form. then i like to export it into iMovie. sewing the frames together and placing for how many seconds the frame needs to stay on screen. i usually have three seconds for things like dialogue, two seconds if i feel it needs to be shorter. One second for fast movements like a character quickly snatches an item from another character. After that i would import from video into rough animator but i just haven’t found the time.

I’m Annie, and I’ll See Myself Out…

I think The Grinch said it best when he said, “So they wanna get to know me, huh? They want to spend a little quality time with tHe gRiNcH!”

My name’s Annie Perkins. Before you go off, yes, I have seen “Parks and Rec,” and yes, I know one of the main characters has a similar name. I got into media arts as a young kid. I’m sure some of you can relate with the rise of YouTube, Vine, and TikTok. I remember watching my favorite creators like SMOSH and Shane Dawson before I grew up and realized how terrible they are. Anyway, I wanted to be a Youtuber for years when I was a kid, and now I’d just really like to go into video editing, graphic/logo design, and directing. I’m sure my old Youtube videos are still up somewhere, rotting away in the 2010s ether.

I don’t have free time but once every century the Gods allow me to roam free of my shackles that are my adult responsibilities. When this happens, I usually spend it with my dog, Balor. He’s a corgi, french bulldog mix, and he is extremely needy. I will take him to the dog park, he will pee on everything in sight. Sometimes I channel my internal turmoil into needle felting adorable fuzzy animals.

I have a small business where I do a lot of media work like animation and logo design. I also sell all my super politically charged designs on my RedBubble/Instagram account at “The Petty Leftist”. They aren’t for everyone, but I think they’re fun to make, and printer ink ain’t cheap. I think there’s definitely something for everyone on there regardless of your politics so long as you don’t get too offended by the ones you don’t care for.

That said, I would love to go into political campaigning and use my media talent to help bring about the change I want to see in our society and government, but I’d also like a life at some point so maybe that’s not a good idea. Not sure yet. I definitely want to work with social media, film, animation and anything else I can before my time on this lousy planet has come to a dismal end. I mean I’m working in the food industry right now. I could really use a job that provides healthcare.

By: Annie Perkins

About Me

Hi, my name is Madoka. I was living in Osaka, Japan my whole life. I came to Eugene last year to study abroad. I love Japanese food, especially sushi. I was back home in Japan this summer. I already miss Japan. I hope I can enjoy this place so much that I don’t want to go back to Japan, and I can speak English better! Things I usually do in my free time are watching movies and playing basketball with my friends. 

I also love traveling. I always want to travel when I have vacations! Since I came to the here, I have visited the famous cities, Los Angeles and New York. I would like to visit Hawaii next. If you know of any other famous cities or your recommendations, please let me know!

This is me when I went to Universal Studio Japan.

This is my second year at Lane Community College. I’m currently enrolled in the Multimedia Design program at Lane. So far I have taken classes in Animation, Video Production, Art and Photograph. I have enjoyed all of the classes because they were in different categories in which I can experience different kinds of fields. If things continue as they are now, I will graduate in three terms, including this term, but I have a slight interest in web design, so I am not sure when I will graduate. After finishing school, if I can find a job in here, I would like to work related to the media.

Thank you for reading:)

About me -by Liz

Hi, I am Liz! ?

I am from Warm Springs, it is about 3 hours away from Eugene. I am 19 years old. Something interesting about me is that my birthday is 1/2/03. I have a cat, named Clementine!

I attend COCC in Bend and I majored in Chemistry. After a year of doing chemistry I don’t think it was the right major for me. I am now a Multimedia Design major! I am currently just testing the waters of every area in this program to see what I like the most. I have the most experience with photography and I am excited to expand my knowledge.

I love playing games, video and board games. I have been very obsessed with playing Minecraft and Fall Guys at the moment. 

 I have been getting back into drawing and painting. I want to learn more about watercolors and learn how to paint landscapes. 

During my free time I watch way too much TV, my favorite shows are The Walking Dead and Supernatural and Gilmore Girls! I have basically watched all of the well known shows.

I am taking some French classes here at LCC so I can travel to France at some point! Traveling to France has always been on my bucket list. 

About Me

My name is Ashley O’Connell and I have always been a pursuer of art. When I was younger I was constantly stopping to sketch my surroundings, and as I got older my interests in different mediums, styles, and techniques of fine arts grew. In high school I had the opportunity to take different art classes with painting, clay sculpture, and my favorite- a glass lamp working class where I got to make beads and pendants. This class is what ultimately brought me to Oregon.

I was born and raised in Sandpoint, Idaho, and moved to Oregon in the fall of 2018. My goal was to find a way into the glassblowing/ lamp working community and to possibly find an apprenticeship. However, different events changed my path. I decided I wanted to go back to college, and so I started classes at Lane that following spring. I continued taking classes while holding a full time job, finding time to spend with my partner and time for my hobbies which include painting, jewelry making, pyrography, reading, and going to the coast. When the pandemic took hold, I decided that the best thing for my success was to focus on my family, work, and myself so I took a break from school while the college was closed.

During this time I did a lot of self reflection and took the time to decide what it was that I wanted to get out of my future schooling experiences, how I wanted to move forward with my art, and I landed on Multimedia Design. Moving forward this year I am excited to learn the technical and executional differences between my experience with Fine Arts and what I have to learn about Media Arts.

By Ashley O’Connell

A Drawing Instead of a Picture

Hello my name is Kaydance but you can call me Kay! I am a student at LCC and I am currently in the animation program. I chose the animation program because, well to put it simply, I love animation and am very passionate about it! I can’t wait to start animating my characters and other cute little critters.

I love all things art related and have dabbled in all sorts of art mediums. From theater, dance, choir, poetry, painting, and drawing. I also have some experience sewing, felting, and sculpting. I also like to do cosplays and have made a few costumes myself. For example, one Halloween, and eventually comic con, I dressed up as Hinami Fueguchi from Tokyo Ghoul. I’ve also cosplayed Nezuko Kamado from Demon Slayer. Note to other cosplayers, if you ever want to cosplay a character that requires you to use body paint, please reconsider, it’s miserable. Other things about me is that I love studying history, folk lore, myths, and odd facts. I also know a bit of French and am currently learning Japanese for fun.

I do not like to take pictures of myself. Thankfully, we’re allowed to use “artwork” of ourselves instead so I hope you enjoy this drawing that represents me.

By Kay

About Me! – By: Mary K

Hey! My name Is Mary Kirkpatrick. I’m currently following the Multimedia Design: Animation degree here at LCC. I was a Programming major last year here at Lane, but decided to switch and see if I liked art any better. Programming/Computer Science are both very interesting and can be fun, but I’m just better at being creative and artsy. I hope to one day get to work in the Games Industry, either making concept art, character designs/animation, or similar.

I have tons of Hobbies. Some I have are playing video games (obviously), drawing, cosplay, and 3d printing.

A few of my favorite video games have to be Dark Souls, Halo, Doom, Pokemon (especially the Mystery Dungeon Series), Overwatch, Mario Kart, and Destiny. I play almost all genres of games, and tend to hop to different games every month or so. I play a lot of Minecraft and Fall Guys with friends, they can be pretty good games to play when hanging out with people.

As for drawing, I usually prefer drawing digitally, but traditional art can be a nice difference. I try to post my art to my Instagram as a way to see my own progress. I would love to do commissions for people some day, and maybe sell some stickers of my art online too.

Cosplay and 3d printing kind of go hand to hand with each other. I love printing out props and armor for costumes, and painting them all. To be able to see where you started, from nothing, and eventually create a full costume is insane. For the past half a year or so, I have been making a Boba Fett cosplay for a convention coming up. I also like printing out different figures to paint and put on my shelves.

Hope this blog post helps you get to know me better. I am excited to meet new people and see what we learn in this class!

Just Another Confused College Kid


My name is Kaitlyn Harper (no nicknames, thank you very much) and I am currently enrolled in the Multimedia Design (Animation Track) program at Lane Community College. I’m a lifelong Eugene resident who has visited more European countries than American states, but that’s easy to say, considering that I’ve barely traveled. This year marks my second attempt at college; last year I was an anthropology student at OSU who decided that maybe spending thousands of dollars on a four-year degree wasn’t quite worth it.

Upon completion of my degree, I plan to join the video game industry, likely as some form of animated asset creator. My goal is to work my way over into story development. Telling stories is integral to my life. I’m originally a writer, not an artist, but I’m hoping to strengthen my skills so that I can visualize my ideas in a tangible format and present them to other people. Presenting any of my current ideas involves an hour of rambling at minimum, plus any side tangents that I get distracted on, like the differences between Faenlen and Faenhyr or the intricacies of hairstyles present in the as-yet-unnamed dynastic Vyrliat that existed a few hundred years before the story that I was originally trying to plot.

In my free time, I volunteer with both the Hult Center and the Oregon State University Marching Band. I absolutely love the world of performing arts and pageantry arts. As a consequence, I’ll support the Beavers over the Ducks any day! My photo comes from the first gameday of this season, hence the orange and black.

As a parting note, I just wanted to mention that the headscarf I wear is not a hijab. I recognize that it looks similar at times, but it is not, and I wear it for hair loss reasons. I look a bit like an egg without it. I don’t want to look like an egg.