Tag Archives: Sp-P5 Final Project

F20-P1 About Me

Hello everyone,

My name is Landon Coleman and I am 19 years old and just moved to Oregon from Colorado and my hobbies include traveling, spending time with loved ones, snowboarding, hiking, ham-mocking, and a fair amount of gaming. I have an amazing family consisting of my mom, my dad, a younger sister, a younger brother, and my sweet chocolate lab Sampson! I live with my beautiful girlfriend in Eugene and we are always together sharing tons of memories and laughs. This is my first term at LCC and I cant wait to develop my multi-media skills.

My summer although very crazy and hectic was still a blast! I went on many adventures including dirt-biking, ATV-ing, and jet-skiing. One of my favorite memories from this summer was an extravagant trip to Minnesota. The trip started with a breathtaking limo ride to the lavish jet where we set off for a host of activities. The best of the activities being a morning sunrise jet-ski ride with my girlfriend on the famous Minnetonka Lake! I feel so free and joyful when on vacation and doing activities as amazing as that. I hope to be able to create action packed content to show others the joy of travel.

This is me on the jet-ski in Lake Minnetonka

I really hope that through the Multi Media Design major that I can take out the useful techniques to document amazing travel destinations and activities around the globe. I want to be able to inspire others to go live there dreams through the creativity and art that I create.

Things to Know About This Elizabeth in Particular

by: Elizabeth Sliwa

Hello and welcome!

First and foremost I go by Elizabeth and use They/Them pronouns. I’m not originally from Oregon; having been born in Maryland when my mom was stationed at Bethesda. So I’ve lived in a few different places from when she was still in the Navy but Eugene has by and far been the place we’ve lived the longest.

Now you may think that by having reached the tenderly awkward age of 24 I’d have a better idea of what I want to be doing with my life by now. But uh, that would be incorrect. Before being at LCC I was enrolled at Champlain College out in Burlington, VT for Game Art and Animation. While I learned a lot during my time there the program was overwhelmingly stressful. Ultimately there were a lot of problems that coalesced into me getting burnt out and needing to leave and come back to Oregon.

It’s not all bad though. Because of attending Champlain, I’m rather familiar with using programs such as:

  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Adobe Animate (Which was previously Adobe Flash when I learned it.)
  • After Effects
  • Autodesk Maya
  • Autodesk Mudbox
  • Unreal Engine

I still want to do something art-related in spite of all that. Art in its many forms is something that’s always been dear to me. It provided a way for me to express myself and connect with others where my own abilities to do so often fell short. Video games were another one of those avenues and is something that I’ve come to have even more love for after learning the in’s and out’s of game development. At the end of the day, I want to be able to create things that tell stories others are able to connect to and enjoy.

F20-P1 About Me (Lyu Gremli)

Hi everyone!

My name is Lyu. I am an immigrant from Russia living here for the last 4 years. Immigration is like a second birth when you are completely new and start from zero. So, I slowly try to built my new life in this country including changing my career. I have always loved photography and creative computer programs like ones from Adobe. It’s why I chose to study Multimedia Design at LCC. I have a great passion to study any tools, skills and tricks I need to become an incredible wizard so that I would be able to express my complex ideas and feelings through the rich palette of Multimedia Design.

As I said, I am an immigrant, and English is not my native language, and while I am not that bad at it, it still slows me down in studying. I like to learn with my full focus and attention to every detail, I am afraid to miss something important and interesting. Because of that, I can take only one class per term — to give my whole heart to it. While I think it is the best way for me, I know it will take a long time to finish the degree.

I have many different hobbies and interests so it is difficult to specify. Most of all, I like to feel deeply and think about everything I see (or not see). I search for the beauty everywhere and in everyone, and always want to catch it to remember forever. My camera and sound recorder help, and I want to get the best use of them.

I am open to collaboration with other people. It will be fun to create a meaningful and beautiful project together with someone!

By: Lyu Gremli

F20-P1 About Me

Hi, my name is Darlene Waters. I was born and raised in the little town of Westboro, Massachusetts. My son and I moved to Oregon 10 years ago and it was the best decision we’ve ever made!

I was a travel agent for the past 30 years up until Covid-19 hit. I love being a travel agent. It has brought me places all over the world that I never would have thought possible. I’ve had some amazing experiences and beautiful memories as well as some stunning photographs. Even though Covid-19 has put a halt to all corporate travel and I am furloughed, I am very excited to be able to take full-time classes this fall to expand my knowledge. This is my second-semester taking classes for the Media-Arts Program.

 I’m not sure what I will do when I’m done. I have a dream of traveling, photographing, blogging, and or writing magazine reviews for places people can travel to. It’s a great big beautiful world out there and I think everybody should see it!
Some of my hobbies include photography, gardening, hiking, fishing, reading, road trips, and listening to music. I also enjoy volunteering at the WOW Hall. There are so many other things I am into as well. But, mostly I will never give up any chance to go and try something new!  

The picture is of my last trip since Covid-19 started. The Santa Cruz, CA Boardwalk. Oh, yes ice cream is a hobby too! I’m looking forward to this class and reading everybody’s blogs!

By: Darlene Waters

About Me

Hello my name is James Lang

I am a first year Multimedia Design student. This is my first year at LCC. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, and I am an avid gamer. I play a wide variety of games but I mostly play FPS. I have two dogs and a pet deer.

Back in 2013 my family and I took a trip in an RV to Minnesota. It was a fairly normal trip there and the first couple of days were normal then on the fourth day the fish weren’t biting so we got a little suspicious. That night we all were watching TV and suddenly tornado sirens started going off so my mom took the car and went to our cousin Kurtis’ house while she went there my brother and dad packed up the RV. After finishing packing everything up we as well headed over to my cousin’s house. when we got there the rain was falling sideways and lightning was striking all around us so we went inside and went down into my cousin’s cellar and stayed there for the night. The following morning after the storm had passed we decided to drive around and look at the damage from the tornado, well driving around we noticed boats on the highway and further down the road there were a couple trees completely uprooted.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it

With Thor, my #1 Jack Russell in the Austrian Alps.


My name is Alex Starke. I am a writer, a sometimes web creator/coder, and an aspiring photographer. I love to travel, cycle (with my new e-bike these days), and pal around with my 12-year-old Jack Russell, Thor.

After working in many professions for years, I decided to return to school after a 35-year hiatus. In September 2001, I started from scratch at Lane, taking all the basic courses to refresh the old brain. I initially began studying for a degree in computer networking, but in my second year, I switched to a transfer degree for the University of Oregon. At the U of O, I achieved a bachelor’s degree in Medieval Studies and a minor in Early Modern European History. Yeah, I know…”What are you going to do with that degree?” Well, my studies in that realm actually really honed my critical thinking skills, my ability to do deep research, and vastly improved my writing skills. During the time I was at the university I was also lucky enough to travel to Vienna, Austria twice (thank you student loans).

Thor in Vienna during Christmas 2011

After graduating in 2007 my wife and I moved to Colorado and had many adventures, including returning to Austria with our new addition to the family, Thor, who has made three more trips to Europe since. Although we did enjoy Colorado (except for the unending months of snow) we found that we missed Eugene and Oregon. In 2015 we sold our house in Colorado, bought a duplex in Eugene, and very happily journeyed back to Oregon with our pack of five Jack Russell’s.

My wife, Anne has a freelance graphics business here in Eugene that I sometimes help out with when it comes to static website creations for clients (she is the creator/artist, I do the nuts and bolts coding). Most of the time since our return I have been remodeling our duplex, which had not been updated for a good few years. We also took another trip to Europe in 2018, where we shipped our bikes, dog trailers (for two of our Jacks, including Thor), to Germany where we cycled up through the Alps into Austria and Italy.

Along the Rhine in 2018

Well, in 2019 I decided to return to Lane again, this time for a degree in Multimedia Design. I am hoping this line of study will make me sharper in utilizing all of the related software and programs. The skill I learn from the program will be a great addition to our graphics business, plus they will be personally rewarding. Thus far it has been a wonderful experience being back at Lane. The adventures of the ancient student continue!

Our digital identities are now

These days anyone can have a voice, seems anyone can have a camera. Vast audiences are built into algorithms for people like you and me on seemingly new platforms. It seems now, everyone has access to the means of self digital production. 

Don’t know how? Watch a video. 

So what do you do? That’s a loaded question. I sometimes don’t like asking people those questions for fear that the people I ask might define themselves with what they do for money and call it an identity.

What do I do? I play with things. With buttons mainly, the more the better. What better question than what does that button do? Buttons even talk back sometimes, like when your typing…

I love the buttons. When running a sound booth, or karaoke, DJ, or what better button than the shutter sound that defies time with a photo. What about when many photos are taken together? Say at 30 frames per second, or 60, or the buttery smooth slow motion from 120fps?

The pandemic has forced all of us to dig deep into our pockets and turn on our cameras. We connect now through the media of zoom calls and facetime. Rather than voicemails and letters. Do you know what all those buttons do?

Follow me to explore digital tools for self expression. Right now, I am starting a journey through the LCC Media Arts program and with it will further my abilities and identity as an digital artist and media creator. 

The way I see it, Its buttons, all the way down!

About Me

Hello my name is Svetlana Starodubtseva. This is my first year attending Lane and I’m really looking forward to the graphic design program. My hobbies have changed a lot throughout quarantine, but as of right but I’m really into drawing and painting. My preferred medium are colored pencils. With colored pencils I always get the outcome that I’m hoping for. For paint, my preferred medium is acrylic. I have tried branching out to other paints but I quickly realized that they weren’t for me. If I’m not doing either one of those two, I’ve been trying to teach myself how to play electric guitar. Sadly, I was not born with a musical bone in my body so learning how to play hasn’t been the easiest. But for the most part I’ve been able to grasp some of the basics. When I finish the media arts program, I’m hoping to become a graphic designer. Middle school was when I first really got into all of the tech/design classes. I was introduced to a few and I really grew to like them. Throughout high school I’d also take design classes. Since then I’ve been keen on doing design as a profession.

About Me

Greetings! My name is Jeff Pagano and I’m a MultiMedia Design major at Lane Community College. I recently changed my major from Computer Programming due to COVID-19 arriving and forcing us to attend classes strictly online.

I found trying to learn Programming without the benefit a classroom to be overwhelming. It was too much screen time with too little interaction with other students and the instructor.

Plus I’m not moving at quickly as I used due to two brain injuries. These have changed my life and I’m still adjusting to my new reality. It hasn’t been easy… Take a look the About Me page of my Web Authoring term project if you’d like to learn more about that.

Switching to MultiMedia Design will hopefully be more creative and less taxing than Programming. Coding is very intense, and I’ve been a software developer since 1996, so I’m a little burned out on programming. Now’s a good time to switch gears and I’m excited to be learning about graphic design and content creation.

Aside from being a full time student I’m a musician and have played in a number of bands and performed as a solo artist. There’s nothing more fulfilling that singing and I love playing songs other can sing along to. I’ve created many songbooks of the tunes I cover so feel free to jump in and belt out a Beatles song with me.