About Me

Greetings! My name is Jeff Pagano and I’m a MultiMedia Design major at Lane Community College. I recently changed my major from Computer Programming due to COVID-19 arriving and forcing us to attend classes strictly online.

I found trying to learn Programming without the benefit a classroom to be overwhelming. It was too much screen time with too little interaction with other students and the instructor.

Plus I’m not moving at quickly as I used due to two brain injuries. These have changed my life and I’m still adjusting to my new reality. It hasn’t been easy… Take a look the About Me page of my Web Authoring term project if you’d like to learn more about that.

Switching to MultiMedia Design will hopefully be more creative and less taxing than Programming. Coding is very intense, and I’ve been a software developer since 1996, so I’m a little burned out on programming. Now’s a good time to switch gears and I’m excited to be learning about graphic design and content creation.

Aside from being a full time student I’m a musician and have played in a number of bands and performed as a solo artist. There’s nothing more fulfilling that singing and I love playing songs other can sing along to. I’ve created many songbooks of the tunes I cover so feel free to jump in and belt out a Beatles song with me.