Tag Archives: Sp-P5 Final Project

About Ivan

Hi, my name is Ivan Lopez Lopez. Yes, my last name is Lopez Lopez, is cool and weird at the same time. Anyway, I am pursuing a Multimedia Design major because since my sophomore year of High school I received a camera for Christmas and quickly it became a hobby. Hopefully one day I could get an amazing job opportunity in the near future. My dream would be to work with a video production team.

It didn’t take much for me to figure out that video editing and film was something I really wanted to do. It all started when I would take charge and edit videos for my Water Polo team in High School, one of the parents would film and I would curiously figure a way to edit it on my computer in my room. Blindly I was practicing my video production skills and people would like my videos a lot, which motived me to explore more into what a Multimedia major can offer.

About Chris Alvarado W21-P1

Hi Everybody my name is Chris Alvarado and I’m naturally an East Coast kid, but have lived in Eugene for most of my life. I am nineteen years old and really want to get a head start on everything while at a young age. I’m a big football fan and most of my free time involves music in some way. I miss concerts and all live events that covid had to ruin. I also love anything film related and love a well produced story. I kind of know my way around a kitchen because I took Catering and International Foods in high school. I’m taking Media Arts because I want to grow a music business through blogging, and eventually expand to making music videos and live events with Oregon based artists. I feel Media Arts will give me a better understanding on how to grow through different media options, and also give visual inspiration for creating art through filming music videos.

By: Chris Alvarado

Riddles Riddles Riddles…


One sheet, two-sheet, three sheets or four…some use less and some use more. What am I?


What has arms and legs, but no head?


What can’t be burned in a fire nor drowned in water?


I have a big mouth and I’m quite a load. I’m not gossip, but I get involved in everyone’s dirty business. What am I?


Stepping out? Wear me first! I’ll protect your feet from the worst.


Tall and strong, I stay outside. The sun, the rain, they’re by my side. I give birds homes and help you breathe. I even give you fruit to eat.


Here I come and there I go. I move really fast, anywhere I go. That’s why you take me when you’re in a hurry. When I zoom by, I might look blurry.


Kick up your feet, if you will. I’ll keep you company through Netflix and chill. Though you might not notice, I’m always here, to hold your zines, your snacks, and beer.


You say we’re pals, that we’re best friends. But only until the morning ends. You say I give you fuel for the day. And when we’re done, you’re gone away.  


Don’t frown at me, I made it clear. Won’t make a difference if you’re near. Just stand in front and I’ll show you exactly how the world will know you.

All photos by: Taylor Powelson

Motion, Light and Curiosity…

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something.

~ Edward Everette Hale

My vision is to have a positive impact in our world through research and community development. With my BA in Linguistics, I developed my interest in cultural anthropology, human geography, public policy and sociology. After contracting malaria while doing fieldwork and spending more than ten years with a life-changing chronic illness, a new medicine now allows me to explore the boundaries of my disability.

Last year, my GIS final project in micro-housing land opportunities inspired me during an internship at a local nonprofit supporting homeless women in our city. Pre-Covid there had been workshops providing art and activities that we hope to restart. One goal is to set up a mobile recording studio to help homeless record their stories and music. Now as a board member, the media arts program and art courses will help facilitate several of these goals.

Media Arts provides the tools and expression to creatively and effectively communicate in seconds, a message, a feeling and a connection to the world around us. The world around us has beauty, pain and hope. As I continue this journey of discovery, I find that I love this form of creative expression. It is who I am.

Landscape and Architecture


Making Pizza With My Dad

W21-P1 About Me

My name is Jenel Chandler, I write random, here are some thoughts that make me … me.

Today on Instagram I heard a motivational-ish speaker say something I thought was interesting. A fan of his told him he thought he had a boring life and asked Gary what he could do to become less boring. Gary told him “you’re only boring to yourself, other people are always interesting to other people, but never to themself.”

I guess I’ve told “interesting” stories about myself multiple times, they have become boring to me, and sometimes it makes me think it will be boring to a new person. I have found that if someone does think it’s boring then who cares, if I think it’s interesting, that’s what matters. If I’m happy, that’s what matters. I’m mostly happy when others are happy so in turn, I have decided that it’s not about whether or not you’re interesting, it’s whether or not you’re happy and if you are happy because someone else is happy then it’s a bonus.

I like to work out, go to specific concerts when available, paint, doodle, look at outer space, be a mom, travel, learn new healthy clean eating recipes, and try to be a good person. I was born in Oregon City but lived in Lincoln City for 7 years and the coast is the place I love more than anything. My mom grew up in Portland. What I’d like to do when I finish the arts program is find something satisfying that I can be happy doing whether it be working for an organization or freelancing. Right now, I wouldn’t mind working for Adobe so I can tell them their software is kind of insane for beginners.

These were some photos I used in Digital Photography to attempt to describe myself. I have a big dog there, her name is Jozū. She’s 1/2 Pit-Bull, 1/4 Great Dane, and 1/4 Mastiff

by: Jenel Chandler

I didn’t expect to get old so soon

I believe the directions were to “say a little about yourself.” Well, there’s ALOT. Here it is in short form:

I was born in Los Angeles, Ca and grew up between there, spending part of the year with my father, and here in Eugene with my mother. Especially back then, two places could not be more different so in both worlds I was always considered “different.” I graduated from South Eugene High School early after the first term of my junior year (see? Different). Then I tried further to separate myself from the flock by begging my fashionably hippie mother to sign my military enlistment papers (she wouldn’t). However, five days after turning eighteen I was on my way to San Diego, Ca to begin my eight years as a U.S. Marine.

Since then I have been all over the world and to nearly every State, six of which I have lived. Through that time I have had several careers spanning from managing a bar to monitoring felony DUI offenders wearing alcohol detection bracelets. I have signed a recording/music publishing contract (which amounted to nothing except losing my desire to work in the music industry) and I have spent time in federal prison. Those things and all the moments in between now have led me to be where I was half a life ago; in shool and no idea what I want to do in life or where it may take me.

In the meantime, I am single, a homeowner, and live alone with my two dogs. I still write and play music as well as practice the art of photography. I am also a motorcycle enthusiast with a couple of Harley-Davidsons and an Indian, and I also collect and speculate comic books. Again, what comes next for me I really don’t know. I just try to stay focused on having gratitude for the small things, for being upright and breathing. If I can accomplish that each day, that’s how I stay winning.

Cold Weather /Mountain Warfare-The Order of The Blue Nose

About Hannah

Hi, my name is Hannah, and I am a Multimedia Design major. I want to learn more about film/video editing so that one day I might be able to join the Hoonigan Autofocus Team. 

My passion for video editing started in a class that I took a few years ago. It was an introductory level class editing in Premiere Pro and I think I probably only completed half of the assignments. I was a slow learner, and the class was not creative enough to keep me engaged. However, I did many little side projects in that class, like a blooper reel that I created, that sparked my love for film editing. 

Before I learned to be in production, I was in front of the camera. I was a dancer for the majority of my life, always a performer, and I began learning aerial silks and partner acrobatics 8 years ago. I have been learning related skills as long, like dabbling in trapeze, rope, and contortion, and it used to be my dream to join Cirque du Soleil.

My passion for cars started very young. As a kid, I would watch and help my dad build his 1967 Camaro, and watch him race it at our local race track on the weekends. Since then, I’ve been immersed in car culture, and one of the biggest names in that is Ken Block. He is a rally driver and pro drifter and is famous for his Gymkhana video series. He has built the Hoonigan brand and the team alongside it, including the Hoonigan Autofocus Team, the team of talented photographers, videographers, editors, and producers behind all the action.

About Me

Greetings from this cozy dining room I’m blogging in! As you tell from the title of this site, I’m Taylor Powelson. I recently moved to Oregon from North Carolina (recently being 5 months now). I moved here for a change of scenery and to attend college. I like to think of myself as a creative individual, because of my interests. I enjoy acting, graphic design, cinematography, foley, photography, and drawing. I recently noticed that all of my interests have something in common. They all revolve around creating and telling a story. So, to shorten down my interests, I simply like to create stories.  

I created this blog for a Multi-Media class I’m taking in college. I’d like to develop a better understanding of design through this class. When being creative and working on projects I like to do the best that I can to make things look professional. I believe gaining a better sense of design will help me to improve. When I’m finished with this class, I hope I will have a better idea of to do in the future. Thats why I’m going to a community college, because I’m not certain what I want to do with my life. I do know I want to do something creative that tells a story. Hopefully, after taking classes in various fields I will know what I want to do moving forward. 

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this! I look forward to posting more and getting to know everyone:) 

By: Taylor Powelson