Category Archives: WINTER 2017

Selkie tale

I think I came at this project from a strange angle, my story was the last part to fall into place rather than starting with the story and going from there.

Since I have the funny accent I figured I should do something that incorporates that and that got me thinking about Celtic music and the sound of the ocean. So I took that idea and ran with it and that got me to Scottish folklore and the selkie mythology. There are many different tellings of the selkie stories with a lot of common threads so since I was trying to do something around the two minute mark I wrote my own variation on the theme that ties in a lot of the elements but  for the sake of brevity leaves out a lot of the exposition. Hopefully there are enough mythological tropes that it makes some sense.

The hardest part of this project was getting the reading of the story to sound decent, I think i did about 15 takes to get to this point and there are still some issues I think. I had a real problem with getting the speed right, I don’t exactly talk slowly so tried not to rush it which meant that my first few tries sounded vaguely like I was having a stroke then of course I went too far in the other direction! Interestingly my husband (American) told me I was laying the accent on thick, which I wasn’t aware of, but then my dad (Scottish) said I sounded like I was doing posh voice so I guess its all about perspective! I am pretty chuffed with how my music and effects worked out, just a shame about the reading.

To give those of you not familiar with the selkie myth a bit of background: common to Scotland and Ireland especially around the northern islands the mythology centers on creatures that can change form between seal and human. To change to human they remove their seal skin and then put it back on to become a seal. Many of the stories follow the theme that fishermen would steal selkie skins which they were in their human form (most commonly selkies are female) and then essentially hold the human form hostage. If you want a much better telling than mine check out Song of the Sea a sweet little animated movie based on Selkie stories.

By: Fiona Harlan

A Peek into the World of Podcasts, with Allegra Ringo.


Image courtesy of Allegra Ringo

Podcasting as a media is still very much in its infancy. It has been less than 15 years since the first real podcast was unleashed on the world, however, in that time the podcast industry has exploded. Last year 36% of Americans said they had listened to a podcast at least once. That’s close to 100 million people. In addition to that being a big number it represents a 10-year growth of close to 230%. According the Infinite Dial 2016 survey, on average people listen to 5 podcasts a week, that is a lot of podcast listening going on.

There is not a shortage of podcasts out there. No hard number exists on how many podcasts there are but iTunes, one of the biggest distributors of podcasts, has over 250,000 unique shows. This means trying to get noticed can be tough. People are noticing though- iTunes also lists having over 1 billion podcast subscriptions.

To find out more about creating content for this expanding medium I chatted with Allegra


Image courtesy of Max Fun

Ringo, LA based comedy writer and host of the hugely successful podcast Can I Pet Your Dog? on the popular podcast network Maximum Fun. Having majored in Film and Electronic Arts and writing articles for various websites, Allegra is no stranger to digital media. She finally took the plunge into podcast in July 2015. She says of her impetus for getting into podcasting “It was totally Renee’s ([her] cohost’s) idea! She suggested we have a podcast because it would be a great way to do something fun and funny on a regular basis. I was recently laid off and thought “what the hell” so we did it

She credits the success of her podcast to two distinct factors. First, she has a fairly unique style of podcast: “We did get lucky in that there, weirdly, weren’t any other comedy podcasts about dogs, so there was kind of a space in the market we filled. I do think that if you have a specific topic (e.g. dogs, true crime, knitting) it is really

helpful. If your podcast can be summed up in a logline easily, that goes a long way.” Secondly, being on an existing network provides more exposure than going it alone, although getting onto a network has challenges all of its own, “We called them. Specifically, Travis [former producer] called them. Since he was already on the network with his other podcasts, he approached Max Fun and said he had a podcast that he thought would be a good fit.  I know a lot of people who have pitched to networks and gotten rejected. There’s a chance we still would have gotten on Max Fun [without the referral], but it’s very easy to get lost in the queue of submissions if you don’t have an “in”

The rapid success did come as a surprise to Allegra, “I just wasn’t expecting a lot because it feels like everyone and their mother has a podcast. So, I was very pleasantly surprised that we seemed to have hit on something a lot of people like. I’ve also been surprised at the community that has sprung up around it. I just couldn’t have anticipated it. It’s like a whole little town now!”. Of course, the success doesn’t come without it challenges: trying to coordinate host schedules for recording, the schedules of the guests and then the technical challenges that come just recording the podcast, the sound quality can after all make or break a podcast. Podcasting is a fairly efficient art, Allegra tells me that their podcast is a 3-woman operation and that each episode takes an average of an hour to record and an hour to edit.

We also talked about what she has learned during her time podcasting. Among the better choices they made were to break the show into segments, have a catchy theme and an eye-catching logo. The latter can go a long way towards drawing in viewers on subscription sites in our “judge a book by its cover” culture. Having weekly guests is also a big part of their podcast and I asked how they go about asking people to be on the show “Generally one of us will reach out via email (if we have the person’s email) or via Twitter. Sometimes we will reach out through a third party who we know knows a guest. But Twitter is a surprisingly effective way to get guests. With hugely famous people your tweets will often get lost in their feed, which is understandable. But people who see our tweets are really responsive to it”.

Having dabbled with the idea of podcasting myself I know how tough it can be to get started, so we talked about what advice Allegra would give herself if she were to go back to her early days as a podcaster: “I would tell myself not to be nervous at all. I was kind of nervous our first few episodes and looking back, there was virtually no reason to be, ha-ha. As Travis often pointed out, it’s not live, and you can cut anything you don’t end up liking (we cut one segment from our very first episode). Also, I would tell myself to keep in mind the question “what is my ultimate goal with this podcast?” I think different people have different goals and it’s helpful to keep yours in mind when you’re doing a weekly thing. Also “it’s ok to take a week off”!

Since no man or media exists as an island we finished our conversation discussing some of Allegra’s inspirations for podcasting. Many of her inspirations show how important it is to explore other forms of the media you are involved in: “I really love Karen and Georgia from My Favorite Murder. I think they’re great examples of how podcasting is more about passion than anything. They’re not experts, they’re just enthusiasts on the subject and that makes it great. I also really admire people like Karina Longworth of You Must Remember This, and Phoebe Judge of Criminal. Those podcasts are very different from ours in that they’re very research-heavy, and I have a lot of admiration for people whose tasks are so much more complex than ours”.

My chat with Allegra provided great insight into the world of podcasting and she offered some valuable advice for anyone who is interested in starting their own podcast.




By: Fiona Harlan


Hypebeast/ Hypetrak

Hypebeast is my blog of choice because of its constantly updating posts and it really ties into my interests and what I want to eventually do. Hypebeast is a blog that focuses on all aspects of fashion, culture and lifestyle and hones in on styles and brands, from streetwear to high-end and from  barely established to well-known. I have been reading this blog since I was a freshman in high school and it has influenced a lot of what I wear and design today. I have watched Hypebeast grow quite a bit as well, when I first started visiting the site their was just postings and forum discussion. 

The site functions very smoothly and efficiently and uses a great base white format and lets the posting shine instead of a flashy background. The blog always posts a full new page of information everyday and their postings are clear and concise. They have all their specific categories on top so if you are looking for one specific aspect of fashion or culture they have a tab for your exact niche. Hypebeast used to also incorporate music into their website but have now split into two different entities. Hypetrak is an offshoot of Hypebeast that specifically deals with music and all the artists and characters in the music world. 


Blog search –

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Chris Stuckmann

In case I haven’t made it clear, I am a film buff and love to talk about movies I like. Last term, I started writing movie reviews for The Torch and have had a blast with them so far. Even though I like writing about my feelings towards a particular film, I personally feel like there are times where writing my thoughts don’t quite capture how I feel.

This reviewer, Chris Stuckmann, is one that I’ve been following since 2011 and he’s one of the few personalities that I feel like I can trust, or at the very least, respect what he has to say. He tries to review each film with respect. However, it’s  fun to watch his negative reviews, since the first 2-3 months are filled with horrible movies that he has to review.

His website is one of his many venues to communicate with his fanbase. He doesn’t update his blogsite as much as his social media pages, which is disappointing, but nothing that ruins his reputation. Each review post contains the youtube video of his review, along with a summary of his review written out below the video. I wish that he could design these pages to be more visually grabbing, but they do the job just fine.

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An example of how he structures his reviews.

by Hunter Ruland

Blogging about a Blog On a Blog Blog

So… blogs are still a thing? I didn’t really know. I thought maybe our society evolved( or devolved) away from the blog like we did with livejournal, myspace and chatrooms. Some friends of mine ribbed me a little when I told I was blogging for class. If it was a podcast on the other hand, they’d probably want to be on it. So this assignment is a challenge not just because I’m doing it last minute-ish but because I don’t know many blogs…especially professional blogs…that I could enjoy and recommend! I mean If this assignment was “Find a blog about professional wrestling that’s insightful with a lot of cuss words in it, then write a blog about it” ( I would be on it but I’m trying to stick to the program. So I found Bob Keefer’s Eugene Art Talk ( .

screen-shot-2017-01-30-at-12-54-10-pmFormer Register Guard/Current Eugene Weekly writer Bob Keefer’s ad free blog is all about the theater, music and fine art around town in Eugene. His post are not boring and he doesn’t seem like a snotty person. My brother does theater locally and I looked to see if he said anything bad about him, so he’s ok in my book, though its kind of difficult to find older posts because you have to scroll through all of his more recent posts. It’s not like I regularly go the opera or to a symphony, but maybe for a date night I could go on this website and see what going in fine arts locally, read the review and maybe impress my lady friend of a night of wine and rose… or something I don’t know, check it out. Later, check out we hate movies (, it’s a podcast where they discuss bad movies with a lot of cuss words!


Billy Dyball

A blog that helps…

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Photography is one of those things that everyone has a different opinion on what looks “right”. For some people a crisp clear shot is the way to go. Some might not see it that way. A hazy out of focus, underexposed shot. Which I thought many of the images from this blog could be categorized into nature or architecture photography. I believe those are areas of interest for me. My best photos would fall under these categories as well. I think that’s why this blog caught my eye. Other than the big red bar at the bottom of the screen, red is one of my favorite colors.

screen-shot-2017-01-30-at-12-22-20-pm         One good resource I found on this blog was under the Photography Tutorials tab.Under this tab you will find videos explaining some general techniques covering almost everything from taking your shot, to retouching it and creating your final piece. Like many other photography blogs, he also includes a list of software and equipment that he uses. This can be useful to find more information on the equipment and software that you could best utilize to create your projects. The Blog is being produced in a useful and entertaining way. It’s useful for beginners as it gives you some tips on setting up your shot. It can also be a entertaining blog for the seasoned photographers by giving them a look into someone else’s view of photography.

By: Nieman Adams-Jackson

Dawn Photo Blog


The blog I’ve decided to tell you about is called Dawn Photo. Now I personally know this photographer because she was my photographer for my senior photos back in high school. Her name is Dawn and she is a true role model in my line of work. Not only has she made a name for herself over the years, but she is so amazing at what she does that it has allowed herself to travel the world, meet new people, and capture the most incredible photos. You can hear and see all of it on her blog :

I believe this site gives off a very “go with the flow” vibe. The colors that are given speak of peace and relaxation, which is exactly what Dawn is all about. She gives off great energy when you read her blog because she writes in a way that makes you feel like she’s talking right to you. Dawn has produced a great website and blog. The quality of both her information and product are exactly what they promise to be. She has many resources to back up her incredible service, myself included, along with others worldwide. She is someone worth trusting with your important memories.

Blog Slog

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Engadget’s home page.

For whatever reason, consumer technology is something that has always fascinated me. I routinely spend countless hours reading product reviews of things I don’t even intend on buying, and watching unboxing videos (as meaningless as they are.)

Engadget is a blog that caters to people like me. They offer many different services that include: reviews for new tech-related products as they come to market, providing interesting insight into various current events, offering a comprehensive buying guide, hosting a popular technology podcast, and many more.

The general quality of the content found on Engadget is comparable to most other professional level blogging website. Their product reviews are skillfully made with information graphics and accurate lighting; the articles are written with intellectual insight and a refreshingly low amount of bias; and the overall quality of the user interface is very intuitive. You can tell a lot of work is put into maintaining this blog. I think it’s handy that they have a functioning search bar, and quick links to their social media outlets. I also enjoy that their content is divided up into categories, making navigating the content a breeze.

One thing in particular that I find useful about this blog is their buyers guide. Upon clicking on the “Buyer’s Guide” tab, you are taken to a page with a grid of various different products that they have written reviews of.

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The “Buyer’s Guide” page.

After finding the product you want to read more about, you are greeted with a shortened version of their full review, a list of “key specs” about said product to consider, a link to purchase the item, and a link to the full article if you’d like to read the full review.

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Selecting a product will bring you to this page.

Considering that the majority of people don’t want to read more than the bare minimum of what’s necessary to make up their minds anyway, I think this “quick link” type of pop up is very intelligent.

After analyzing Engadget more than just using their services, I’m coming closer to finding my niche in the artistic world. I feel like working for a technology blog like this one would be a dream.

By: Thomas Lemelin

Blog Search –


I guess you could say I chose a pretty basic “blog” for this assignment. But I personally love Mashable. I discovered it when Snapchat started to expand their discover dots, it was all about new technology, movie facts and upcoming video game announcements. Easily became one of my favorite new sites. I’ve always been interested in anything regarding technology, so the fact that this website has tabs for social media, videos, technology, lifestyle things, entertainment and a few others all filled with articles makes it a great site for anyone. It makes knowing what’s trending easy by how everything is sectioned out and easily accessible. It doesn’t matter what interested in, you’re bound to find something of  interest here.

Since this is a pretty popular website and updated regularly, it makes the browsing experience smooth. One of the greatest features of this site is it’s a great resource for current news. Unlike actual news sites, it makes knowing current world or local events interesting and not so depressing.

Hands down the best part of this site is the meme section2017-01-29 (2).png2017-01-29 (3).pngWhile knowing current events in the real world and knowing what’s new in the technology world, you can hopefully catch a quick laugh from these relatable memes.


By: Francis Pardo

w17-P3 Blog Search


     For a good portion of my life I have always had an interest in street art and graffiti. Something about the diverse color palette and abstract figures and lettering has always inspired me. Maybe it has something to do with me being raised in Vegas and watching the murals roll by on train cars, as well as huge pieces done on the sides of buildings and freeways. I was just attracted to it and it’s culture all together. That is why today for this blog search I decided to go with Vandalog ( ) . Vandalog is a blog about graffiti, street art, and viral art. It was started in October 2008. It has six current writers and contributors to the blog. Things I find particularly interesting about the blog is the amount of attention and detail you find it each article. Graffiti has a stigma that is generally negative, because when people think of it, it is usually a sloppy tag on the wall or the lame window or mirror “scribe”. What I appreciate about the blog is that they get in depth about certain topics and even provide links to the art shows for certain writers (NTEL being one specifically, ). They handle graffiti and street art as a true respected art form when a large portion of the art community undermines it, unless it’s a Banksy piece. There is just something comforting about each article when you can see that the author of the post is very passionate about the subject and they have well researched facts to back up their opinions. I would highly suggest checking it out if you have some free time, and want to see some great art, and read some well written articles about it.

(video taken from:  )