Category Archives: Past Student Work

Me in a Nutshell


I was born in California but raised here in Oregon. I didn’t fully appreciate how great our State was until I joined the military in 2010.

I spent a lot of time in Texas between basic training and my tech school. The hot, dry, flat environment made me miss the beauty of the Willamette Valley. I got lucky and spent the first part of my enlistment stationed in England at RAF Lakenheath. Being in England gave me a lot of travel opportunities. I had the opportunity to go to Oktoberfest in Munich for my 22nd birthday. I also had deployments to Italy and Djibouti.

After my time in England I got moved to a Squadron in North Carolina. The Unit I was a part of was a training Unit which had a much slower work tempo, which was a relief after the fast paced, mission ready pace of my Unit in England. After getting out of the military I returned to Oregon and started going to school.

Since returning I’ve also started working as a firearms/security/Red Cross instructor and I’ve started a mildly successful YouTube channel.

I’m hoping to use the classes I’m taking toward a multimedia design degree to improve the production quality of my videos and increase my overall online presence.

by: Ryan Miller

Josh Knerl

Good day my name is Joshua knerl but I would like to be called Josh. What is there to say about me well I have lived in Oregon all my life and i don’t get out of state much  I am a fan of anything that has to do with multimedia and special effects it has been a passion of mine since i was 12. I enjoy anime and manga (Japanese comics ) I have been reading and watching  them for as long as i can remember. I don’t enjoy starting conversations but I enjoy talking to people so you can see some problems there. Another thing I enjoy doing is Live Action Role Play (LARP for short) a activity that gets me outside and moving.                                   I am a fan of creating characters and worlds so currently I am working on my own manga story and have been working on character designs for quite a while now and its some of the most fun I get to do. Another hobby of mine is mask and prop making I have studied these two things quite a lot and it is a good way to pass the time when I have nothing to do along with playing video games . So thats me unnamed-1.jpg

About Me

About me

Hello everyone, my name is Noah Gutierrez. I grew up in Tacoma, which is a port town in the great state of Washington with my Mom and two Sisters but after 14 years I spent the rest of the time as a high school student in the Santa Barbara area with my Dad. I loved the beaches and the perfect 75 degree weather in southern California but the lure of the Northwest was too strong and decided to move where I spent quite a few years back in Washington and here in Eugene Oregon.


I’m a first time college student and decided to major in multimedia where my artistic talents will hopefully shine. I used to be an avid reader of novels and comics but due to working two jobs and playing ice hockey, I haven’t sat down and read a series of books in a while. I still draw and sketch in my book from time to time but now a days hockey is all I want to do. I play goalie 3 times a week here in Eugene.


When all is said and done for me here at Lane I hope to be be playing in A league hockey and working in character design and computer animation.


-By Noah Gutierrez

Blooming Good Time

This was a lot of fun. I love Photography from finding shots to editing. I wanted to have some video to go along with the stills but the format is different. I went a head and added  a sunrise and sunset to give it a little something different. It seemes to go well with the stop motion type assembly I added to the image. I got to spend a lot of time outside (which is a big bonus in my book). Watching and waiting for Nature to put on a show just for me.I think the being patient is important other wise you will get frustrated and lose a moment. Now I will share it with you.


An Extended View

IMA-Sp16-Grey,Brady-P6 Final Project.

It’s came to that time of the term were we give are last piece of work. I wish I could continue on with the making of videos with my drone, because this class gave me a great reason to use it for video making. I never really used it for actual projects, but as for just a fun hobby. I loved all the chances I got use it for school on the last two projects. After taking this class, I feel the motivation from what I have learned not to stop, but to continue in using the drone to create better angles and views for future class video work, or even maybe as career.

I really think editing the footage from what I have done was the fun part. Seeing it on a phone then putting it on a larger screen, and editing it seemed to be the most amazing part for me. With the footage from the fish-eye type lens from the gopro, and the 2-axis gimbal really did all the work. The gimbal stabilized the footage, while me the crazy flyer could fly the drone,

This last project(5) took a great time in editing. After getting the video timed just right with the music. I couldn’t let the video end short, so I thought for the final project that I would just continue to shoot at the same time of day in order to get that sense of evening feel for the video. I continued with more video shots at different locations, to make it an extended length film. In the editing process, I did have pretty good idea on the changes I wanted to do from the last one. I made sure that all the scenes blended together, and didn’t just change from evening, to mid-daylight. I wanted to do crazy angles with drone, but I’m still kind of a beginner with it, I wish I could have just bit my tong and went for it to get low ground flying shots. Maybe in the future once I’m more capable of maneuvering it. It will happen!

Thank you guys for watching, and I hope you all enjoy it.



Brady Grey

Brady’s Youtube Channel!

Time to Go

We, as a class, have come to the end of Spring term. At long last, Summer has arrived. I wanted to go out with a bang with my final project; maybe even leaving an impression on the viewer. I decided to make an inspirational/motivational video. I’ve been on a never-ending journey of self improvement.

A couple years ago, I found my self in a state of dissatisfaction, unhappy with my stagnation in life. I decided to jump back into school and increase the tempo of my spirit. For preparation for a life at Lane, I committed myself to a 90 day challenge of hiking Spencer’s Butte. For 90 consecutive days, I hiked up that butte, without equivocation. In order to complete my task, I sought motivation from this thing called “the internet.” The website, Youtube, provided me with more than enough motivation. Two speakers in particular, Eric Thomas and Les Brown, lit a fire under me and helped me believe in the greatness inside of me.

One of my favorite videos is from Eric Thomas, titled “How Bad Do You Want It?” The story was strong and relatable. I decided to replicate his story of a young man, striving to become a National Football League player. My actor was, a high school friend, Jon McKane. I captured a compilation of eight second video clips using my Canon T5 with the kit lens. McKane did some floor exercises outside, went on a jog, and hiked up Spencer’s Butte. I used a variety of perspectives. I captured first person views using a GoPro and my Canon T5. I was able to capture third person view, also, using the my Canon T5. I used a climatic series of clips, near the end, switching from T5, GoPro and a variety of angles. The series adds dynamism and puts the the view at the top of the butte.

I hope the video is enjoyable and resinates with many.

“Success is never on discount! Greatness is never on sale! Greatness is never half off! It’s all or nothing! It’s all day, every day! Greatness is never on discount!   –Eric Thomas



Jeffery King Osborns

P6 Final Project


So my first idea for this project was a horror story told from the perspective of a silent protagonist with his girlfriend camping in the woods. I had talent and dates all set up and the day of everyone cancelled. Well without a backup plan I was kind of stuck in limbo. I went to a skatepark looking to get some cool videos there but there was not much action going on. I emailed Teresa, and she helped me decide on a cool idea that did not need me to rely on talent.


I decided on having my final be a slide show rather than a video. I could edit photos in ways that could change how they are viewed. My story is about someone who goes out randomly for a hike one night. I use captions to kind of translate what the guy is seeing and thinking about. The story ends with a view of the sunset much brighter and happier than the otherwise dark story. I think the pictures turned out well after I had edited them to look dark and dreary. It was hard to find the right pictures that could be edited but did not look completely overdone. I tried to avoid taking pictures of where the sun was peeking through so I would not have to edit around it in post.

I am still working on my skills with a camera, I think  making a video and dealing with talent would have been fun but I could not control others showing up or helping. Hopefully in the future I get more chances to write and make cool videos. I did struggle a bit with scrambling for an idea after people cancelled on me so next time I hope I would be more prepared


Brandon Craft