Category Archives: Past Student Work

About Me..

Apparently it’s a blog eat blog world! (haha)

Hi, my name is Sarah Andrews and I am a brand new blogger. I just started the multimedia design program, and I am super excited. I was aiming for a more practical field.. dental hygiene, HA! Not anymore! Creativity and art have always been a part of my life, and it has always skewed my view of the world, which can be a very good thing, and a very difficult thing at the same time.

Overall I am in my third term here at Lane, and this is the first term that I feel passionate about each and every class, as I feel that each class offers its own thrills and challenges. I look forward to every moment. I am still figuring out where I fit best into this area, and I am ok with taking the time to explore and experiment.

for-blogOn a more personal note, aside from being a full time student, I am a mother of three very different and fantstically amazing kids. Additionally I work part time for a medically assisted detoxification center for drugs and alcohol here in Eugene.

As a young person I struggled with an addiction that ravaged my life and broke the hearts of all that were close to me.. but one day that all changed and my life was transformed.

I welcome anyone with a burning desire to know more about my story to just ask, we can all turn our test into a testimony, and if by sharing it our story helps just one person, that is a victory in itself.

John Casares

Hello all! I am John Casares I’m 21 years old and am one of your fellow classmates in Introduction to Media Arts. I was born and raised in Huntington Beach, California which is a beach front city in Southern California sandwiched in between Los Angeles and San Diego (in Orange County if you know where that is). I went to my first two years of college in San Francisco and was studying Graphic Design. I loved Graphic Design and the city but had wanted to come to the University of Oregon since the beginning of high school so I packed my bags and transferred. I am now enrolled in both UO classes and Lane classes. 

I grew up in Southern California so I was constantly surrounded by the skateboarding and surfing culture. I have always loved logos and design but these type especially peaked my interest. In 2013 I started my own lifestyle clothing company with one of my best friends Taylor. Our company is called Delite USA, a clothing company that is committed to creating genuine apparel & equipment in the US that will enable artists and athletes alike to push the boundaries of their respective field. I have been running this for 4 years now and could not be more excited to see where it goes. 

Here is me in San Francisco wearing one of my companies hoodies.

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About Me


Hi guys and gals,

My name is George Prigmore IV, yes the fourth, and although I may not be royalty I’m still a pretty cool cat. I currently live hustling and bustling metropolis of Eugene, Oregon with my sidekick Cookie. When I’m not out making the world a better place you can find me taking photos of Cookie (who is definitely getting tired of it), catering to your every need at the Hilton or just out in nature. We both grew up in a small fishing town on the coast of Washington called Westport then made our way to Eugene after I graduated high school. Here I have begun my secondary education at Lane Community College and plan to transfer to the University of Oregon after obtaining my Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer Degree. I plan to attend the School of Journalism and Communications but have decided as well to branch out into media arts as well. I have always been a news junkie since I could remember and there seems to be no better way to express my love for it than the media arts.

This term I am taking Intro to Media Arts and we have been assign to create our own blog. With this blog I will be documenting my projects and my journey through the program. After the class I plan to continue the blog with more creative projects and updates with what’s happening with George and Cookie. Thanks ?

By George Prigmore IV

Evan “Sweet Cheeks Malone” Curby

Hello, my name is Evan Michael Curby, but please just call me Curby. Curby has been my nickname since grade school and I generally won’t respond to Evan. I am a Multimedia Design Major here at LCC. I moved up to Oregon close to 4 years ago now. I am originally from Las Vegas Nevada. I did not live in a casino. I lived in the suburbs, and it was boring and hot. I really enjoy Oregon quite a bit. It seems as if everyone here is generally relaxed with chill vibes. The scenery around here is amazing, but hey let’s be honest, west coast is the best coast. In my spare time you can usually find me at the ice rink. I play in an adult hockey league for the Two Towns Cider team. I’m like Wayne Gretzky with no natural talent or skill. If I’m not playing hockey, I’m usually just sitting in my room spinning vinyl’s and painting weird graffiti styles or Dragon Ball Z characters. When I finish with the program, I’d be really interested in producing music videos. I’d love to make some animated shorts for a few of my favorite musical artists like Diiv or Flying Lotus. If i could do visual designs for a touring band as well, that would be ideal. I would like to continue in art in every perspective in general just like David Choe. Well hope that is enough information for you to get an idea as to who I am, thanks for

About me, Cheyenne.

Sylvia Plath once described herself as ‘a passionate, fragmentary girl.’ I’ve also been described this way, although not quite so poetically, this encompasses me; my name is Cheyenne Jones and I’m still figuring myself out. But to beimg_2107 specific as to how I am fragmentary, I find that my life and personality are split into many different parts. I have many things in my life that are completely separate and unrelated but equally important. And I feel that finding myself will equate to me making the connection between all of those things. I am a passionate person in every aspect of my life — in personal relationships, interests, and school/career work. Something that impassions me is companionship; it’s the ability to connect with other people and gain reassurance that I am not alone with my troubles. To listen to someone else’s misfortunes and adventures is a form of escapism for me. It’s extremely fascinating to me, to get a glimpse into someone else’s mind even if it’s only for a moment.

This passion for connecting with people is what led me into Media Arts. Before coming to Eugene I studied Biology/International Studies for two years at PSU. After feeling bored and uninterested with my studies I discovered my love for art. I took a break from school for awhile and reflected on what I really loved and decided to pursue Media Arts. After my time at Lane, I hope to use the skills I have gained to connect with people and help others connect with each other. I am still figuring myself out especially in terms of what outlet I want to use to create and connect. My overall goal is to leave Lane with a clear idea of how I can use Media to connect with the world.

Get To Know ME!!!



People often ask me where I was born and for the life of me I can’t remember. That was a really long time ago. Supposedly in California, near the mall where tested the DeLorean in the first Back to the future. What I hear is I was 11 pounds and 24 inches tall. That by all accounts is a BIG baby.I could be wrong on the exact numbers, though I shouldn’t because I hear about it every time I call my mother on my birthday. Moved to Oregon when I was four, been in Eugene ever since, which can bum me out if I think about it for too long. Let’s move on…

The First Concert I went to with any longing impact on me was Weird Al Yankovic. First Movie was Who Framed Rodger Rabbit? When I was 8 or 9 ish I got obsessed with old reruns of classic tv shows like Gilligan’s Island, Bewitched, Brady Bunch, etc. Around 15 or 16, I got obsessed with rock’n’roll like Iggy Pop, New York Dolls, Richard Hell, etc. At 33, I don’t know what I’m obsessed with. I still love classic tv and rock’n’roll. I have a radio show on the university’s radio station, THE NO PANTS PARTY, currently on Thursdays 3pm-4pm, KWVA, 88.1 FM(shameless plug). I also do vocals in a punk rock band, we’re called Prefontaine though the bass player wants to change the name to something more accessible (typical bass player!) Anyway yeah…. Oh one time I met a retired Adult film star and Jesus Christ on THE SAME NIGHT! I’ll tell ya that story some other time

15895008_10208056011697546_5317991500843719552_nBy Billy Dyball

Hi, I’m Josh

I used to want to major in either accounting or finance.

I thought my brain was purely analytical, and contained no ounce of creativity.

I liked computers, and I hated arts and crafts in primary school.

I learned I wanted to work for myself, so I switched from finance to marketing in order to learn skills to start a business for myself in the future.

I love new ideas, and I have a passion for turning my ideas, and others’ ideas, into reality.

I have a dog, and this dog grew markings on his face that made him famous.

I thought that we should share the uniqueness of this dog with the world, so I decided to create some sort of website and social media for him, even though I had no idea what I was doing.

I ended up staying up all night working on the site and loved it, and he grew to over 55,000 fanatics who’re obsessed with him.

I started exploring this new creative side of myself and combined it with my technical skills with computers.

I’m starting to make websites for other people and helping their creative ideas come to life.

I think I can combine my new interest for media arts with my marketing interest, and I’m looking forward to learn and explore ways to creatively do this in this class.

I was recently introduced to video editing and film, and grew a passion for expressing my ideas through this medium as well.

I’m very new to all this, and I had no idea there was an actual class that teaches how to do the type of work I accidentally came across, loved, and taught myself.

I played around with iMovie the another night and made this little video about Eugene that I’ll substitute for my picture requirement.

Who knows what it’ll be?


Hello All,

My name is Nieman Adams-Jackson, I am 21 years old. I was born in Central Oregon, out in the middle nowhere (Small town hospital). I spent most of my adolescence in Central Oregon. Although, I spent a good amount of time in Portland dur

Left to Right: Ziggy, Me, Sky

ing my childhood.  I moved to Eugene in February of 2014 to begin school here at Lane Community College. I hope to transfer into University of Oregon. My goal while at UO is to obtain a four year degree in advertising or something else that sparks my interest. I am not completely decided on what I would like to major in quite yet. I enjoy Nature and being outside. In my free time, I like to go hiking, camping, and swimming. I enjoy being inside though just as much as I do being outside.  At home, I have two toy Australian Shepherds named Ziggy and Sky. I really enjoy taking them with me everywhere.  They will turn two on on the 22nd of next month. If you see me outside of school, there is a good chance that you would spot these two right behind me. After completing the Media Arts program I would like to be headed down a road that keeps me intrigued. Who knows what it’ll be?

By: Nieman Adams-Jackson

About Me


Hi there!

My name is Misty and sometimes I go by Maxx. Either or is fine. I’m currently finishing Multimedia Design as my minor this term. I’m getting the one year certificate and then I’m moving into the Graphic Design program. I also work as a Lab Assistant in the Indie Lab at Lane. Not only that, I freelance online by doing digital art commissions!

When I finish the Multimedia Design certificate and the Graphic Design program, I hope to have a job possibly in eugene as a graphic designer.

Outside of work and school, I’m a sleep, animal, art, and computer enthusiast.

I have 3 cute animals. I have a cat named Moe, a corn snake named Pinky, and a blue tongue skink lizard named Silky.

I really enjoy  gardening, baking, hiking, literature, ceramics, illustration, films, and music.

A few of my hobbies consist of drawing, digital art, photography,video games, watching tv shows, reading, writing, and a few other things. Almost anything artsy, I will love. I also love stars and learning about space. Space is just super awesome.

I also try to play guitar and ukulele but I’m not very good at either hahah. I’m still learning.

Some shows I really like: In the Flesh, Orphan Black, Stranger Things, Sense8, Carmilla, Avatar the Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, Steven Universe, Fullmetal Alchemist, etc.

Some video games I really like: Dragon Age: Origins-Dragon Age: Inquisition, Left 4 Dead -Left 4 Dead 2, Half Life 2, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, etc.

Thanks for reading.





My Brief Introduction


Hello everyone,

My name is Hunter. I’ve lived in Oregon for all my life, mostly in Eugene. I’m the current Multimedia Editor/Movie Reviewer at The Torch and work for the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art. I was also on the Yearbook staff back in my Junior year of high school.

I had a huge obsession with sharks when I was in elementary school. Because of that, I originally wanted to be a scuba diver, so that I could swim with sharks. Then, when I was about 6 or 7, my mom brought home a VHS tape (yes, I remember those) of Jaws. Ever since my first viewing of that film, not only did it become my favorite film, it also inspired me to pursue becoming a film director. Other favorite films of mine are Halloween (1978), Blade Runner (The Final Cut), and Good Will Hunting.

In the last 4-5 years, I’ve developed an interest in screenwriting and video editing. I recently changed my major to Multimedia to work closer in a field I have an interest in and to learn other useful skills.

When I’m finished with the Media Arts program, I hope to find work in the video/film production field. Since the industry is evolving in exciting ways, now’s the time to jump on the train

By Hunter Ruland