Category Archives: P6 Final Project
Please watch the video at the highest resolution before reading this post.
My experience with this project has been both stressful & relieving. Like any other student, it was stressful due to working on this project & other school assignments. And it was relieving because it when I was focusing on this, it was a moment of control, a sense of doing something I’m capable at. Which is creating content.
Anyway, this video is semi biographical & hopefully relatable to college students. What I mean by this is it’s basically a student working on a project while figuring out their future. The premise is simple, but hopefully the way I edited demonstrates how I think.
In this case, an archaic sense of slapstick silliness.
What I want the audience to feel is be humored while relating to the life of a college student. I want them to be aware of the present while also thinking about after Lane. To know that probably everyone here is trying their best but will have moments of doubt. That we will have at times question decisions that pertain to the betterment post student life. But it is also understandable to dream about something unordinary. To have something that defies the standard of living.
Dreaming may be cheesy, but better to be cheesy then to be nothing.
P6 Final Project: My Adventure to Class
By Danielle Hilliard
For my project i chose to tell the visual story of my adventure to class. I thought it would be funny and realistic. My goal for this project is to make people laugh and to share my experience with them. I had a lot of fun filming for this project and i cant wait to further my camera skills and make even better projects in the future. i had trouble using after effects it kept ruining my footage so i just went with using Premiere Pro. I would lime to further my knowledge in these Adobe Creative Cloud programs so I can get better at using them. I tried to add fun sounds such as the bagel chomping sounds to make people laugh. I had to add the footage of the turkeys they just make coming to campus more interesting they are very beautiful creatures, and are fun to film and photograph. I had some difficulties when it came to filming on the same weather days to make the shots line up good, but overall I feel it all worked out well in the end. I am happy with my finished project! I really want to keep making more film projects like this one. I have so many more ideas this is really fun for me. I didn’t realize how much I liked doing this until I took this class.
Duncan Final Project
I wanted to do some worldbuilding around my silly Minecraft prison for this project, so I decided to do an instructional video on how to maintain it. I’ve done other projects related to it for other classes but I wanted to show off the gross fleshy areas at least once before the end of the term. The thought process behind the script for the video was I wanted it to be constantly hinting at the heart without outright saying it, and continuously imply that there is something sinister happening, only to later casually reveal it all the while the upbeat and chill music continues to play.
The two things I think I struggled the most with this project was keeping it under 3 minutes while also getting all the information across, and then also making the video seem crusty and old. But in the end I’m happy with how it turned out
Voice over: Ben Bartlett (My brother)
Music: Hep Cats by Kevin MacLeod
By Duncan Gustina
P6 Drag? for a project? Groundbreaking.
by JD Rodejo
A drag video? From a drag queen? SHOCKING. I decided to stick to what I know. I had multiple ideas that didn’t go according to plan so I decided to go back to my passion which is performing. I was still able to incorporate my original ideas, drawing, a bit of stop animation/video and fashion.
I decided to showcase my creative process to one of my biggest looks for my drag. I made the back piece and headpiece from scratch using unconventional materials such as balloon sticks and cardboards. I performed this look to Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face”. I have been enjoying videos with hard transitions so this was such a fun project. I used Adobe premier and Capcut to edit and put the videos together and applied a bit of editing or filter in Adobe Lightroom as I already have the presets saved.
For the reveal of the look, I had a video of my performance that I have added in to complete the project and for me to showcase everything in action. The video was taken at my own show that I produce and host. All videos of me drawing were taken by me and the video of my performance was taken by a friend who gave me the rights for the video.
AD: If you are free on December 8th at 7pm, head to Spectrum Queer Bar(150W Broadway) for Morena’s Hotpot! An all ages show and lipsync competition for new performers.
When We Were Cats.
I needed to show myself I could do it.
When coming up for ideas on what to do for this project, I wrote off one that I deemed too complicated and excessive. Every other idea felt dull in comparison, and the whole thing started to leave me feeling defeated without even starting.
I mentioned the project to a student that had previously taken the class, and they excitedly showed me what they had created. It was beautiful. I felt emotional, and that’s when I knew I had to push myself. The worst possible outcome wasn’t the worst thing that could happen, and this would be a great opportunity to see what I could pull off.
So, for the first time, I built a small set. I stuck to the plan that was created. And it worked out. I’m still surprised and residing in a fog of chaos and daze, but I’m writing that off as a mindset shared by speedrunning multiple projects.
There are definitely a few things that I would do differently, but overall, I’m happy with what I accomplished in such a short amount of time. And it gave me a great excuse to look into different effects and things of that nature in quite a few Adobe programs.
by: Erin Schooley
Hello Class! By Esteban W.

Hello, I’m Esteban, and I’m thrilled to introduce myself as a musician and visual artist embarking on my second term at LCC. Music is my first love, and I’ve been fortunate to explore it through various instruments and digital tools. My primary platform for music creation is Ableton Live, where I merge technology with my creativity to craft unique sonic experiences.
As a multi-instrumentalist, I’ve delved into the intricacies of guitar, bass, piano, keyboards, and more. Each instrument has granted me a different perspective on music, allowing me to infuse diverse elements into my compositions. My trusty microphone is my constant companion, capturing the sounds that resonate with me in the world around us. These field recordings often find their way into my music, adding a layer of authenticity and emotion to my work.
Beyond music, I’m equally passionate about visual art. I see it as another form of creative expression, and it complements my musical endeavors beautifully. Through visual art, I can explore a different dimension of creativity, experimenting with colors, shapes, and textures. It’s a delightful journey that allows me to tell stories, convey emotions, and connect with people on a profound level. I cant wait to learn as many skills as I can to boost my creative process and be able to share with you all!
However, I’m currently on the mend from knee surgery I underwent last Wednesday, which has temporarily slowed me down. But I believe that even in moments of physical challenge, our creative spirits can soar. This setback has given me time to reflect, plan, and brainstorm new artistic projects that I can’t wait to share with you all.
Collaboration and learning from others are essential aspects of my artistic journey. I look forward to working with my peers, sharing ideas, and gaining fresh perspectives. Together, I am hoping we can create a thriving creative environment that nurtures innovation and artistic excellence.
P6: Final Project
By Kahu Ekalani
When I started this project I knew I didn’t want to spend too much time on a script and storyboard because one of my favorite things to do is drive around and see what I can find and film to throw together. It’s a personal challenge I like to give myself, but it doesn’t mean that not a lot of time and effort went into this project, it was very time consuming.
Shooting and editing the surfing scenes was my favorite part of this project. My least favorite part was not having a gimbal to use while filming. Something I wanted to do that I didn’t get the chance to was film one more day of footage which I had planned to do around a campfire, I also planned to capture some footage of cows but that didn’t work out either. During the editing process I tried to keep an appropriate pacing and match alike actions to create continuity. Overall I’m happy with how it turned out given the materials, staff, and time frame I had to produce it. A piece of advice I’d give someone just starting this project would be to schedule as much time as you can to get as much diverse footage as possible.
STARRING… Michael Feigen, Beach Folks, & Kahu Ekalani
Written and directed by… Kahu Ekalani
Edited and Produced by… Kahu Ekalani
Music… “Run Wild” by Twain and The Deslondes
P6: Final project
I chose the topic related to beauty because one of my dream when I was a kid is becoming a Beauty Blogger/ YouTuber. This is the chance for me to look at my childhood dream again after a long time. “MANI 101: How to give someone a manicure!” is the idea came up with on my mind first because I feel the manicure in the US is kind of expensive compare the Asia area, that’s why if people know how to do a basic manicure for their lovers, it will less cost. This is the video about “How to” so it will be directed towards tutorial. Whether you’re practicing for your new salon business or just having a sleepover, knowing how to give someone else a manicure can help them feel relaxed and beautiful and help you hone a skill. Put on some music, grab your nail kit, and let’s get started.
By: Zoe
Final Project
I loved this assignment! It was an extremely healing experience for me. After my accident I knew I wanted to make a video about it and I wasn’t sure when or how. The only reason I was able to make this video was because I went back to school and now have an understanding of different adobe softwares and proper terms in this field. I learned the basics of how to animate an object in premiere pro but I want to learn more advanced techniques in the future. The first part of the video I created was the audio. The sound sculpture recreates and sets the scene without having visuals. Then I added dialogue, aka my thought process at the time over the sound sculpture. Now I needed a visual and I thought it would be hard to try to recreate that in live action so I did my very first animatic. It is extremely beginner level but I am glad I added it. The accident really had a huge impact on my life and taught me a valuable lesson, to live life to the fullest because you never know when it will be your last. Don’t take life for granted.
created/directed by: Ana McCartney