Please watch the video at the highest resolution before reading this post.

My experience with this project has been both stressful & relieving. Like any other student, it was stressful due to working on this project & other school assignments. And it was relieving because it when I was focusing on this, it was a moment of control, a sense of doing something I’m capable at. Which is creating content.

Anyway, this video is semi biographical & hopefully relatable to college students. What I mean by this is it’s basically a student working on a project while figuring out their future. The premise is simple, but hopefully the way I edited demonstrates how I think.

In this case, an archaic sense of slapstick silliness.

What I want the audience to feel is be humored while relating to the life of a college student. I want them to be aware of the present while also thinking about after Lane. To know that probably everyone here is trying their best but will have moments of doubt. That we will have at times question decisions that pertain to the betterment post student life. But it is also understandable to dream about something unordinary. To have something that defies the standard of living.

Dreaming may be cheesy, but better to be cheesy then to be nothing.