Category Archives: FALL 2018

Scavenger Hunt!

I’d already had a introduction to building 18 during Welcome day and could make my way around without any help. At the equipment check out station I actually ran into Sarah, who had presented in our class just earlier that day! I had actually already met her in building 18 when I needed help logging on to the wifi, So it’s cool to know if I need help, I can usually find her in the area. On a side note, I had never seen the inside of the equipment center before, it’s very colorful!

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Like I said, I’d been around this building before, so while I did know where the Blue Cyc wall was, I wasn’t able to get in and get a picture because the door was locked. So I took a picture of the door sign instead. Another side note: why do people call it ‘the green room’ of it’s blue?

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I went to the Center building and followed the smell of popcorn to the Center for Student Engagement! I had no idea this place was even here. I was doing work, so I didn’t get myself any popcorn but I really wish I had; it’s free! To be honest I’m still not really sure what the Center for Student Engagement actually does, so I may have to revisit to discover what sort of help I can get from them should I need it. Also, to get popcorn.

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I’d actually had my art featured here during the Student Art Gallery last year, and the gallery really just gets better and better everyday with the art featured. The picture I took was a close up of this really intricate vase I saw. The fact that this was made from someone here at LCC just, completely blew me away. It looks like something that should belong in a museum! It was absolutely inspiring to see it, and everything featured there.

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The Art-o-Mat! The idea itself that you can pay for surprise art, is really interesting, and if I ever have five dollars to spare I might try and use it! I’m not usually one to spend money if I don’t know what I’ll be getting out of it, but I think art that inspires is worth the price.

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I dropped by the Library, or reference counter, and the ladies there really did help me while I was trying to find some of the places I hadn’t been too before. I already have the text books and the like I need for classes, so I don’t think I’ll be going there too often, but it does seem like a nice little area to hang out in and get some work done, so maybe in the future I’ll get to enjoy the library and all its resources.

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The next place I went was the silver sculpture out front the Health & Wellness Building. I’d never been to that side of the campus before, and it was super pretty! The sculpture itself had a lot of attributes about it I loved, like the way the negative space in the sculpture resembled a human body! I’m also a sucker for the color green, and the little glass pieces at the top really caught my eye.

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Next I went by Ingram’s office. I originally took a picture of him sitting at his computer, but it didn’t really turn out, so I took an image of this adorable cat sculpture sitting on his desk. I didn’t ask him about it but I really should have.

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The ladies at the reference desk actually helped direct me to the media creation lab, which conveniently happened to be right behind me. It was so quite in there I didn’t even realize there were people in there working when I walked in to start taking pictures. I may end up using this lab to work on projects for other classes so I can have the right version of the Adobe Creative Cloud. This image is the only one I had to do an real editing to, because it was originally much darker in the room, then this image is. I do like the angle I got of this shot though!

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I’ve visited Judy Gates a couple times, and she was ultimately the reason I joined the Multimedia program in the first place. I otherwise would have gone and done my general education, and thus far, joining the Multimedia program feels like the best decision I could have made.

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Next, I went by Mrs. Teresa’s office. I had actually seen it during the tour and really loved the decorations in the window, especially the little alligator sculpture. The image with the alligator didn’t really turn out however, So I used the image of the tall frog and the mouth thing? I’m not sure, but I do like the teeth on that thing! I’m curious if Teresa made them all herself or if they were gifts from past students?

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Going around campus taking pictures was much more fun then it sounded at first. I was introduced to places around I hadn’t been before, and looked at the places I had been in a different light! It was also nice getting to know some of the real names for places. Like The Students First Building! I had no idea that’s what it was called, I just called it the number one building.IMG_0164 copy

Last but certainly not least, I stopped by the front garden, to take a picture for my construction shot. I’d never really taken the time to look at the garden before, and it was really beautiful. From this angle, it also kind of reminded me of the shape of a turkey, so I guess this might count as a turkey shot as well! It really was just fun to be in the area and breathe the garden air, although I imagine it would look better in the summer light.

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RP: About Me

I grew up here in Eugene and I’m a first time student at Lane studying multimedia design.  I’ve mostly been into photography as far as art goes but I’m trying to explore and definitely want to be working with more video.  My favorite place to shoot is at concerts, and I’d love to make a music video someday.  A lot of my friends are musicians so I’ve been commissioned to make cover art for albums, it’d be cool to be able to expand my skill set and create more with the people I care about!  I’m also on a dance team and like to read and watercolor ?  Looking forward to getting to know and working with you guys.


by: Rachael Plant

Hi Everyone,

I like working with children and I have volunteered for several community groups that involve youngsters in active learning. Japanese taiko drumming is my favorite group. For more than a decade, I have been playing the drums and now I mentor the younger team members and teach them how to perform. As part of my teaching, I have made instructional tutorials for them that they can practice from their home computers while online. I enjoy how each child has their own different way of learning and yet we all come together as a team. My interest in taiko took a different turn this last summer when I started learning how to build the drums out very large, old, oak wine casks. It is a fascinating process with many steps that take a long time to finish.

I have almost completed my transfer degree and, like several others in my family, I’m starting the one-year certificate in Multimedia Design as my area of focus. I’m not quite sure what kind of job I’d like to pursue but I’m looking forward to finding out more about the multimedia field during this year. My experiences creating homemade video tutorials for teaching taiko drumming have increased my interest in learning more about teaching with multimedia.

By H.M.

Version 2

Hello Everybody!

I am almost done with my transfer degree and I am starting a one year certificate in Multimedia Design. When I’m done with my degree I would like to find a job where my media skills can be used. I’m still figuring out what kind of job I’d like to have, so instead of transferring to a four year college, I am exploring options in multimedia here at LCC. One thing I like about multimedia is the flexibility I might be able to have working from home some day. In the summer I took a writing class and one of my assignments was to turn my final essay into a multi-modal project. All I had was an iPad with an iMovie app and I was surprised how much I enjoyed translating the written essay into a visual and musical project.

I have been part of a Japanese Taiko drumming troupe for thirteen years now. I started out as a student and as I got more experienced I took on teaching responsibilities such as helping teach the younger team members and choreographing routines. I really enjoy performing with my other college-age team mates because it’s challenging. I also create drumming tutorial videos for the team website. I look forward to doing this more effectively.

By H.L.

Intro Photo 4

Hello Everyone,

I like working with children and I have volunteered for several community groups that involve youngsters in active learning. Japanese taiko drumming is my favorite group. For more than a decade, I have been playing the drums and now I mentor the younger team members and teach them how to perform. As part of my teaching, I have made instructional tutorials for them that they can practice from their home computers while online. I enjoy how each child has their own different way of learning and yet we all come together as a team. My interest in taiko took a different turn this last summer when I started learning how to build the drums out very large, old, oak wine casks. It is a fascinating process with many steps that take a long time to finish.

I have almost completed my transfer degree and, like several others in my family, I’m starting the one-year certificate in Multimedia Design as my area of focus. I’m not quite sure what kind of job I’d like to pursue but I’m looking forward to finding out more about the multimedia field during this year. My experiences creating homemade video tutorials for teaching taiko drumming have increased my interest in learning more about teaching with multimedia.

By H.M.

About Kyle Letsom

My name is Kyle Letsom. I have lived in Eugene my entire life, but I have intentions on possibly changing that once I finish with school, just for a change of scene for a while (I don’t know where just yet). 

I don’t have any pictures of myself, so here is my last-minute picture.

I love watching movies! When I’m not at home, school, or work, I am more than likely at the movie theater with friends or family. It’s an expensive hobby, but not always; I’ll just choose to watch movies at my home if I’m running a little short on money. I have also been known to be fairly competitive and bowling is a good outlet to express that side of me.

In my other free time, I play music (not incredibly great but passable) and I act. I love acting and portraying characters on a stage… 

Multimedia fascinates me because of my love for movies and Theatre Arts. Just recently, I’ve made a transition from acting on the stage to acting in front of the camera. Changing pace like that proved to be quite the challenge but well worth it. Ever since I started film acting, I wanted to learn more about it, thus explaining my sudden urge to take some Multimedia classes here at Lane. 

This is the first term of my third year here at Lane Community College. My plan, as of right now, is to finally finish off my AAOT degree and transfer to the University of Oregon. Although I haven’t quite decided if I want to switch my major to Multimedia Arts, it is something that I am, at the very least, interested in taking part in to fulfill more of the required number of elective credits. When I am out of school, I can see myself continuing to audition for more film and theatre companies around Eugene, and maybe even outside of Eugene.


Hi there! Thank you so much for taking time to check out my blog, my name is Monica B and I’m very pleased to meet you!


Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star. — W. Clement Stone

himiko-toga-fanartI was born in Tijuana Mexico but came to live in the US when I became 12 years old. Due to living in poverty and a not so loving home, I looked for ways to escape my reality and to a safer environment. I quickly became obsessed with anime, books and video games, specially those featuring a righteous main character that overcomes all the obstacles in their life to become a respected and strong member of society.

However my family’s somewhat unstable economic situation proved it difficult to buy a lot of books, video games let alone anime or manga, so I started drawing my favorite characters and making up stories of them in my head. To this day I continue to draw and enjoy all of the interests I had as a kid and hope that some of the skills and knowledge I’ve gained from them can help me get a job that I can genuinely enjoy.

Portrait 2Even though my interests dint change much throughout the years, my less than ideal life situations made it hard to enjoy them at all. I almost stopped drawing altogether because I moved out at 18 and had to work a full time job to pay bills. I also reached a point in life in which I was going to pursue an occupation that would please my abusive parents, but I was in a serious car accident that shattered my spine a few years ago, which made me want to live life to the fullest.

My professional goals at the moment are to become a successful graphic and web designer, make enough money to pay my bills and not worry about food or rent. For my personal goals I would like to be able to draw anime characters and get paid for them, I also would like to learn to make animated drawings, make my own comic book in the “manga” aesthetic, make a “Visual Novel” genre video game, and if I’m feeling ambitious, make a small “YouTube” animated series in the “Anime Aesthetic.”

Some of my goals might sound childish or somewhat unattainable but I believe that if I aim for seemingly unattainable goals, even if I fail I will have accomplished something that I can be proud of. I also would like to try to attain my goals and fail than die not even trying and regretting or wondering if I could’ve. From my personal experience the meaning of life is to do something, since a person can go insane if they’re not kept busy; therefore why not spend your life doing things that make you happy and you enjoy? Especially if they’re positive activities that don’t hurt anyone else or yourself.


-By Monica B.

Project 1 ‘About Me’

My name is Johnny, I am originally from North Carolina. After dropping out of high school at 16 years old, I  spent many years traveling the U.S., mostly hitchhiking until I got my license and first car at 19. I have been to every state south of West Virginia and west of Illinois. During these years, I would sporadically find work on small farms where

Best crew of people I ever traveled with. Ocala, FL 2012

I would get a break from the road. I also really loved volunteering at music festivals in Oregon and in Northern California. My favorite festival was Earthdance before it got moved from the hog farm in Laytonville to the fairgrounds in Vallejo, Ca. Over time, I  grew really tired of traveling and not having a place to call home, and decided to settle down in Eugene and get back into school. I chose Eugene because I really like the community and have a few close friends here that I met while on the road.

This is my first year officially in the Media Arts program. I started school last year in pursuit of a degree in Journalism, took a couple of photography/photojournalism classes, and fell in love with my camera. I am still currently a Journalism major, but am double-majoring in Media Arts because Photography really fits into both. I am also interested in furthering the web design skills I developed in high school, and learning the basics of graphic design. I intend to one day start my own online business, although I do not yet know what that business will be, but I will need web/graphic design skills in any case.

The main greenhouse range at Oregon Aquatics

When I’m not at school, I work seasonally at Oregon Aquatics, a wholesale aquatic plant, fish, and pond supply distributor. I have been working there for 2 years now and really love the job. One of my jobs there is to take photographs of all the plants that we have and making ‘Signage’ for those plants (Signs with photos and details of every plant) and also uploading those photos, and photos of happenings around the nursery, to our Facebook. It’s great, because I get paid to practice my photography.

While taking photos and learning about all of the plants I have really gotten into water-gardening. I have a 30 gallon planted aquarium and a 55 gallon pre-formed pond basin at home full of plants, koi, and goldfish. Even though keeping up with maintenance on both is a lot of work, I have found it to be an extremely calm and relaxing hobby.


Click to view slideshow.











About Me

Hi Everyone my name Is Ashley. I was born in Springfield and pretty much raised here, but I did spend ten years on my life in central Washington. I am a Multimedia Design major at Lane Community College. My joys in this field are photography, web designing, and editing.  I have been coming and going trying to get my degree for about five years now. Yes, you heard that right! I’ve had a lot of things interfere with my schooling during those five years and my health and family have come first. I would say I am an introvert. I like my alone time and sometimes get anxious around a lot of people. I am definitely not a simple person; I have been through a lot but try my best to stay positive.


On my spare time I enjoy taking my kids places, such as the parks, and attending free events with them. I enjoy music and the outdoors. The ocean is my peaceful spot I could stay there forever. I don’t have a whole lot of time for hobbies, but I do cook and clean a lot. I also love home design and last year we decided to buy a home and become home owners. So we now have a little fixer upper in Springfield, and we hope to slowly pay it off and fix it up so we can sell it and move to our next home. 

I am a Mother of two amazing children, Shayla, who is seven and, Uriah, who is three. I have been with my boyfriend for about five years. He has definitely changed my life. The person in my life I look up to the most is my Grandma. She is my hero because no matter what has happened she always seems so positive, and she has been there for me and my children no matter what. She has been a major support and rock in my life.

Who is Elle?

“You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Because that’s where you’ll find the things more important than what you want.” — G.F.
I think the best piece of information to start off with is my name. Lauren is my full name but I like to go by Elle. Elle is the nickname my twin sister Rachel gave me and a name I decided to take to Eugene as a way of having her with me. I am originally from Huntington Beach: a city down in Southern California.
I am someone who is in love with the ocean and can spend my days on an island bodysurfing, free diving, and exploring the different ecosystems within the sea.
A typical day for me is one spent at a cafe drinking coffee and discussing the many topics floating inside my mind with someone beside me. Having the scent of coffee continuously tickling my nose while having the silent chatter of others around me is a luxury I could never take for granted.
The hobbies I enjoy are reading, hiking, traveling, and going to art museums, but the two things in particular I am really passionate about are writing and editing. When I edit I love to launch myself into a project and get completely lost in the process of choosing an audio, playing around with it and picking the right pictures and video clips to perfectly convey the message I want to display. And with writing I love having the ability to have my imagination run free and create a story that can leave the audience grappling with their emotions and questioning the world around them.
I am still unsure of what career I should pursue and what major I should choose but I hope that I can walk onto a path where my creativity can cultivate to even bigger heights and lead me to a life where I can be happy.
By: Elle Kennedy