Tag Archives: Sp-P5 Final Project

About Me

By: Ian Howerton

Ian Howerton

My name is Ian, and I am an undergraduate here at LCC, working towards an Associate of Applied Science degree in Multimedia Arts. I have some experience in various multimedia settings, including film, podcasts, radio, and music production. I hope to gain a better understanding of these areas, of expertise, and to hopefully find out which field I would like to go into after I earn this degree. I’ve always been really fascinated by use of music in film, and how it effects the ideas and feelings of the audience as those musical ideas develop.

As for my personal life, I live outside Junction City, just north of Eugene, and live on a farm. The ample space and distant neighbors make for a serene, if not occasionally barren, flat landscape. I have several cats, however, who enjoy gracing the presence of any social call I attempt to make or participate in. It is most likely that one would see Hercules, Merryweather, Mim, or Bruno, as these four are the ones who have taken residence in my office.

Since I mostly have cats for company, I have several collections. I’m not quite sure how these two truths are related, but I’m sure they are. In particular, I like collecting leather bound books, both for the feeling of the book when read, as well as the aesthetic nature of it on my shelf. I also collect pins and antiques, but I’m certain that these are more niche interests and that as a result, nobody cares.

About the Author

by Gordon Johnson

Welcome to my blog. I am a thirty-three year old Oregon native, having been born in Eugene; and I have lived in the Willamette Valley my entire life.

This is my second time attending Lane Community College. My first time began in the fall of 2007 when I pursued a culinary arts degree. Sadly, my health did not allow me to follow that career path and I have struggled to find a career suitable to my passions, talents and abilities.

I have just started classes to get my One Year Certificate in Multimedia design. I have always had a passion for creative expression; be it through writing, drawing or cooking. I hope that this program will start me on a path towards my dream job of working as a Campaign Designer at Wizards of the Coast for future editions of Dungeons & Dragons. It is my hope that I will have a job lined up by next summer, and I can begin a career that will support me and my future family.

My current hobbies revolve around gaming in all forms: PC, Console & Tabletop. I current run a D&D Campaign as a Dungeon Master on a mostly weekly basis, and I am a player in other campaigns my friends run on a more irregular schedule.


Welcome to my first blog site on WordPress. My name is Gabriel Olsen-Martinez. I am currently enrolled in the Media Arts Design program at LCC. I was drawn to this program after years of creative ambitions and vision, but a specific lack of skill at any specific medium. I hope to hone my skills and identify artforms that I am excited by and comfortable with. As of now, I am most interested in photography and audio production. At this point, I have been enrolled at LCC for about a year and a half, however, I have been taking classes in the Media Arts Program for a year. I am lucky this term because it will be the first term that I will have the opportunity to attend school full time without the responsibility of keeping up with full time work as well. Hopefully, I will be able to absorb all that the term has to offer. I would love to get involved with film, sound, and photography after I finish here at Lane.

by: Gabriel Martinez

P.S. Enjoy a photo I took while in Digital Photography at Lane.

About Me Danny Parrish

I’m Daniel “Danny” Parrish new student at LCC (Lane Community College.) I’m a pretty big gaming fan especially when it comes to first-person shooter games, but I also play other games too like “Rocket League,” and I am currently getting into “Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.” Films have always had a special place in my heart making me want to watch new and old movies almost daily. I’ve been able to appreciate almost every movie genre especially action and comedy.

I’ve always tried to have something going on in my life that keeps my brain going and my life interesting whether that was playing sports or hanging out with my friends, but this pandemic has slowed all of that way down and I have just been watching anime, playing video games, and hanging out with a few buddies here and there. I am hoping that going to college will help get my brain to get going and enrich my mind with a ton of new and interesting information.

Competition has always brought out a fire in me. So one of my favorite things to do is to follow competitive sports and esports. I’ve always loved the thrill of competition whether or not I am very involved with it. It’s always been pretty cool to see the best in the world at something compete to see who the best of the best is. My favorite two leagues have to be the NFL and the Overwatch League, my favorite teams have to be the New York Giants(NFL Team) and the Los Angeles Valiant(Overwatch League Team).

I’m pretty excited to blog and share my journey with everyone reading. I will be posting blogs every week and so far I’m enjoying every minute of it. Let me know if you have any questions for me.

It’s Me.

I am a Multi Media Design major who wants to work in the gaming industry. Where in the gaming industry? You got me there. I’m just starting out so I wouldn’t even be able to tell you that. The Game Development program at Lane Community College was just recently discontinued which is why I chose the nearest major to it: Media Design. I plan to get my associate degree at Lane Community College and then continue to a four year college to get my bachelors. I hope to be able to continue taking game development classes along the way like I am this first semester of school. 

        I had previously gone to school at other colleges in 2018 but took time away from school which was much needed. Now I’ve changed my major and I’m back in school hoping to continue forward with no interruptions along the way. I’m very new to media analysis which seems to be a lot of what I’ll be doing. I am going to try my best to analyze things on a deeper level and really dig into my classes. I won’t let everything being online get in my way.

        I enjoy skate boarding with my friends which I sadly don’t do as much anymore. I enjoy drumming and playing percussion which, again, I also don’t do as much as I’d like to. I really enjoy playing board games with my family and watching shows with them too. I have a really good relationship with my parents and all my sisters and I intend to keep it that way. We’ve grown a lot throughout the years and have finally become a great big family.

        That’s enough about me now. I’ll keep the life updates coming in new posts.

By: Zachary Tavernier

F20-P1-About Me

Hello, My name is Heather Bolton, and I am a Multimedia Design Major at Lane Community College. I hope to fill this blog with samples of my work throughout my school days, and would like to continue contributing as my portfolio expands. I look forward to filling this with beautiful works of my own to show you my creativity.

A little about me. I am a Wiccan Minister, at the age of 45 I have been practicing Wiccan Religion for 30 yrs. I started learning about Wicca at age 15, and fell in love with the practice of worshiping nature. My previous college experience was as a Drama Major. Primarily backstage craft work, such as prop creation, costuming, set building, and a little acting in there too. I am also a Gamer, which means all kinda of gaming, from PC games, to card and board games. And yes that includes Dungeons and Dragons, as well as some Live Action Roleplaying. I am a California Refugee, as I like to call it. Moved up to Oregon in December of 2019. It was not an easy move, we had to live in my car for three months, and I got very ill. I was hospitalized with Merca, Flu turned into Pneumonia in my lungs. I was in the hospital for two weeks, and when I left I was on oxygen because my lung capacity was down 25% after they drained all the fluids from me. I was on antibiotics for about a month after I left the hospital as well that was administered on a picc line in my arm and a mechanical pump. It was not an easy recovery, because at the time I got out of the hospital was the beginning of the American Pandemic. I was forced to Quarantine myself from the outside world during most of this. And still have breathing issues, though I am doing a lot better. This near-death experience however, did do one thing for me, it showed me life is too short not to be doing something every day that brings you joy. So I joined Lane Community College in pursuit of finding my creativity joy.