Tag Archives: Sp-P5 Final Project

P4 Audio – Honey Glazed GOATS Cereal Commercial

For this project, I decided to expand on one of my high school graphic design cereal box’s that I did back in 2019. Out of the three box designs I created, I chose this one for the fact that it was easier to build a commercial around it. I thought it would be fun and interesting to expand the oddity of my cereal by advertising how delicious it would be!

My experience with this project was decent. Coming up with the script was difficult for me, but I eventually pulled through. It’s not easy trying to sell something that’s not meant to actually be tasty, but try to sell it like it is! Finding the audio, recording, and editing was simple enough for me as I grew up having to edit songs on Audacity. Overall, I thought this project was interesting to do and left me an opportunity to add more to the cereal’s advertisement.

P4 Audio

I wanted to keep things simple as I’ve never recorded my own voice before. I wanted to try a neutral, whimsical music track, but it was difficult to find something fitting as there is a lot of free music content to look through. I went with something upbeat in the end since I find the story to be not be heavy.

I found most of my experience with this project was learning about new subjects I never delved too deeply in before as I kept the concept simple. Looking into copyright and learning audio tricks in Adobe Audition was a focus. I learned tricks such as reducing reverb in audio if you get too much of an echo in your recording. For my audio thumbnail image, I decided to draw it myself to sidestep any copyright worry.

There are things I still wish to learn, such as how to balance the sound effects, music, and voice volume. I defaulted to the voice being the focus and the music and sound effects being quieter.

-Jennifer Howard

P-4 Audio-Maria

This project took me a few days to start doing it. I did not know what topic to choose. First,  I wanted to create a Radio Advertisement. I practiced for a few days, but I do not have any experience doing it, and I forgot about that idea. Then I decided to read Aesop’s fables. My son likes me to read stories before bed, so I thought it was going to be easier. Also, I thought that it could be a good idea to include him in the audio and  have a good time together. I asked him, and he was super happy. With this project I wanted to create a family time environment, being relaxed, and having fun. My experience with this assignment was a little overwhelming at the beginning because it is not easy to start when you have many ideas in your head. Also, finding the audios, working with Audition, Soundcloud, etc. Everything requires hard work, nothing is easy. Even though  it was a little bit complicated at the beginning to make the audio, I happily can say that I enjoyed it a lot. I learned so much. I had the opportunity to practice my terrible pronunciation, and also I practiced more audio editing. This project left me with very good learning.   

By Maria

P4 Audio-Bebe

In this project, it is very difficult to choose what topic I want to do. I was very struggling to choose between telling my own story or Aesop’s fables. I realized Aesop’s fables were very interesting, and I started to find some fables that I like and that I can make different in my own style. I decided to use “The Wolf and Goat”. However, I was very insecure about my voice. I have been using my phone to record my voice to tell the story. After I practiced over and over again, I kept challenging myself about what I can do better, I started to imitate my voice while in their conversation. I found out that roleing in is the best way you can tell a good story. Also, one of my strategies is to record your story in sections, because when you have sections of your story you can very easily edit in adobe audition or other software. And the most important is if one of your sections that you don’t like then you only need to re-recording that section instead of recording the whole story again. I do enjoy this project because when I tried to adopt my voice, I was very proud and satisfied. Especially when I put the background music and some sound effects together, it turned out good. I hope that everyone will enjoy my audio.

By Bebe


My goal with the project was to write a comedic radio advertisement based on an old joke my chess mentor would say back in high school. He stated that he wished he could zap us through our phones every time we didn’t make the best move in our games. Taking this idea, I thought it would be funny to create an advertisement that satisfies this want using lots of chess jargon to appeal to the target audience. The overuse of jargon is very intentional as it is not an ad for general audiences and meant to appeal to a very specific audience of people.

When putting the project together, I had to record the audio on my phone and then send it to my computer where I edited it using audacity. Firstly the audio had to be mastered by cutting all of the bad takes and removing spaces in between the ones I kept in order to keep the narrative flowing, reserving pauses for comedic effect. As far as the music goes, it took a while to browse through sites with free music until I found one I was satisfied with. Lastly I had to draw the image using adobe animate of the man getting zapped by his phone showing the use of the product.

Riddle Me This

Toilet Paper

“One sheet, two sheet, three sheets or four…some use less and some use more. What am I?


“What has arms and legs, but no head?”


“What can’t be burned in a fire nor drowned in water?”

Washing Machine

“I have a big mouth and I’m quite a load. I’m not gossip, but I get involved in everyone’s dirty business. What am I?”


“Stepping out? Wear me first! I’ll protect your feet from the worst.”


“Tall and strong, I stay outside. The sun, the rain, they’re by my side. I give birds homes and help you breathe. I even give you fruit to eat.”


“Here I come and here I go. I move really fast, anywhere I go. That’s why you take me when you’re in a hurry. When I zoom by, I might look blurry.”


“Kick up your feet, if you will. I’ll keep you company through Netflix and Chill. Though you might not notice, I’m always here, to hold your zines, your snacks, and beer.”


“You say we’re pals, that we’re best friends. But only until the morning ends. You say I give you fuel for the day. And when we’re done, you’re gone away”


“Don’t frown at me, I made it clear. Won’t make a difference if you’re near. Just stand in front and I’ll show you exactly how the world will know you.”

The Man and The Gem

https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/1144715401%3Fsecret_token%3Ds-6BE9JljaG9l&color=%23ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true Logan Habib · P4 Audio Story

I very much enjoyed creating this project and learning the process’s behind audio editing. Getting the hang of Audacity took some time, but after I was able to get down the basic editing tricks, I had a blast. There are still some mistakes in this project that I wish I knew how to fix but, even though there are things I wish I could change, I still take victory in the small learning experiences. Trying to master editing my voice was the hardest challenge. The videos provided this week were a big help though and I was able to learn about noise reduction and noise profiles and apply that knowledge to my project.

I also really enjoyed freesounds.org. There were so many cool sounds that I could pick upload to my project. It took me hours to pick what sounds I wanted to use to set the scene. I tried to understand the characters emotions in each part of my story so I could try to pick the best fitting music for each part of the story. Its got more of a dark or eerie tone in terms of music.

Overall, I truly enjoyed the experience with audio editing and maybe I will try to practice it more on the side because I liked it a lot. Once again, I hope the audio comes through ok for everyone listening!! It was a challenge to eliminate all background noise.

Roadtrip Nation (RTN) BLOG- Bebe

Mike Parillo

“As long as you have a vision, a goal, you know, and you have the will to persist, and really make it happen, you’ll make it happen.”

  • When he was 12, he saw a skateboarding demo in his neighborhood and he took up skating.
  • From there, he developed a love of snowboarding, which led him to take a job as a lift operator on a mountain.
  • He’d dropped out of high school in pursuit of this dream, so even when he got so poor he had to sleep in a tent, he kept going.
  • Two years after moving into the mountains, he got a sponsorship from Volcom.
  • An accident blew out both of his knees and he had to stay off his feet for six months; he took up painting as his new hobby.
  • Was commissioned to design two snowboards, then the next year he got four jobs, the next year it was eight, etc.
  • He went to Europe to continue his self-education; a French artist told him his paintings weren’t art, they were cartoons.
  • That comment humbled him, but also inspired him to get creative and start making his own work, rather than only working on commission.

By Bebe

Rob’s Road Trip Nation

Alfred Matthew Yankovic “Weird Al” – Musician, Actor, Performer, Architect

Weird Al studied and graduated from California Polytechnic State University with a degree in architecture. However, he has been recording songs from as early as 13 and has garnered international success through his parodies and eccentric performances. He has appeared in several major motion pictures and animated series spanning several decades. Despite all of this, he has a reputation as being very down to earth and humble about his successes.