Category Archives: Winter 2021

P1 About Me

Hi everyone!

My name is Logan Habib. I was born in Eugene and have lived here a majority of my life. I briefly spent time in the small town of Crystal River, Florida from the age of two till’ the age of four. Honestly, it’s one of my least favorite places, having visited it again in recent years, and I am more than happy to have moved here. I have always loved animation and the process behind creating it. I used to create Youtube videos when I was younger and in these videos, I created animated short stories. I modeled, animated and rendered all the videos myself and found a lot of joy in doing so. I also really enjoy creating in the numerous Adobe Creative Cloud apps. This passion I found is the whole reason why I chose to study Multimedia Design at LCC. I was previously enrolled at LCC to obtain a Journalism and Communications degree, but decided it wasn’t for me. One day, I aspire to be an animator either independently or for a company.

I’ve always really enjoyed sports or any form of physical activity to keep me going. I was a Second Team All-League lacrosse goalie for Churchill High School both years I played, from 2016-2017. It’s been a long time since I have played, but I still enjoy keeping up with the PLL or Premier Lacrosse League. It still fires me up seeing the best compete against one another. Aside from sports, my other hobbies include video games, playing the saxophone, hanging with friends and family, and overall just living life.

As I stated, after I complete the Media Arts Program, I plan to become an animator. Animation fascinates me because it is the act of creating static imagery to simulate movement. There are countless possibilities/scenarios that an individual can create when they are creating animation and that’s why I can’t wait to create my own advanced animation projects. I also very much enjoy films, so being able to produce on a film set would also be very cool.

I am beyond excited to being this journey into the program with you all and can’t wait to enrich my mind with new information!!!

By: Logan Habib


Dino’s Revenge

For this video I decided to try a genre of film I haven’t done before; comedy horror. My goal for this project was to start with more comedy from the toy Dinos not being taken seriously and then slowly build my way up to a suspenseful ending. My original video was way too long so I had to shorten it, and honestly I like the new and improved shorter version a lot better than the original. In my original video there was a sharp contrast in terms of the speed and pacing of certain scenes, some felt boringly long while others felt so short your could almost miss what happened. That was definitely not what I wanted! After updating, the pace is much more consistent throughout and everything necessary to the storyline was able to stay.

The most time consuming part was definitely creating props and filming, I’m actually planning on re-using some of the props for another film project involving the Dinos. My secret weapon of choice for getting the Dinos or their props to stay in place for more complicated scenes was poster putty! After scratching some old left over poster putty from my wall and realizing how effective it was, I bought some more of it and it worked great!

Some of the most frustrating parts while filming were when I had to get behind the camera. Although I was in theatre in high school, acting in front of a camera was something I had to adjust to. I found it difficult to focus on the movements, expressions, camera framing, and pacing all at once. Pacing was especially hard, because if my scene was too long even by a few seconds it would mean making cuts in other areas to keep the total running time in check. Moments where I had the most fun while filming involved the salt and spitball scenes, that was when I was able to see this idea that I had in my head really come to life before my eyes, which was a really exciting and encouraging feeling. Overall I’m super happy with the outcome!

By Miya Ott

Sp21-P6 Final Project

I had a bunch of fun writing this song in audacity. There was a lot of ups and downs through this project and I was worried about finishing it accordingly due to being tired, frustration, and sickness. But I think the journey was well worth the ride this term. This video ” ink on my fingertips” is about me and my development this course. I actually struggle with a lot of depression, and making content really helps make me happy. I took Basic design this term, after getting ink on my hand’s multiple times; I thought it would be poetic and mesmerizing to put that in a song.  I wanted to incorperate story telling from taking photography as well and use it in my song. So, I wrote about struggling with setting in manual and not getting it very quickly and making noise with ISO as a bit of a pun ironically while I was making noise in my microphone. Overall, this song sort of worked out as a trifecta because I was able to use the same concepts in my photography and basic design classes as well.  The Thumbnail on the YouTube video was used in my Photography final, as well as, the ending picture with ink on my fingertips. Although I didn’t technically incorporate the song in to my art class the same, it was the driving influence for both my photography and multi-media final. So, in the back of my mind, the basic design final for that class had to be great in able to make my other finals just as on par. But I loved every second of it. There were times when I thought I wasn’t going to complete all these finals but managed to pull it off some way or another. I can’t way to see what next term brings me.  

P6 Final Project – Music To My Ears

This project was a hot mess. At first. I had created the entire video and ended up not liking any of it and scraping it. I restarted with the same idea and different execution. I completed the project once more, but once again, I didn’t like it and restarted. I finally got the story I wanted after a few tries and got those around me to be my talent. In this project, I wanted there to be a sense of continuity to create a story. The project was intended to ask the question, ” What is music to you?” and “Where does your mind wander when listening to it?” Music is a huge thing in just about everyone’s lives. It can help people study, be productive, bring people together, or even be a getaway. Essentially, music is very important in our lives and for me, music takes me to another place. I daydream a lot when I listen to music. I try to depict a scene in my head that would fit the music and would try and place myself in different scenarios based on the music I was listening to. Music has put me through a lot of rough times in my life and I don’t know what I would do without it. I made the project ask this question because It usually generates interesting answers. Go ahead and ask yourself, “What is music to you?” I hope this story can be both fun and interesting for the viewer. It is pretty cut and dry, but I think the world of music can create an impact bigger than most people realize. Overall, I learned a lot about filming during this project and I can’t wait to continue this practice. I hope many of you feel the same. Thank you for a great term!