Category Archives: WINTER 2019

Winter term – Jan. 7-March 23

Resources for Media Arts Students at Lane

I already know that I will be coming to this place a lot for the rest of the time I attend here at Lane.



While I was observing this object I thought to myself “why blue? why not green or another color besides blue?”


This was tricky to find because I pass by here all the time and don’t really think anything of it until now that is.


I won’t lie this picture I took a while back because as of right now there wasn’t really anything there yet.


It’s kind of funny because I actually walked past this machine until I turned my head and saw it staring right at my face.


This is one that I know I haven’t used yet but it was right next to the center for student engagement so I didn’t have a hard time finding this one.


This stands out to me like a soar thumb because the first time I came to Lane, this is what I saw and to this day it still really stands out.


Last time I checked this room was closed but when I went back this room was open so I was able to capture it.



I haven’t used this lab just yet but maybe in the next couple weeks I will come back and be here.

judy gates

This is a picture that I was able to capture in Judy’s office. I was gonna take a selfie with here but I didn’t want to bother her.

teresa office

I stopped by Teresa’s office but sadly she wasn’t there.


This is probably one of my favorite buildings on campus because when you enter the building, you are greeted by an array of different flags and I think that’s awesome.


For my last shot I decided to take a picture of me with my car. She said to be creative with this one and this is my attempt of our final shot for this scavenger hunt.

Resources for Students at LaneCC

Good day to you all who are reading this. When I first got to Lane I didn’t know about a lot of the resources I know about now. So, here are 12 resources at Lane that you can use and a bonus of the Turkeys fighting so loud that 5 people came to investigate.


The Equipment Checkout Counter in Building 18. You can walk right through the front doors and see it.


When you find Equipment Check Out, you can look up and see a classroom that secretly holds a blue screen set.


If you venture to the second floor of Center Building you’ll find the Center for Student Engagement. If you get lost, or need help, someone there can usually help you figure it out. They also have free popcorn.


One of my favorite places to visit on campus is the Main Art Gallery in Building 11. You can always find beautiful art, that’s different each term.


One other nice thing you’ll find there is Student Artist Books in our Art-O-Mat in the same building,


If you venture into the Library you might find a worker gasping over the amount of overdue books I have.


On Lane’s Campus we have a lot of art, one of the pieces is really cool it stand in, just for this view. It’s next to Building 30


If you ever find yourself lost as to which classes to take, right next to the Art-O-Mat is The Art Division Office.


If you need to use Adobe Software at Lane, look no further then the Library’s Media Creation Lab.


If you are a Media Arts Student, you’ll need to know Judy Gates, and you’ll quickly see all of her cute ducks. You can find her in Building 11.


In Building 18 You’ll see Teresa Hughes monster art collection, she will also get you a co-op and possibly a job.


In building One You can find the Student Unions, Student Government, and the Multicultural Center.


And if you go to lane you’ll know we’re the Titans, but honestly we should be the Turkeys.


Author: Rick Williams 

The Adventures of Toon Link at LCC

1. Equipment Checkout

As a new media arts student at LCC, Toon Link had to get the proper tools from equipment checkout.

2. The “Blue Cyc Wall”

Toon link found the big blue wall and is excited to learn what it is used for.

3. Center for Student Engagement

“Never be afraid to get involved at your school!” – Toon Link (probably)

4. Art Gallery on Campus

Toon Link loves art and seeing the different art exhibits that Lane CC has to offer!

5. Art-o-Mat

Supporting student work is a great investment! Toon Link had no idea something like Art-o-Mat existed.

6. Reference Center

Toon Link makes sure to utilize campus resources, like the library!

7. Health & Wellness Building

Toon Link had a hard time finding the health and wellness building, but he is glad to know where it is now!

8. Ingram’s office

Ingram seemed busy when Toon Link visited.

9. Media Creation Lab

Toon Link was happy to find out that more computers in the library have access to the Adobe Creative Suite–not just this lab!

10. Judy Gate’s Office

Toon Link always makes sure to check in with his academic advisor every term! He also made some friends in Judy’s office.

11. Teresa’s Office

Teresa wasn’t in her office when Toon Link came by.

12. The Student’s First Building

Toon Link knew where this building was because this is where he started his journey at Lane!

13. Stuck in Transit

After a long day of school, Toon Link is excited to get home. He just has to make sure he takes the right bus!

Chasing a Dream by Isaac Reyna

Hello, I’m Isaac Reyna, a 19-year-old graphic designer & collegiate athlete from North Bend, Oregon. I’m currently studying graphic design & multi-media at Lane Community College while playing soccer for the Lane Men’s Soccer team. I chose to attend Lane Community College to improve my portfolio, gain skills, and gain experience needed to become successful in the real world with the hopes of one day working and creating graphics for a professional sports organization.

I started to become interested in graphic design before I even knew what it was. As a young boy, I would edit photos or create product ideas on free online editing software and spend hours on hours of my free time just trying to put what was in my head into a picture on my screen. It was a way for me to use my creativity as an outlet from the real world. Before I graduated from high school I didn’t really think about what I was going to do for the rest of my life in regards to a career. I mainly focused on athletics, but I settled on becoming a police officer since I enjoyed the idea of chasing “bad guys” around town. I decided on attending Lane Community College as a stepping stone in my athletic career.

As college started I continued to be creative. I would create graphics for the Lane Men’s Soccer team on my free time and really enjoyed doing it. I then realized what my idea of fun was a job, and quickly researched graphic design. The more I read about it, the more I wanted to become a graphic designer. I called professionals in the field of graphic design and in professional sports since athletics is still a major part of my life, and want to create graphics for a professional sports organization someday. I asked, “what are the steps I need to take to do what you are doing as a career”. 

Now I’m here, studying graphic design and multi-media and loving every minute of it.

W19-P1 About Me

Im Saul. Im 28 years young and a freelance web designer and developer. I have been working freelance for the last 6 years and have loved the challegnce and the lessons that have come with it. As a self-taught designer and developer, there are many difference roads that come and go and Multimedia is where I’m headed.

I got my first web job doing data entry, entering in names and email addresses. Super simple. For that some company today, I am the Web Editor for all of their online publication. I have gotten to work with big businesses like this and small businesses that have two or three products that they want to sell online. I am able to make that happen.

Working with WordPress, Adobe Suites, Google, and many other softwares, I have been able to see a small glimpse of all the wonders that one can come into contact with. I have a truly grateful attitude to the internet and all things digital.

I started a small design and marketing business that I am super stoked about. I want it to become something that I can rely on and build. I want to be able to work with digital art and marketing and media and spread the joy of it to all.

By: Saul Foster

Get to know me

My name is Alex Garcia, I come from a small city by the name of Cannon Beach. As I stated before Cannon Beach has a population of around 1,100 people and is most known for being home to the Haystack Rock.

As far as my personal interests go, I like to play video games, mostly multiplayer games like Call of Duty and FIFA. And as of right now the only single player/multiplayer game I play is Red Dead Redemption 2.

Besides playing video games another passion that I have is working out. It was only recently that I got into working out due to the fact that I wanted to lose weight. I started about two months ago and I weighed in at around 176 lbs. As of this week I am currently weighing in around 156 lbs. I found out it was a really great way to relieve some stress and it was something that changed my mood and changed the way I would approach things like procrastination, being unmotivated, and things like that.

Another one of my passions is creating and uploading YouTube videos. This is something that I really love to do and creating video ideas is something that I struggle with. I also really struggle with uploading on a consistent basis. At the moment my YouTube channel DezeNuggetz (friends started calling me that as a nickname, so that’s where it originated from) has 285 subscribers. But I find that for me this is a way to get creative as there are times where I have lots of time on my hands.

Lastly, what I would like to do after I finish the Media Arts program is to work for a sports company like Adidas, Nike or Puma and help design shoe ideas, accessory ideas or sport jersey’s, mainly soccer.

By: Alex Garcia


About Me – Krista Ortiz

Hi, my name is Krista Ortiz and I am a 20-year-old multimedia student here are Lane. I have attended college previously for 2 years and began my studies at Lane in Fall 2018. I am very passionate about music and I have been playing music since I was 9 years old. I mainly play bass guitar, but I also play many other instruments. Music in my life has been a defining factor in my personal development.

Another passion of mine is art. Most of my artistic life, I have only experimented with analog art such as painting and drawing. I absolutely love painting with all of my heart. Some other activities that I do is attend music festivals. They are my favorite form of art and music together. After attending shows for over a year, I started to become more curious about the way the art is made. If some people don’t know, festivals mainly use motion graphics that are projected onto a screen. This fascinated me, which led me to get into the multimedia program here at Lane.

The past two years of my life have been about searching and discovering who I am. If someone isn’t comfortable with themselves or their life, then how will they figure out what they want to do? We are always told to do something “practical” and because of that, people like me spend years studying something that doesn’t make them happy. I feel that I have found the right career path for me that has the possibility to involve my two passions: art and music.

Turning a Passion into a Career – Jacob Adams

Hello, I’m Jacob Adams an 18-year-old Cinematographer & Website Designer from North Bend, Oregon. I’m currently studying multimedia here at Lane to improve my portfolio to show clients as well as gain knowledge on the given subject. My main hope for this course as an introduction to multimedia is to improve the way I interact with clients and how I form connections in the media environment. Then in exchange, I hope to contribute to the class a different enthusiasm for entrepreneurship in the digital world.

Some of my work can be seen in my online portfolio, ( Mainly film is my passion. Through this, I have led a production team of four students who were going to high school with me. Since graduating we each have followed different paths, some going to school for film, others persuading different lines of education. Through this team, I got to produce 30 different films. These films ranged from Mental Health public service announcements, to what makes the perfect mayor. Recently, Lane Community College approached me to produce a short promo film for the cross country team. This helped present the team to potential athletes as well as be featured on the Lane CC website.

The main thing I stand for on every project I produce is that each should tell a story. I hope to turn this passion into a career by going to school and later working with companies and organizations to produce advertisements. With that said, I also have the ambition to be a part of the production of a full-length documentary feature, later in life. In all, I have high hopes for this course and the individuals connected to it.