Category Archives: SPRING 2016

200 Or More Interesting WORDS Of Me_

200 WORDS  Or More Of Me

Who Am I?

Hi Everyone!

If you all don’t know, my name is Brady, and welcome to my blog.I like coffee, especially iced coffee. Dutch Bros is my favorite when it comes to going out to get coffee. I’m laid back and easy going, and always up to trying new things!

What I Like To Do:

I really like the outdoors. I mostly like to ride motorcycles, quads, as well as mountain bikes. I grew up around cars, and motorcycles my whole life. After awhile it becomes a hobby that is addicting haha.

IMG_1533What I’d Like To Do:

I really like working with computers, and video. It all started in a video production class back when I was in high school. It progressed with inspiration from taking that class, and to watching videos on YouTube. One interesting fact about me is that I like to were my gopro everywhere I ride. You never know what’s going to happen. As well you might get a good short YouTube video! IMG_1521One of my other hobbies is flying drones! I like doing that on the side for fun, and to also take video/photos. I’m still trying to get the hang of flying, and to hopefully get better at it. I like coffee, especially iced coffee. Dutch Bros is my favorite when it comes to going out to get coffee. I’m laid back and easy going, and always up to trying new things!

After Finishing Media Arts Program:

After I’m finished, I would like like a career in video editing or web design. Either of them would fasntastic to work in. I really enjoy time behind the camera and for the most part making awesome media! Looking foward to a awesome career.


By: Brady Grey


About me



 My goals

 Hello, my name is Taylor. I am a student at Lane community College pursuing an associate of arts degree in multimedia design. I chose this career path because I am interested in becoming an animator. I have taken classes at LCC in computer animation and I have enjoyed it. I have learned that there is a lot of work and time involved in creating animation. I am not an expert but I am excited to learn more about the skills and work that goes into creating animation.


My family

I currently live with my mom and my stepfather. I don’t have any brothers or sisters but sometimes it is nice being the only child in my family. On weekends sometimes I go visit with my dad. When me and my dad spend time together we play games, talk, and watch movies. I like spending time with my dad and I feel I can talk to him about anything.


My interests

One of my favorite hobbies is playing videogames. My favorite videogame to play is The Sims. The Sims is a simulation game that allows you to build a house, create a family, and make a story about the family. I have a collection of almost all of The Sims 3 and 4 games. I play both The Sims 3 and 4 but I mostly enjoy playing The Sims 4. Besides playing Sims I also enjoy playing the Mario games, watching movies, and spending time with my family.


By Taylor Lavoie

An Interesting Read


An Interesting Read

My name is Brandon Craft, I grew up in Wasilla Alaska. Being from a place that is much colder than Oregon, I really enjoy being here, and I like having the option of driving anywhere and seeing new things. Alaska is big and beautiful but no matter what direction you go it’s still Alaska. I am enjoying Oregon and traveling around to the bigger cities. 

I have a motorcycle back home that I cannot wait to ship here. I bought it two years ago here in Oregon and drove it back to Alaska. I have a three year old Rottweiler named Dante who I love and could not bring with me. He seems like a big scary dog but he is a big baby and loves anyone with food. Being in the snow a lot I took up snowboarding and have loved going to new mountains and passes around Oregon.

When I moved here I bought a skateboard to get around and mess around on. I am a huge comic book fan and back home the nearest shop was an two hour drive there and back. This isn’t an issue here, the comic shop is much closer so I can visit it weekly without burning much gas. I love watching movies and tv, going to a movie in theatres is one of my favorite things to do no matter the film. If you have any questions about movies, comics or tv, I probably have a answer.

By Brandon Craft


SP16-P1-About Me



Hello. My name is Jeffery. I was named after Jeffrey Osborne, the musician. Eugene, OR is the city I was born in. My birthday falls on the last day of the Leo.

My career aspirations have transformed over the years. When I was young, I wanted to be stand-up comedian because I felt so much joy making others laugh and smile. After that brief dream, I wanted to be a lawyer, and then a graphic designer. I strayed from my aspirations to work retail management. I’ve been in retail since 2003, and I’ve built many skills during my time there, including communications, sales management, loss prevention among others.

I paid off an old school debt that was holding me back for the better part of a decade. After that, i was able to continue my higher education. I enrolled at Lane Community College, Spring of 2015. My focus was on nursing, and that was a very brief episode in my life. Fall term of 2015, I took three medical classes and one art class. I was hooked. In the Winter, I took all art classes and have never been more happy and focussed. Now I’m focussing on multimedia design.

Are you ready for some referencing taglines? Good, because here they are:

#photography  #freelance  #WarriorOfTheLight  #hiking  #GoDUCKS  #Leo  #SummerBaby  #mac  #CannonT5  #MultiMedia  #RetailPartTime  #PeopleVsOJSimpson  #LakersBaby  #kobe  #UO  #hydrocephalus  #DirtyThirty  #peace  #love

by: Jeffery King Osborns

what you need to know about Mac


howdy im Mac (MacKenzie Bohlman) as you can see i dress like a full grown adult that lives in a anime/cartoon/comic book/movie type Deal-E-O. i like to watch animated movies and draw and sew. i am competent in adobe photoshop, flash, maya, illustrator, and other forms of digital media. i hope to be an animator someday.

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here are some of my works. as you can see i also like to draw. and i draw in a graphic style. my expertise is in color.i love working with color at one point i was fighting one of my art teaches to let me use color my favorite medium’s  are markers, water colors, and drawing software “insert MS Paint Joke Here”. i don’t have any animations right now but I’m working on them. I’m also a big superhero nerd i love batman and the X-men. i have a huge comic book collection and if its the right character i can literally talk about them for hours like there inner relationship of the robins “yes there is more then one” or the powers of the x-men and how they never get a brake or comics in general. i can’t wait to post more interesting things an work. tell next time this is mac.


My Perspective

IC-Headshot_023No it’s not Clooney or Gomer Pyle (duh)…

I’m just a guy who grew up on an old German homestead located in the dusty wheat fields of Eastern Oregon back in the mid-60’s through the mid-80’s. There wasn’t much to do out there except work or read, so I opted to do as much reading as I could. This led to writing, then drawing. I dabbled in some inventing and my sister and I performed the most exquisite puppet shows. Man we were bored, but it was a good time, if only in hindsight.

I met my wife in college and changed my major no less than 6 times (writing, Filmmaking, International Finance and Law, Paralegal Studies, Computer Science, Intelligence Studies). My first job was doing odd jobs for a geriatric farmer, who lived nearby.  That was when I was 10. I worked in the saw mill summers from age 14 and construction during the school year. I’ve been a chef, a professional writer, a paralegal, an insurance underwriter, restaurateur, broom maker, stone cutter, carpenter, Navy Cryptologist and computer security engineer and manager. That’s just what I can remember.

Now I’m embarking on a new mission…a new adventure with my wife of 30 years; to return to our artistic roots. Our only son graduated from film studies at the University of Oregon a few years ago and we hope to improve our skills so that we can work on our own projects as well as those our son might wish to include us on.

By A. H. Norton

First blog post

Hello my name is Chad VanNatta, I am the one behind the camera, pictured with my daughter Alexandrea. I am attending Lane to transfer to University of Oregon as a Photography major. I have a few years of previous experience but am looking for a greater understanding of the technical aspects of the productions. Also I think that the people we meet and the network we create will fallow us throw our lives. These are important for one person can build a bridge but a large group can do it faster and better.


I enjoy nature and being outside, hiking, fishing, hunting and mountain biking. All these things I do I like to share with my family. I have two daughters Alexandrea and Elizabeth who really enjoy being outside too. They are of the modern age and love the computer, cell phone(for games) and T.V. , but spend plenty of time outside with “dad”. My wife shares some of the same interest but not all the same, that would be dull. I believe that a good photographer is willing to get wet, dirty and get into places that well maybe I shouldn’t say, anyway my name is Chad and it is good to meet youfrozen drop 2-16

Hey, It’s Me!

Hello! My name is Tyler Plummer and I’m a multimedia student at Lane Community College. This will be my second year here at Lane and I’ve had a ton of fun so far going through the program. I like everything that the program offers, from drawing to video production. I love being creative end expressing myself through my art. I want to share my work with others.

My primarily interests are photography, music production, and animation. I started to develop an interest in both photography and music production in high school and those interests have grown greatly since I first started going to Lane. My brother first introduced me to music production and I’ve loved the possibility of creating unique, expressive sounds ever since. The same could be said about photography too.  I aspire become a freelance photographer, or a music producer, artist, in the future. I also wish to get the music certificate at Lane once I’m finished with the multimedia program.

I’m a moderately shy person, but I’m really nice once you get to know me. Outside of creating multimedia work, I enjoy the simple things in life. Some of the things I enjoy to do are playing video games, watching basketball, watching anime and random videos, and being with friends. One other thing I’d like to mention Is that I love birds.

I hope to get along with everyone on this class.


By: Tyler PlummerPlummerTyler-Headshot-37

“Wrap yourself in what you Love.”


Hello there my name is Joey Hart. I am a LCC student and majoring in Multimedia design.  I have really been all over the place as far as figuring out what I want out of this life.  But now I realize its more important to chase your passion, not the money.  For me I need to express myself creatively, work around other like minded individuals, and cherish every moment of time we have on this earth.  I like to spend any free time I have, digging in bins at second hand stores. I mean  who knows what treasure may be uncovered next?  Photography and adventuring are very important to me, as I aspire to one day travel, advertise, and be able to produce images for companies, as well as myself.  Hiking, biking, exercising is a new found love for me too.  I have spent many years riding the couch, and not getting anywhere.  Yes it took time to realize the benefits of sweating and working out, but once I started to see myself smile for no reason, laugh at nothing, and do whatever it took to sweat again, I was hooked.  On a more serious note, I have a real addiction to burritos.  For the past 6 months, a vegetable burrito has been  a staple in my daily intake.  It started simply with rice and beans, and now has evolved to kale, mushrooms, squash, eggs, broccoli, and much much more.   When I first came across this device of a tortilla, magic happened.  It was a chance to put all amazing ingredients together, wrap it up in a warm blanket, hose down in sauce of my choice (peanut butter, Saracha, mayo and curry powder) and enjoy. Unfortunately my obsession for this classic has got out of hand,  my burritos don’t wrap up by any means.  They have become a slop of steamed veg and rice, layered deeply with an open faced tortilla, lost in all the giblets, served lazily in a large Tupperware container.  But that’s ok, I love the phases of my addiction equally, and am excited to see what the next chapter of burritos can bring.   Basically my daily goal in life, is to live in the moment, never judge, and always create.  If i stick with these simple aspirations, the bigger things of life will fall into place naturally.

By: Joey Hart