Category Archives: Past Student Work

Lane Scavenger Hunt

file_000-2  The equipment check out room.

file_001-1  The Blue Cyc Wall.

File_001.jpeg  Center for Student Engagement.

file_003-1  Art Gallery.

file_002  The Art-O-Mat.

file_000-1  The Library Reference Counter.

File_004.jpeg  Sculpture outside Health & Wellness Center.

file_000  Mary Jo Kreindel’s office.

file_002-1  Media Creation Lab.

file_003-2  Judy Gates’s office.

file_002-2  The Commons area.

file_003  The flags.

file_001-2  Construction.

By: Gabby Mujica

Typostrate: A world of Typography!

Typostrate is a professional typography blog.  I think the site design is chic and clean. I enjoy the use of black and white. Although a simple design, it is rather effective with easy navigation. The easy navigation is provided from the drop down menus and a search bar at the top of the website. Each drop down menu is linked to a category that leads to things from useful information to inspiring images and tips. Each category has at least 5 or more different sections to explore. For example, the resources tab has the sections of free fonts, book reviews, templates, videos, guides, pens of choice, and design deals.

One of my favorite pages from this blog is the Guides section under Resources. This section is just one of the many useful pages filled with quality information from Typography to even a Brush Pen Guide.

This site has so much  to offer readers with rich tutorials, quotes, and more! I also noticed this blog is frequently updated which keeps more people involved with great content.

Overall, I think Typostrate is a unique website that explores typography in a well rounded way. People seem to forget Typography is not something minuscule but something important that can make or break a piece. I think Typostrate knows that and seeks to share and educate people in the ways of this art form. I can see this through their mission statement on their about us page.

The mission since the begining of typostrate, was to create a site which shows the passion and power of typography to the world. Typostrate tries to reach as much people as possible on the planet and show them that typography is not only a niche product or a sublevel of graphic design. Typography is an own world and we take you on the journey through this adventure. Enjoy our site and spread the love for typography to your friends and family.”

Here’s a preview of their website.

Screen Shot 2017-01-25 at 6.42.54 PM.png

You can visit Typostrate here:

Thanks for reading!



Gallery of your student resources


#1 Equipment Checkout: I couldn’t find a good photo, so I just asked everyone to smile haha.


#2 Blue Wall


#3 Student Engagement Center


#4 Main Art Gallery


#5 Arto-O-Mat


#6 Reference Counter


#7 Silver Sculpture


#8 Mary Jo Kreindel’s officeunspecified-5.jpg

#9 Media Creation Labunspecified-4.jpg

#10 Judy Gates’ Officeunspecified-3.jpg

#11 Commons Area


#12 Flags in Building One


#13 “Turkey Shot”


Media Arts Student? Check out these great resources here at Lane!


Behold! The Equipment check out counter.. Well at least this is where you will be standing in line to check out or return your awesome gear!


Studio “Blue Cyc Wall”


Center for Student Engagement.. No, not marriage proposals..


Lane’s Art Gallery


The Art-O-Mat – A spreading trend repurposing old cigarette machines to sell Art!


Behold a Library Sign..


Silver sculpture in front of the Health & Wellness Center!


This marks the office of Mary Jo Kreindel


Media Creation Lab located in the Library


This marks the office of the lovely Judy Gates


This nifty image marks the door of the Indy Lab in “The Commons” area..


Students First Building


Thanksgiving dinner protester

By: Sarah Andrews

Quest for Student Resources

Equipment Checkout

Behind the counter ft. Cierra McGee!

Blue Sync Wall

Building 17 finally gets new lights that aren’t from the 1950s!

Center for Student Engagement 

Where will you go?


A lovely art piece from the gallery.


I wonder what’s in the mystery slot.

Library Counter

The counter was such a cooperative model!

Silver Sculpture

Reach for the sky!

Mary Jo’s Office

Mary Jo’s office ft. her desk and door.

Creation Lab


I don’t know where I would be without this lab during my first year.

Judy Gate’s Office

I wonder where her next office will be.

The Commons

The commons ft. Mac and Josh! Hopefully we’ll get a futon there soon.

First Building

The slogan of Lane.

Other Shot

This picture is from the Ed Aust talk.


I really liked this extra shot and decided to add it!

Ich bin ein Schnitzel

img_3635I am Thomas. Hallo! I’ve never had as non-porn related blog, so this “lack of visible kneecaps” thing is new to me. I am a first year student at LCC, and so far I’m enjoying it. I work at a Mexican restaurant, so if there is ever a faint tortilla chip smell in the room, it is probably me. I spend copious amounts of time with my nose stuck in a 3DS and I’m always available to talk Pokemon or any other video game. Consumer technology gets me hot and heavy, and I can’t help but geek out about everything tech from concept roofing to augmented reality. I am an aspiring comedian/game show host. My silliness is very prevalent in my work and I’m so excited to share it with you guys. “Summer Breeze” by the Isley Brothers is my guilty pleasure song, my favorite movie is “Shawshank Redemption”, the first movie that made me cry was “Bolt” with Miley Cyrus and John Travolta, and my favorite political ideology is communism. If anyone has any questions about computer stuff, what tv they should buy, or how shiny breeding works, feel free to come talk to me. Also, I don’t really speak German, but their words make me laugh.

Who Am I?

photoHi! My name is Gabriella Mujica, but you can call me Gabby. I’m an 18 year old graduate from Marist Catholic High School in Eugene, Oregon but was born and raised in Discovery Bay, California. I am currently attending Lane Community College as a Multimedia Design major in hopes to become a professional photographer.

Growing up, I was always surrounded by my parents and older sister, along with great friends who I truly consider to be family. In 2015, my family grew as my nephew, Ethen Domminic, was born in August. He is a huge blessing in my life and the reason I made the career decision I did. Ever since he was born, I’ve taken multiple pictures of him every single day and it’s amazing to look back at them and see how much he’s grown in 16 months.

A few things that I enjoy doing are playing sports, listening to music, and working on my art. I love what I do and the people whom I get to do it with. One of those people is my boyfriend, Joshua. I’ve been with him since the summer… and just yesterday, he got on a flight to San Antonio, Texas for basic military training in the Air Force. Not only is he my boyfriend, but he’s been my best friend all throughout high school, he’s someone who makes me feel complete and safe in my own skin. It’s hard being apart, but I know that love conquers all and one day we’ll be together again.

By: Gabby Mujica

Hi, I’m Josh









I stumbled upon media arts on accident.

I used to want to major in either accounting or finance.

I thought my brain was purely analytical, and contained no ounce of creativity.

I liked computers, and I hated arts and crafts in primary school.

I learned I wanted to work for myself, so I switched from finance to marketing in order to learn skills to start a business for myself in the future.

I love new ideas, and I have a passion for turning my ideas, and others’ ideas, into reality.

I have a dog, and this dog grew markings on his face that made him a “micro celebrity.”

I thought that we should share the uniqueness of this dog with the world, so I decided to create some sort of website and social media for him, even though I had no idea what I was doing.

I ended up staying up all night working on the site and loved it, and he grew to over 55,000 fanatics who’re obsessed with him.

I started exploring this new creative side of myself and combined it with my technical skills with computers.

I’m starting to make websites for other people and helping their creative ideas come to life.

I think I can combine my new interest for media arts with my marketing interest, and I’m looking forward to learn and explore ways to creatively do this in this class.

I was recently introduced to video editing and film, and grew a passion for expressing my ideas through this medium as well.

I’m very new to all this, and I had no idea there was an actual class that teaches how to do the type of work I accidentally came across and ended up loving and teaching myself.

I also have a passion for basketball and play at Lane.

I played around with iMovie the another night and made this little video about Eugene that I’ll substitute for my picture requirement.

Sobre Mi

Hi, hey, hello.

img_4876I don’t know about you, but this about me thing reminds me of a 2010 MySpace bio. Well to get to it, my name is Francis. I don’t really know what I’m doing with my life yet, but here are some things about me. I enjoy doing nothing, like the laying in bed binge  watching Netflix, searching through the internet kind of nothing. I’ve seen Parks and Rec about 7 times all the way through. I grew up playing video games with my two older brothers, starting with Mario Paint on the Super Nintendo. My favorite game of all time is probably Animal Crossing, but as of lately all I play is Overwatch. Continuing to play games with my brothers and mess around on computers, I’ve become very fond of technology and all that we can do with it. Leading me to take classes along the Multimedia Design program. I don’t really know what I want to do with that exactly, but hopefully I figure that out soon.

I’m currently struggling to become fluent in Spanish. My dad is from Mexico and is obviously fluent. He didn’t teach me while growing up so now here I am, 19 years old, know a ton of words but have no idea how to form sentences. I’m lucky enough to go to Mexico every Christmas to see my family down there. I can understand it for the most part, but talking is where I get stuck. The picture included is from my most recent trip a couple of weeks ago, I was petting a random stray dog. I’ll end this by saying I also really like dogs, corgis specifically.

And yeah, I guess that’s me.

By: Francis Pardo