Category Archives: Past Student Work

P3 blog assignment-Jeremie

(picture did not take see site for details)

This is a main blogsite with sub-sites on various social media and how to’s. Example:” Pinterest says the maximum number of hashtags you can use is twenty. The number of hashtags isn’t the most important piece – it’s more important that you choose relevant, on-topic hashtags for your content. Don’t just add twenty because they recommend it. I’m going to test four – five hashtags on my pins.”- Peg Fitzpatrick

She has many more subjects. However, you must be a member to post to this blog which stinks. The information I got from the site helps me with some questions I have on social media. There are even tutorials on a video feed that explains each step in the social media arena. I, personally am resistant to social media, but this site address some of my fears and I might consider trying Pinterest as my first social media outing. A fear is my ex’s finding me and trashing my reputation on a social media site and hindering my chances for a job since most employers check that stuff now a days. It is a constant fear of what they might say out of spite. So careful monitoring of your name on social media might protect you down the road and save you a disappointment down the road at a job interview.



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FormFiftyFive is a blog about design and allows designers to showcase their creative work. It does not only consist of graphic design but photography, movies and videos, technology and music as well. I have chosen this site because the first thing someone will see is ten tabs with different labels which makes it easier on a newcomer to find what they are looking for. The second label is “Showcase” and it is exactly that. The blog isn’t afraid to showcase other’s work and this allows viewers to easily find inspiration. The blog’s main purpose is for people to find inspiration through showcased work. After personally being on the site, I can confirm that it runs smoothly and isn’t difficult to find anything.  When you find an artist or piece of creative it isn’t difficult to find more information. FormFiftyFive provides links to the artists’ website where, for example, you can look deeper into someone’s portfolio. After being on the site it is easy to understand their emphasis on finding inspiration and is like that because it is put together well and runs smoothly. Everything about this blog is to help bring inspiration to others and show people new pieces of creative work to explore and learn from.


Blog Search

Screen Shot 2017-10-12 at 6.54.28 PM.png This ‘Beautiful Oregon’ blog is the work of Tim Giraudier. A nature photographer who captures many of Oregon’s most beautiful sights through the lens of his camera. I mean it’s not hard to find beautiful places here in Oregon, but his photography brings me so much more pride and joy to be able to call this beautiful state my home. This blog includes 10 plus galleries of our state’s wonders. It’s a very easy site to get around and explore. Although I wish it was more sleek and clean; as I believe the more simple things are, the easier it is to focus on the big picture. Throughout this site Giraudier keeps little journal excerpts paired with images to keep us visually connected. It is a well kept and up to date site. The latest post was the 10th of this month on a almost clear night over the south Willamette National Forest of a very clear and detailed photo of an almost fullish moon. Not only does he provide journal entries, but upcoming events. Featured now on his blog is the Eugene saturday market.  I’m assuming he sells his prints there.  I’d recommend this site to anyone reading this. We all live in oregon don’t we? Support your local photographers. 




Bug Out! Insect Photography with Alex Wild

Alex Wild: The Diversity of Insects

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I chose this blog because I find insects and photography separately very fascinating, and this is the perfect mashup of the two. However, the man behind this site isn’t just a photographer, he has a Ph.D in Entomology as well. Alex Wild (the blogs’ creator) is well known in the scientific community as well as the photographic community and has done work with National Geographic, Popular Science, and BBC Wildlife; just to name a few. He also has a blog dedicated to just ants specifically, you can find it here. A good resource of this website is to be entertained by his photography, but also learn a bit as well by reading the pictures’ captions’. Another good resource of this blog is the fact that every photograph you see, you can purchase a print of it online. I think the blog is very sleek and well produced, with its vivid photos against the black background, everything pops quite nicely. The navigation of the site is also nice and simple, all of your options are on the left bar of the page, and to fullscreen a photo, you just click on it. The quality of information is great; it doesn’t give you excess, unnecessary info. If you read the captions, the “About Alex” page, and any other directory; you get important information that’s short, sweet and to the point. I highly recommend this blog if you like wildlife photography/nature photography, and like to see the slightly-scientific side of photography.

cliffs blog search. (

Screen Shot 2017-10-11 at 11.28.15 AM.png the one thing that I am truly addicted to is film. film gossip, film trivia, behind the scenes or stories of preproduction I love it all. if theres a title above a blog that says something like. “8 things you don’t know almost —– these movie” I’m almost certainly gonna click that link.

the movie blog .com is basically what I would want from a film blog if I were to search for one (which I did) I choose it because of its various topics regarding how well a film is doing or fun facts about popular names.

I feel like this blog started more humbly but has gone to more popular attention grabbing subjects. already from checking out the page I have found out about speilbergs bipolar wife, scenes in the movie goodfellas that actually happened and why the new blade runner movies hype is exceeding itself. (all things I found I had to know about)

the quality of the blog is great. its clean and easy to navigate and like the film industry always has new material to bring to the table. who ever is running the blog …..


Screen Shot 2017-10-09 at 11.00.33 AM.pngThis blog is called “Who is Andy Warhol”  (

This blog is interesting for the same reason Andy Warhol is interesting; he pushed the boundaries and more importantly made people look at things they look at everyday differently. A resource that really has helped me as well as my inspiration process is the video about “Pop Art.” This can help you searching for inspiration by looking at something differently than the normal way most people usually do. I think this site is produced moderately well. Although it is a basic layout, it is concise and well organized. I think that this is the most important aspect of the layout and I admire it. The overall quality of information is also strong. It gives specific examples of Andy Warhol’s work while also leaving captions to review the concepts of popular art that he is the master of. Overall, I think this website can help anyone that is seeking some inspiration as well as trying to look at things we look at everyday differently. Andy Warhol’s work surely has helped my mind look at things we look at every day differently such as advertisements, commercials, labels, and even the specific products themselves.

Resources for Media Art Students at Lane


Equipment checkout at 7:30am

cyc wall

To early to go in


Center for Student of Engagement


Art Gallery




Reference Counter Center Building


Silver Sculpture Raining…..burrrr

mary jo

Mary Jo Kreindel’s office

creation lab

Media Creation’s Lab Center Building


Judy’ Gates Office Building 11

indi lab

Building 17 Indie Lab

building one

Front Door Lobby building 1


Construction Shot building 17

ARTISTS NETWORK connecting artists with ideas, inspiration and instruction

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This is an amazing blog for artists. From what I can tell anyone can post to this blog and it categorizes them in different types of arts and mediums. I like how interactive and categorized it is for each artist and most of them you can link to the artists page and leave comments and interact with them. They are constantly updating and adding new content and artists. I haven’t used it outside of class but out of all of them that looked at this seemed to have the most unique content because anyone can post and comment. I have spent some time looking around this site and don’t feel like I’ve scratched the surface. Check it out and definitely think about posting something on it…..I am!

Resources for People and Stuff

No one was around so I just took a picture of the sign.
Big ol’ blue wall
People were there and I did not want “student engagement” at the time.
Chose to take a picture of a sign to avoid taking a picture of peoples work inside, and also to avoid people.
No idea what this actually does, neither did the guy observing the art gallery…
The inside of the center sculpture is real neat
No one was home so the sign it was.
I hope you notice a theme about now about people being at the location and my lack of want for human interaction.
Again, no one was around so here’s another sign.
Hey, guess what people were around and I didn’t want to be that guy with a camera and so the sign it was.
Flags, roof, multiculturalism
Had a more up close shot with this turkey but it was to blurry so here’s a more distanced shot.


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I found Film Independent to be a great resource. I was looking for a blog about filmmaking and the process behind it. There are many different content creators submitting to the blog discussing topics from how to conduct an interview to lessons people have learned through the years. This blog can be a valuable resource for anybody interested in filmmaking or writing. The site itself is very well produced! The content is clean and organized as well as free of ads!

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For example one article talks about permits and where they are required when shooting. Meri Hilalian, the author of this article, goes into detail about her interview with LA filmmakers. They talked about how any public space requires a shooting permit. The police are also a major part of filming, such as blocking off roads and keeping the public back from the scene. One subject I really took away from this reading was the parking rule. I had never given it any thought but all cast and crew must park on private property, such as a church parking lot. This is due to an awareness that people do live and work in these areas and they must be respectful of their lives while filming.