Category Archives: P4 Audio

Project 4 Audio

P4 Audio- Shawn Zousel

With this project I originally wanted to make a story but after watching a few episodes of Rick and Morty with my roommates I was a bit inspired by the intergalactic cable episodes and this is what came out of it. The “service” I am providing with this ad was targeted for kids and so I chose to use some sing-songy background music on top of kids cheering sound effects. I feel like this definitely brought it home and I found myself laughing a ton while editing it. In the future I think I’ll avoid using my laptops microphone as it sounded a little grainy but overall I think it turned out okay. While this service definitely is not available I hope that if it was none of you would ever recommend it haha. I wish I could’ve made it a little longer but I feel like that would’ve taken away from the “fake advertisement” feeling I was trying to convey so I made it short and sweet and to the point. I think that if it went on any longer it would’ve felt less like a commercial and would’ve caused the feeling to dwindle out a bit. I hope you all enjoy hearing this as much as I enjoyed making it ?

P4 Audio-Bebe

In this project, it is very difficult to choose what topic I want to do. I was very struggling to choose between telling my own story or Aesop’s fables. I realized Aesop’s fables were very interesting, and I started to find some fables that I like and that I can make different in my own style. I decided to use “The Wolf and Goat”. However, I was very insecure about my voice. I have been using my phone to record my voice to tell the story. After I practiced over and over again, I kept challenging myself about what I can do better, I started to imitate my voice while in their conversation. I found out that roleing in is the best way you can tell a good story. Also, one of my strategies is to record your story in sections, because when you have sections of your story you can very easily edit in adobe audition or other software. And the most important is if one of your sections that you don’t like then you only need to re-recording that section instead of recording the whole story again. I do enjoy this project because when I tried to adopt my voice, I was very proud and satisfied. Especially when I put the background music and some sound effects together, it turned out good. I hope that everyone will enjoy my audio.

By Bebe

P4 Audio. Just the Cheers

juc art

Just the Cheers is a fake album based on the cheering before a live song. The concept is literally that it is just the cheering and nothing else. The sounds itself is a radio ad promoting Just the Cheers and playing samples. It was simply supposed to be something ridiculous I wanted to do and while it was literally at the last minute and very difficult to figure out audacity and edit it all together but it was very fun to do and 100% worth doing.

P4 – Audio

This was my first recording with the program Audacity, so I recorded my general thoughts about the program. I am familiar with other audio programs such as Digital Performer, Garage Band, and my personal favorite, Protools. I found Audacity to be ok in the basic needs and features of audio recording, but there were some things I did not care for. It was simple to record, just push the record button and it began recording, but I did not like how it would record to a new track each time. Maybe you can change this somehow, but I haven’t found out yet. I will probably mess around with Audacity some more to find out its full potential and all its capabilities. The facts its a free program makes up for its limitations. You can still do basic audio recording and editing, so I would recommend checking it out.

The Fox and the Cat – a Short Audio Project


20140704-cat fox best

In this small project I recorded, using Audacity, my narration of one of Aesop’s many fables, titled “The Fox and the Cat”. I also included background music and sound effects to enhance the story, courtesy of The process of creating the project took some figuring out, but it did not take long to get the basics down. I was always interested in Aesop and the methods he used to teach people, and of how simple yet powerful his fables really were. This particular fable’s mural caught my eye: that better one safe way, then many others that you cannot reckon, meaning it’s better to pick from one safe choice than from many other choices that you are unsure of… at least that’s how I interpreted it. Hopefully my mediocre voice acting in this project does not cause your ears to bleed.


Time Jumpers audio comic Project 4

Scan 3

Wow! I wish the voices sounded better! The awesome microphones on the mac sound like a fork in a garbage disposal.

This is me fooling around with audio for a project in my tech class. I decided to do one based on a rough draft of Time Jumpers, a comic book I’m developing. I would yell louder in the video, but we were in a hallway near the paper thin wall connecting to the library. (Yay college!)

I will be doing storyboards for My animation BossFight at the end of the term, until then I will be giving update about my comic frequently. (I hope)

Until then, I will be fooling around with more audio, and.. um.. other stuff!

Thanks everyone!

-Dakota TechKnight

P4 Audio


I am wont to use my own writing for projects like this. My first choice, a poem called “Marxist Bookstore, Chicago, 1962,” was actually too long. This one is a bit too short.

I wrote “My Crazy, Curly Son” when my #2 son was crazy and curly and two-years-old He is still crazy and curly, but is now 13-years-old and calls his older brother a jack ass hole. I had originally wanted to end this recording with a clip of them fighting. Of course, when I actually wanted them to be fighting, there were generally civil to each other and they gave me nothing to use. Hence the overuse of cloying music.

I first used Audacity for a Multimedia for Education class in 2007. It vexed me then, vexed me when I have used it since, and it vexes me now. I can hear in my mind’s ear what I want; getting there is another adventure.

Aesop Fable

I wanted to recored a fable because I like the stories of Aesop he was an Ancient Greek fabulist or story teller credited with a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop’s Fables. Although his existence remains uncertain and (if he ever existed) no writings by him survive, numerous tales credited to him were gathered across the centuries and in many languages in a storytelling tradition that continues to this day. Many of the tales are characterized by animals and inanimate objects that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. I could spend a great deal of time smoothing out my voice track, matching sound intensity, and creating better continuity in the track. As well as finding using high quality sounds I enjoyed this project even though I dislike my recorded voice. I can see how this kind of work can be compelling sound has such a tremendous effect on people can create such changes in mood.

The Gnat and the Lion

I had a lot of fun doing this project. My roommate did the Gnat voice for me, which took a long time because we both could not stop laughing. Adding sound was difficult, not because it was hard to do but because finding a sound that could be my Gnat. Sadly I was unable to find one so I settled for some bees buzzing around. If you want to read the fable you can go to I enjoyed do this project and accomplished everything I set out to do with it. Audacity is a program I will probably be messing with for a long time, because once you learn how to use there are a lot of awesome things you can do.