Category Archives: P3 Personal Blog

Tapping the Hidden Demographic

Today’s society has defined the new demographic as 18 -34, while the real demographic that is being overlooked these days is the “boomers” generation who are all reaching maturity. That is, most are reaching ages of upwards of 60+ and older.

Nine months after World War II ended, “the cry of the baby was heard across the land,” as historian Landon Jones later described the trend. More babies were born in 1946 than ever before: 3.4 million, 20 percent more than in 1945. This was the beginning of the so-called “baby boom.” In 1947, another 3.8 million babies were born; 3.9 million were born in 1952; and more than 4 million were born every year from 1954 until 1964, when the boom finally tapered off. By then, there were 76.4 million “baby boomers” in the United States. They made up almost 40 percent of the nation’s population.

The reason being is that market research show that the older buyer has the money 18 to 49 years hold the grip of the television remote control, while the 34 -55 hold the purse strings of the nation.


Then in about 1989, the media switched their tactics, spending over eleven million to focus on the new demographic growing across the nation the children of the boomers that were reach school age and just beginning their buying careers.

Millennials, control the majority of sales in automobiles, houses and most goods. The reason that this demographic is not represented as it should be is that there are more babies being born and the world is catering to the young, but the world is unaware that most of these new younger demographic is still for the most part still living with the boomer demographic of the past – their parents!

But, let’s raise a cheer as the first of the baby boom generation — the healthiest, best-educated and wealthiest in the nation’s history — turn 65.

Celebrate their vitality, and especially their variety — a generation that spans the Beatles and Springsteen, that crusaded to end a war and stop the spread of nukes, that powered an explosion of new technology fueled the feminist revolution and joined the battle for civil rights.

There are just over 40 million Americans age 65 and older, and they make up 13 percent of the population. By 2030, when all the baby boomers will have reached age 65 and older , the over-65 crowd will reach 20 percent of the population. At that time the median age of Americans will increase to 39.6 years, up from 37.2 today and a significant increase from a little under 30 in the 1960s and ’70s.


“I still want to make music. I don’t want to twerk, but I want to be relevant,” joked Boomer Annie Lennox during a recent interview about her upcoming album. She needn’t worry. Lennox, and marketers in general, stand to gain a lot by serving a 50+ market that increasingly makes music an important part of their lives.

I too, feel age is nothing more than a state of mind than anything else.. If since it doesn’t matter, I don’t mind it.




P3 Personal Blog3

IMG_0412I’m usually not that good about talking about myself but I think this a good time to talk about things that I have thought about for some time.  I would also like to introduce you to my art.  It has been influenced by many things.  I have been doing art for about forty years,  But I have only being doing it serious for about  15 years.

My journey started in 1974, when  I was a business major and finishing up a degree at Clackamas Community College.  I had to take an elective so I decided to take Chinese Water Color.  The instructor had just came from Peking and was not able to communicate very well in English.  His painting however was magical.  It sort of stuck as an art form because it was so spontaneous.   Later when my children were in kindergarten they needed someone to help with art.  I taught them the Chinese technique.  So every year after that I went into their classes and taught art until they were in High School.  After my son graduated from A3, the teacher asked me to come back and teach the class.

One of the things that happened through the journey was, I found that kids did what I consider pretty good art until middle school.  It was then I began to hear excuses oh I am not an artist.  This has formed my opinion that the identity of being an artist is not as important as expressing yourself through art.

Let me introduce myself…

J7Hello my name is Heather…I am not thrilled to write about myself but will attempt in an effort of giving some details about myself. Maybe someday I will be fortunate enough that someone will want to write about me instead. For most of my life I have worked in the food/beverage industry and I got to a point where I wanted to check-in on  other options and discover what else I may like to include in my life, so here I am starting my second year at LaneCC. I have been exploring the media arts, I love the idea of mixing creativity with cool technology. Some of my favorite things are music, gardening, photography, upcycling stuff, renovating, camping/hiking to name a few. When I’m not in school I am with my two lil peeps and being a mom is one of my greatest joys. So there you have it a little detail about me;)

About bcshervey

I’ve been cast, by choice or by default, in any  number of roles: academician, author, daughter, editor, ethnographer, (ex)wife, (grants)writer, mother, photographer, researcher, teacher. Many have been played simultaneously; others are from what feels to be a time long gone by. As I face the abyss of middle age (as socially constructed as it might be), I am trying to reconnect with parts of my creative and professional past to be able to take them into the near and distant future.

Beth Shervey's Book Cover

My dissertation, published by SIU Press in 2000

I grew up in Sullivan, Illinois, and had the good fortunate to do my dissertation on my hometown. I will get to that in a minute.

linotype matrix_cropped

Linotype Matrix

For most of my childhood, my mother was an editor for the local newspaper and my father was the county planning and zoning commissioner. Each of their professional roles influenced much of what I chose to study and do. I remember my mother’s early years with the newspaper very clearly including Linotype, and when they switched to photo-ready layout. After school, my sister and I would hang out at the newspaper office and at the courthouse (probably driving folks nuts at both places). Time spent at the newspaper office and getting to know how it all operated definitely instilled in me a passion, if not awakening a latent talent, for writing and photography. The role of a weekly newspaper in a rural county with one stoplight plus the palpability of a local government in action set the stage for interest in community theory and local ethnography.

The local institution that defined life in Sullivan and, subsequently, my dissertation, was The Little Theatre on the Square. Since 1959, The Little Theatre has been the only Equity theatre between Chicago and St. Louis, bringing in all variety of theatre people (stars, techies, apprentices), tourists, and new businesses. As I discussed in my dissertation/book, the theatre changed the cultural tenor of the community, especially through the 1960s and 1970s, of a very insular, homogenous farming town. More to the point of post, working at the theatre as a 14-year-old, first as an usher than as the photographer’s assistant, pretty much altered my perceptions and definitions of life starting with the role of theatre and the view of the world through a camera lens.

The course of my academic adventures–undergraduate and first graduate foray–took me through news writing, international politics, Russian history, urban policy analysis, architectural history, museum studies, and oral history/ethnography. Ethnography defined the focus of my doctoral work, providing a similar level of inquiry and potential for storytelling as I had known through photography. In other words, both allow for socially acceptable nosiness. Teaching added a whole other dimension of potential exultation. I didn’t begin my PhD program with any intention of teaching but quickly and totally captivated.

The upshot is that I am trying to rekindle those things that had previously captivated me. When Plan A–a teaching gig–didn’t come through, I followed Plan B–working as a grants writer for a community college. This all occurred jScreen Shot 2014-10-16 at 3.04.41 PMust as the economy was imploding. (Working in grants development during a recession is not for the faint of heart.) I did find much of the grants process enjoyable and satisfying. A very significant downside was that too few people in positions of authority, power, and influence had any real understanding of the grants world, and I was just apathetic enough to not educate the masses or evangelize for the cause. Consequently, after being deaccessioned from a grants gig this summer, I decided it was time to recalibrate my navigational system and head in a different direction. I know the general direction in which I am heading, but I am just not sure yet of the exact compass point.

About Me.

By: EJ Olson

My name is EJ Olson, I’m a multimedia Design major at lane Community College. My free time (what little I have left, anyway) is spent making music, writing, binging on anything NBA related and retro gaming. I’m studying at Lane in order for me to hone my skills, so as to help further my ambitions of working with film, music or becoming a graphic designer.


Personal Blog

Hi, I’m Phillip. I am a student at LCC in the multi-media program. I have an interest in music and got my audio engineering certificate earlier this year. I also have interest in other aspects of media like video and art design as well. I am not sure exactly what my job plans are, but probably something involving music on the technical side. I am always open to learn new things in the program that I can use in my future work.


About Me

>Begin Transmission Log…

angry_cyborg_w1     My name is Nathan Foley. I was born in Eugene, Oregon and have lived in this beautiful green state my whole life so far, save for a one year stay in the state of Louisiana. I desire to be a graphic designer and hopefully work within the video game industry. The reason for that is because I have grown up with video games; my life is centered around them, for better or for worse. Nothing I can do about it, but I’m not complaining! I have also been drawing since I was two years old, and video games have influenced my style of drawing. If you ever get to know me personally, you will conclude I am either very open and energetic or just plain annoying. Anyway, have a good Tuesday, my fellow Symbionts!

>End Transmission Log…

About me


My name is Anthony I have been trying to find my niche in the Digital Design field or rather find a focus in the field. I enjoy and have the most experience in Digital Photography. But have done graphic and web design as well and think that Web Design is a good place to focus. That will integrate photography as well as graphic design and require many different disciplines in the digital field. I am definitely going for the Multi Media Design degree as well as the Web Design Certificate. versatility in this field is indispensable and necessary for success in my opinion in the Digital design field. I have spoken to many people in the industry and have never once been told that you can learn too much about all that is involved in the creative process even art history going to art shows finding inspiration it is practically a way of life not just a job. The learning process never ends from new technology to just how an individual changes with time how they view themselves and the world around them finding a way to show what you see your interpretation of the world around us.