Category Archives: P1 About Me

P4 Audio project

What I was trying to accomplish with this audio was to be able to tell the story in a peaceful way. I really wanted to have a peaceful audio that draws emotion and grabs attention. This poem is “no difference” By Shell Sivertsen, and the person reading it is me! The other audio I record was the light switch! Found the other audios on the website Freesound ( I had a lot of fun With this audio Project and hope everyone likes it!

I do Have to say that I wasn’t that happy that the poem wasn’t that long and was a little worried that it wasn’t going to work for the project. With saying that I am starting to really enjoy editing and putting together audio.  The other thing I am starting to get over is recording my own voice, I have never like my voice when Listen to videos and for me to say that I am getting over that is a big achievement for me. I’m really looking forward to what I’m going to be learning for the rest of the class! Like I said before, I hope everyone likes it as much as I do!

~Alyssah Trautman

Online Review

My main goal was to create a dramatic, yet funny audio about something we can all relate to. I wanted to bring out that feeling of desperation a person feels when they want to expose someone publicly or just be heard after an unpleasant experience.

I tried to match my voice to what I would imagine someone like this sounds like when they’ve had enough.

I actually read reviews online before I shop somewhere, and I read them outloud in different funny voices, just to get a good laugh out of it, so this was one of those moments that kind of came naturally to me.

This was my very first time ever creating something like this, and I really enjoyed making this project. I laughed at myself a lot, and felt like all sounds blended well together. I got a few sounds from, but most of them I created myself.  It’s amazing how most sounds we make sound different when we record them, and have to find different objects to recreate them to make them sound authentic. Big learning experience, and looking forward to creating more in the future. 

By: Sandra Osorio  

Voice thing P4

For this project I wanted to make something cool that was inspired by something I like, and content I enjoy. Projects like this are to me: tedious; and it helps to be doing something you enjoy, spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. This project was inspired by the internet writing community known as the “SCP Foundation” which centers around a fictional organization that captures horrible creatures beyond understanding. The main inspiration for this projects format was a youtuber by the name of “TheVolgun” who does very similar audio drama’s covering the entry’s on the SCP foundation wiki.

My goal in this project was to possibly introduce some people to the concept of SCP and grow peoples awareness of so good horror media, although I have to admit the greatest drive to finish this project is to get credit. I do not think I performed immaculately during this experience, and looking back there I things I would have changed, namely getting a better microphone, and using a stronger speaking voice, but what’s done is done. The least I could hope to accomplish in an artistic sense is raise some interest within listeners, people wanting to learn more about an interesting writing community. Here’s to a passing grade.

-Max Ryan

A Robot Enters A Bar, Is Poisoned, And Dies

A Robot Enters A Bar, Is Poisoned, And Dies

This project was personally a lot of fun. I had planned on making a much more vague and spooky story, but this was my first time using Audition so I tried to keep it simple yet interesting. By the time I was done with this project, I had a much greater understanding of Audition, and audio editing as a whole. It’s a bit of a weird one, and the cover photo was generated by AI because why not have some fun with it. A lot of the weird noises are just my own voice, but distorted beyond recognition. The song was Gregorian Chant by Carlos Estella, and I licensed it through Adobe Stock. I thought that it added an interesting contrast to the robot noises and made the nonsensical ending very emotional. I made footsteps, door opening, and chair sitting noises from themselves because they were readily available. I did originally try to make them from other noises like a Foley artist might, but I couldn’t find the right sounds. I will try to incorporate the audio skills that I learned during this project in future projects because it was a very good opportunity to be creative.

By Sam Kruse

I Was Created Today

This project was a lot of fun! Coming up with the premise was fairly easy for me, I don’t know why but I thought it would be funny to have a little scribble/doodle come into consciousness, be forced to sing, and if they don’t they’ll be destroyed. While being confused along the way. The song “I Was Created Today,” ended up writing itself. 

Just sing about how confused the scribble/doodle is about the world!

I wish I knew how to play instruments or create instrumentals but I don’t know how to, yet, and the song had to be sung a cappella. Despite this, I still think the song came out fairly decent. In the future, I would love to take this audio, fix it up a bit, make it crisper, and animate it. Since that’s what I wanted to do originally. (Completely forgot this was an “audio” only project.) I’d also like to create a better “scribble” when it does become animated. 

After the first scribble gets shredded it was supposed to end there, but in a cruel twist, the “drawer,” created another “scribble” and instead of singing, it played an instrument. Which the “drawer” likes and the new scribble gets to live. Hurray?

By Kay

Audio project

this was a hard project to do because it got moved back to a later date and puss in boots was a longer than expected. So I tried to use audacity but it wouldn’t let me break up the story. I then switched over to garage band. An app that basically dose the same thing but also lets you make your own music. Like how your able to mix together different pre recorded songs or make your own.

For the music i used the erhu and the pipa from the world section. I chose these two instruments because they reminded me of fairy tale music like the ones you’d hear in the puss and boots movie. To start I made the erhu a little louder than the pipa, making the pipa like a backup singer of sorts. I then started to play with the different types of tempos for both that would fit the emotion of the scene I was going for. Once I got the melody that I wanted I recorded the erhu first switching tempos as needed and then did the same with the pipa. I tried to get sound effects but importing them into garageband had a paywall.

P4 Meanwhile

I chose to do the poem Meanwhile by Richard Siken. I wanted to do a poem because I feel like poems can be interpreted differently by everyone. I also like the calming nature of poetry and how they rhyme slightly. It was fun reciting this poem and adding the sounds that go along with it like the trees in the wind, and dogs barking. For music, I used a piece of soft piano music that feels very fitting to use for the poem.

I was initially stuck on what poem I was going to use for the project I stayed up really late just researching different authors, and recording different poems but they never felt right. I eventually found Richard Siken, he is a poet, painter, and filmmaker. I was immediately drawn to this poem because it feels as if it’s telling a story of how repeatable days could be, and how sometimes your routine never changes. Though at the end of the poem it seems like it is telling you to follow your dreams you say quietly.

by Liz

The Lion and The Mouse

For this assignment, I wanted to create a narration of a short Aesop’s Fable called “The Lion and the Mouse”. I had never heard of this Aesop’s Fable, so I decided to create an audio to learn about the story. I listened to the story with audio, researched what kind of mood the story should have, and chose the music I used for the background. For this assignment, I recorded it straight to my laptop.

I enjoyed this project. The stories were fun to read. I recorded it many times, trying to figure out how to make it easier to listen to. Finding sound effects was not too difficult for me. The sound effect I created is called “sleep. I chose this song because I think the image of fairy tales is often read when putting children to bed.

I found the song from a place called Ccmixter listed on Free Media Resources. The song was full and over 3 minutes long and also had a woman’s whispering voice in it. I wanted to keep the song alone so I cut out the whispers in places and narrowed it down to about a minute to fit my story. I think I found the perfect balance between narration and music. The hardest part for me was the narration. I am a learner of English, so I still have trouble with pronunciation and intonation, and the breaks between sentences were also difficult. The story I searched on the internet had an audio recording, so I listened to it and imitated it. I still need more practice, but I used the one that worked best out of the many recordings I made.

by Madoka Shimmyo