Tag Archives: Sp-P5 Final Project


Hello lovelies,

My name is Baillie.

Excited as I am about  putting my thoughts and ideas onto the web, I am quite intimidated. But the thought of possibly having my hair sold on the black market when I become Blog famous is motivating. 

I have quite a spread out family, 6 siblings smeared across the continent. Although being the second eldest, I am the mother goose of the litter. 

My hobbies include isolation, drawing, watching movies, comics, and video games.

 Storytelling through film and comics is something I am immensely passionate about.  

I am always blown away and inspired by people who work towards making their stories a reality by either comic, novels, music, film ect. Regardless of what medium It’s just something so special and amazing. 

I am personally not very good at storytelling. But it is something I am always working towards to improve and learn. The way I express myself is mostly through comics, but I really want to learn more about film and animation. I also thought it might be fun to make some animated MV’s. 

I’m still a genin in training with a lot to learn… My dream is to learn commitment and update webcomics responsibly. 

Here is a photo of me modeling with some neglected bananas:

A little about Me

My Name is Victoria Carrasco I am originally from Los Angeles, California. I moved to Oregon about two and a half years ago for school. I used to attend the University of Oregon but after this term I will have finished my first year at lane. I am a cinema studies major while also working for an art/design minor. Two films that I really enjoy are 42nd Street and In the Mood For Love. As for movies the list can go on forever, but a fluctuating top three would be The Goonies, Pulp Fiction and The Godfather. 

I believe like most of the population I enjoy listening to music. I also like to draw and watch movies. During this time inside I’ve gotten a lot more time to expand on some of my hobbies and dip into some new ones. In addition to my drawing, painting has been one of my new interests. Nothing too fancy just enough for some new wall art. Now that the sun has decided to grace us, sunbathing and tanning is my favorite time of the day as well as going for walks. I can see why dogs get so excited now. Another activity I’ve been indulging in are eating, snacking and plain out pigging out. Hopefully I’m not the only one. 

This is my first Media Arts class and I really just hope to gain new useful information. I’m looking forward to just getting a better understanding of opportunities and routes I can take for the future. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little :). 

By: Victoria Carrasco

A little bit about me

Hello! My name is Lily Hanley, I’m 19 .

I moved to Eugene from Corvallis with my mom last August and have been loving the new change in pace. I like to draw, I’ve been drawing my whole life and I hope one day I can make it a paying job. I’m also a proud cat and dog mom, if you will. I love animals, my favorite animal is the wolf. My favorite foods are ramen and sushi. I also adore coffee, I’m a Dutch Bros stan. (photos below)

I also like to play video games, such as: Smash bros, Sims and Overwatch. I don’t know what I want to do after I complete this program, I think I want to do something in the art industry or maybe therapy? I’m just experimenting right now, trying to figure it out. Still trying to find myself to be honest, so everything is in the air, i don’t have any plans.

I used to do competitive choir in high school, so I really love music and singing, it brings me a lot of happiness. I miss doing it a lot, hopefully one of these days I’ll register fast enough and get into a class.

My biggest achievement in life right now is graduating high school, and hopefully in the next two years it will be graduating from Lane.

I’m running out of things to talk about… uhm, my favorite color is purple, my sign is Sagittarius, my favorite band is Panic at the Disco

Left: Sammy Right: Tipsy

Who’s There?

You can call me Sara. 


I am an international student that came straight from the heart of a volcano. Yes, your right! Volcano! I am from an archipelago formed by ten islands originated through a volcanic eruption in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean named Cabo Verde. I speak Criolo and Portuguese.

It has been a year and seven months since I arrived in Eugene. I am a movie lover and a big fan of appreciating art. My major is a multimedia design and I am in the second year of my program, and every single day I get more in love with my course. Photography and videography are the parts that touch me the most. My goal is to be a videographer and open my own business. 

I enjoy exercising and playing sports, my favorite sport is Basketball. I played it for 6 years on a team. I am an outdoor person, I love to do outdoor activities and have fun with friends. 

Challenge is what I am always seeking. I always try to expand the boundaries of my comfort zone. Through that, I feel more alive

One of my secrets is that I catch the moon. ? 

If you still want to know more about me. Wait until I start creating content here. 

By Sara Baptista

All About Austin

My name is Austin Bonebrake. I was born in Eugene, Oregon and have lived in Springfield, Oregon for my entire life. I originally graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in General Social Science. I spent roughly two years working as a caregiver after finishing college, before deciding it was time for a change.

I am currently a student at Lane Community College where I am pursuing a degree in MultiMedia design. While completing this program I am specifically aiming to develop skills in web development, video production, and photography. Upon finishing the MultiMedia design program I would love to find a job that I can work while traveling, or even requires me to travel. Being able to see new places and experiencing new cultures make travelling one of my favorite things to do.

I have been lucky enough to have had many great experiences across the world whether it was walking on the Great Wall of China, going inside pyramids in Giza, or getting lost in Stone Town on Zanzibar. My favorite place I have been to is Australia, which I have visited four times now. The weather is warm, the people are nice, and the beaches are amazing. I was in Australia for the majority of March before I returned home due to the Coronavirus pandemic, cutting short my trip that was supposed to continue on to Thailand for a few weeks. After sitting around doing nothing for several days I decided to enroll in classes at Lane Community College, which has led me to starting this blog.

by: Austin Bonebrake

About me!

Hi! I’m Max Marchini.

I started off at lane as a Graphic Design major but over the past two terms have been expanding my horizons and taking a larger variety of classes, like this one! I’m very interested in design, photography, welding, and all kinds of automotive work.

I have the better part of eight years’ experience under my belt with no end in sight. The first four or so years being mostly outdoors and nature photography. I’ve done many paid model, automotive, and product shoots. I’m also well-versed in lighting and photographic equipment. My personal clients have always praised me and come back again for another shoot after being satisfied by my work. I have also always gotten a client’s content to them on time or within a reasonable time frame. As of late (the past two years) I’ve been combining two of my passions and focusing in on automotive photography and I’ve learned a LOT from it. I’ve also been fortunate enough to meet some successful and extremely talented photographers through the trade.

I grew up in Northern California, about an hour outside of Sacramento, towards Lake Tahoe. I love the area and spending time with my friends, most of whom I’ve known most of my life. Also nothing beats a warm California night!

About Me

By Sarah Felten

Hello everyone, my name is Sarah and I am very excited to jump into this spring term at Lane! Me and my two siblings were home-schooled from kindergarten all the way up through high school, so when I first attended Lane in the fall of 2019 it was a brand new experience for me. This is my third term at Lane and I am currently working toward earning my degree in multimedia design. Through Lane I have discovered that multimedia design is where my strengths and talents lie. I love drawing and photography, as well as singing, making stories, doing makeup, spending quality time with family and friends, and spending time outdoors.

I don’t have a clear career plan after I complete Lane’s Media Arts program, but I do have several ideas of what I would be interested in pursuing. For the past few years I have really been wanting to start a YouTube channel, but I haven’t pushed myself to actually do it. I’m hoping that after this program I will have gained enough confidence in my multimedia skills to finally make myself start a channel.  Along with that, my friend and I have been recently discussing doing a podcast together, which we will hopefully begin working on as soon as we no longer have to be quarantined. Lastly, I would love to someday have my own, small photography business. Last term I took photography 1 at Lane and learned a great amount of skills and techniques for photography and I have really enjoyed pursuing that further. 

That’s pretty much it about me. Thank you so much for reading and getting to know me. Stay safe everyone!

A Hobbit’s Tale

Hello all! It’s a pleasure to meet you, virtually that is ? My name is Kiana Lee, they/them/theirs, I’m 23 years old, and this is my first term at Lane. I’ve been in college for a while and am working on getting a BA in English Literature as well as a design degree.

The love of storytelling and writing that motivated me to study English Literature has also lead me to the world of tabletop gaming. Games like Dungeons & Dragons, Monster of the Week, and Vampire the Masquerade have been what I dedicate my spare time to for the past 3 or so years. Being a fantasy nerd, I have loved Tolkien, Robert Jordan, Terry Prachett, and many more authors since I was young – being able to use that knowledge of fantasy worlds while storytelling with my friends encourages me to play tabletop RPGs even more frequently.

It is my interest in tabletop gaming is what has lead me to Lane’s design program. As Twitch has allowed D&D to gain more popularity with game streams like Critical Role, and podcasts like The Adventure Zone, this form of game is becoming a format for collective storytelling that an audience can enjoy. The stories that are told in these games can also be taken to other mediums; animated series, comic books and even novels.

Creative writing was a hobby of mine through high school and my first few years of college, but admittedly the blank page has always terrified me. So using tabletop games as a form of rough draft has become a wonderful tool for me. Below I have included an excerpt from a piece of mine which is based around a D&D character I played for 2 years.

“Near Donnavern Harbor, a small shop sat crammed between tall buildings cluttering the cobblestone street before it. A weathered wooden sign that hung above the door read The Vanguard’s Voyage, the yellow paint of the lettering cracking and flaking away. Inside the shop, sitting in the center of the large front desk, was a small ornate chest with silver swirls decorating the corners.
Across from the chest, behind auburn bangs, bright teal eyes focused sharply on the chest. A small bead of sweat rolled down the pale, blue-freckled forehead.

‘Ugh! I can’t do it Vic,’ she growled in frustration, pushing back from the desk and glaring at the man standing next to her. The man was dressed in a loose tunic and high collared plum frock coat, with his silver hair falling in braids past the tips of his pointed ears.
‘Yes Ari, you can,’ he replied, and putting a hand on her shoulder, ‘You’re too tense. Calm yourself and reach out with the magic. Try again.’
‘Okay,’ Ari said, pushing her hair back from her face revealing more navy freckles and her small pointed frost-blue tipped ears.
She took a deep breath and centered herself, looking again toward the chest. She held up her hand and snapped her fingers. She held her hand aloft for a moment, watching the chest and, as she flicked her wrist a silver shimmer, like mist, collected around her hand and lifted off, like a glove. The spectral hand floated over to the chest, flipped the latch open, and tossed back the lid. With a small wave and thumbs up to- wards its owner, it dissipated into the air.”
— an excerpt from Vendren’s Landing by Kiana Lee

I look forward to getting to know you all through this term!
Stay sane, stay healthy and we’ll all get through this together ?

-Kiana Lee

Hey Hi Hello!

I’m going to be real with you, I don’t like writing about myself. I’m sure nobody truly enjoys it either but I find it really difficult due to the awkwardness that comes with trying to describe yourself to an audience of strangers, but also I never really know what to say, so bare with me. 

My name is Kristen and I’ve been going to Lane since fall of 2019. I graduated the same year from the Academy of Arts and Academics with an honors in Media Arts. I love creating and editing films in my downtime, which we all know we have a lot of currently. I enjoy creating small fan video edits but that doesn’t limit my passion for big film projects. While at Lane I plan to get my degree in Multimedia Design and I plan to work in the filmmaking industry. I would love to make my own business in the future directing and editing music videos since music plays a big part in my life! 

There’s nothing better to me than relaxing after a long day, by lighting a candle and listening to some music. Music helps ease my anxiety and helps me work through difficult times. My favorite bands are Tegan and Sara, The Smashing Pumpkins, Kimya Dawson, and so many more. It’s crazy!! I’m probably one of the biggest Tegan and Sara fans you’ll virtually meet. I also love watching movies, riding bikes, spending time with my cat, and enjoying nature! 

Stay happy and healthy guys!

-Kristen Chunn ?