Tag Archives: Sp-P5 Final Project

P6-Final Project-Bebe

As an International student , I have been in Eugene for almost 3 years now. It is not easy to leave your home, family and friends and go to a different country. I know that it was my decision to come all the way down here. It does take a while to adopt a lot of different peoples, cultures, languages and foods. I would like to share the video of my Memories and experience in these 3 years in America. It is very lonely at the beginning, something I would just cry to express my emotion about how much I miss my home. I am worried about how I am going to do everything by myself. However, I am very lucky that I met a lot of people who showed me their kindness while I am struggling with life here. I am very glad I can be here and get a lot of helped from school, teachers,classmates and friends here. I learned so much and I am very grateful that we are in a good environment to have a great experience.

I just want to use this opportunity to show everyone, no matter who you are or where you are from, that if you have a dream, don’t be scared to take the chance to chase your dreams.

background music from youtube- by“MorningLightMusic”

Pictures and video from Bebe

Sound effect from https://freesound.org/

-Maan Yiu(Bebe)

P6-Final Project

My son participated  in all of my projects, and we spent a lot of great time together, but I need  to say that it is not easy to work with kids. For moments my son got really tired when something was not good and we needed it to start all over again. I thought it was going to be easy and fast to create a simple video, but I realized that even simple things require time, effort, and dedication. The first thing I did before starting the project was choosing the music.  The music gives me the idea of what type of video I wanted to create. Recording a video or getting still images need special attention in order to create good content. For this video, I tried to use some angles, and also medium shots, and close ups to attract more of my viewers ‘ attention.   Even though all of the inconveniences I had, I would like to say that I  enjoyed  doing this project so much, and  my son had a lot of fun.     

  I think editing was the most challenging part. It requires a great deal of time because we need to  edit the music, video, pictures, and effects.  To edit this project,  I used Premiere Pro and After effects. Now, I feel more confident working with this softwares that I want to continue doing more videos and continuing practicing. Finally, I would like to thank the teacher for this great term.    

Post by Maria 

P6 The Fender Stratocaster

Wow! It’s crazy to me how fast this term has flown by! I can’t believe we are already submitting our final projects. This was a vey fun project to make, although it took a lot of diligent research, image editing/audio editing, and video editing. I am still VERY new to Premiere Pro so learning everything was a major adjustment. I am very happy now that I have picked up these skills and plan to utilize them in the future. In terms of how the project went, I struggled at first with making my voice sound good and not drowned out by my music or other audio files. I eventually got the audio as best as I could, but I was sick at the time of recording so I apologize if I sound monotone. Overall, this project improved my vocabulary of Premiere Pro a ton. I hope that you all enjoy the project and possibly learn something you didn’t know before! Thanks again!

P5 image Editing

Making this movie was super fun! I filmed it over two days, one day for the trip to the book store and to get food, and the other day to film me arriving and leaving my friends house because I forgot to film that on the first day. Editing it to be less than three minutes was the most challenging part but I think I did a good enough job so that the “story” still makes sense. At first I edited the video to have the song “Time to Pretend” by MGMT play but towards the end of the editing process I was watching other people’s videos and saw that they had royalty free music so I figured that we weren’t supposed to have copyrighted music and had to find another song and edit that in which was a bit challenging.

P4 Audio-Fall 2020

For this assignment I thought it would be fun to create a fake commercial for a ridiculous product called “Diet Water”. First, I looked up a few commercials on youtube to get a general feel for what they sound like and what type of words they used, then I wrote my script. After writing, it was time to record. I ended up having to re-record most of the lines a few times to make sure I spoke just like the people in those types of commercials. I wanted to go for a more funny and light hearted tone for my project, rather than serious. If I could go back and change anything I would speed up the “restrictions may apply, see website for details” and everything after that but I couldn’t figure out how to do it without making the dialogue sound really high pitched like Alvin and the chipmunks.

P5 Editing

I fought with Adobe for a long time, didn’t end up making what I wanted to make but I am happy with it. Wanted to play with my colored light projector since I haven’t had a chance to use it yet in any of my art projects. The video came out a lot blurrier than intended but that might just have been because of the lack of light in the room while the camera was trying to find something to focus on.

By: Hannah Freudenthaler

P5-Image Editing

It was a little strange editing a movie again after 8 years of not touching any video editing software. I had never used Premiere before so it was an interesting challenge learning how to use it. I defiantly want to try messing around more with what it has to offer. I think the hardest part was just trying to find music that I could use that I felt went with my video.

-By Jazlin Sobel