Category Archives: Winter 2021

I’m Definitely Cole

There has been some controversy over who I am recently, so I’d like to make this very clear: I am definitely Cole. If you don’t believe me, I’ll just tell you all about myself.

I am a mostly relaxed person with a passion for too many things so I’ll just explain the important bits. I am a dancer who used to teach an Advanced Hip Hop class here in Eugene, OR. I am an aspiring sketch artist. I like to be around my best friends, my family, my cat, and my girlfriend (no particular order). I decided on a multimedia degree because of my experience with so many different types of production and creation. I’ve directed shows, I’ve been a choreographer, I’ve been a band manager and written my share of poetry. All of this among dabbling or more in other forms of art.

Really what I want to do after I finish the Media Arts Program is become a podcast host. Sure I could do that without school, but what I feel will benefit me is a versatile baseline to work from. I want experience in more fields of media and I want to be great at it. I know what work I have to do to get there and I’m ready for it.

by: Cole Brown

MUL 101: X1 Blog Setup

My name is Keyan Carlile! I’m a freelance editor and animator! I’m joining this class because I’m currently pursuing a Degree in Multi-Media Design. I currently spend my time animating full-length TV episodes as part of a fan project. Here are two episodes that I animated between August 1st and December 15th

If you watch them, just know that 

– the first 30 seconds of each episode is a pre-existing theme song that  I only partially edited

– The footage from 8:47 – 9:22 in the first link is stock footage I pulled from a pre-existing series.

– Several backgrounds are screenshots and not created by me, mainly in the first link.

However, the rest of the animation is done by me. (With some stylistic help from a friend of mine in Florida)

When I have graduated from the Media Arts program, I want to formally enter the entertainment industry. Seeing as the United States appears to be in a democratic backslide and is in the process of becoming a failed state, my plans may have to change as I look for thriving industries in other countries. Does New Zealand have an animation industry? Oh god, we’re all gonna die due to climate change anyway. I’m not having kids. They wouldn’t deserve to inherit all this.

By: Keyan Carlile

A Quick Introduction.

By: Morgan Murphy

My name is Morgan Murphy and my pronouns are She/Her! I graduated from Pleasant Hill High School with the class of 2020. I have an extremely adorable dachshund named Snoopi. She is completely blind and loves snuggles and making random appearances on Zoom calls. 

My hobbies are: Drawing on procreate, watching Netflix, snuggling with my doggie, and sometimes painting. A fun fact about me is that I love to rewatch movies and TV shows all the time. Some of my favorite movies are: Super 8, Bridesmaids, Date Night, and Blended. My favorite shows are: New Girl, Avatar the last Airbender, Vampire Diaries, and Gilmore Girls. Weird mix, I know. But all of them are great and I would highly recommend them! 

 I was interested in the Graphic design program at Lane before last term, but after disliking the introduction class for the program I decided to switch things up this term. I felt like Graphic design wasn’t really what I was looking for. I have always been interested in film production and I am really interested in learning about animation. 

I am not really sure what I want to do after the media arts program, but I know that I would love to make my art into a career, whatever that means. I would love to either make art and sell it, or maybe get into working in film. I am open to anything really. I just want whatever my career is to make me happy. That’s why I chose an art degree. Art is the only subject in school that I truly loved! 

I am really looking forward to a new term.

Who am I? No really, who am I?

Existentialism is a school of thought that I cherish greatly. It is one that most commonly is reserved for people who reach middle age and have a mental breakdown when they realize that they’ve potentially wasted too many years away on a life they never actually wanted; thinking too much on what they SHOULD do and not on what they WANT to do. The latter of these is what brought me to Lane Community College. I want to be a photographer–a photojournalist specifically–but in the grand scheme of things I want to do something both creative and internally fulfilling that supports the betterment of all life. We all have our own descriptions of what that may be, which is exactly why I take other people’s advice with a grain of salt. What was/is the right path and successful move for you does not equate to the same for me or anyone else. I think that really sums up my journey through life and personality. I have a “everything in stride” outlook on most challenges and I march to the beat of my own drum. I am this way because it is the only way to ensure my own happiness and I encourage everyone I meet to do the same. Obviously compromises have to be made–I’m not a selfish person–but compromising too much can be detrimental. It is better to walk with someone rather than be walked on or alone.

Anyhow, quickfire details about my life:

  • I have a cat, her name is Miku
  • I love technology and look forward to the greeting our robot overlords
  • I can sew, though not with extraordinary skill
  • I’m a Browncoat, shoutout to the Firefly fans
  • Certified Weeaboo, all day, every day

By: John Adair

Who is Chandlor Henderson?

I am not the average student.

That’s not to say I don’t have to follow the same rules. But rejoining school at the age of 36, three days after getting married has made this quite an experience for me. 

I grew up in the DC area and moved to Eugene in 2015 because I needed to get out of DC. I think some people are starting to see why I needed to leave, but Oregon has its own set of issues. While being here my life has taken a drastic shift from being a Chef, to being a paid writer. 

In 2020 I was awarded a Fellowship with Google to write for Eugene Weekly. In many ways when I got that fellowship my life changed. I had always been a writer, oftentimes fiction, but I had never been recognized for anything. It was often just random blurbs about nothing, but Eugene Weekly changed everything. It’s an outlet I’m fortunate to have.

I also have hella pets. Three dogs, a cat, and a bunch of fish. I can’t really say that’s not normal for a student, but I find most students are renting rooms and don’t have the space. I remember my first term I was in class talking about 9/11 and how it affected me, as I was a junior in High School at the time. Half the class hadn’t even been born yet.

That’s not to say those people aren’t important, because they are. But what it does say is I don’t have to hold myself in some type of competition with my student peers. It’s likely our lives are completely different. Our experiences have shaped us to be who we are, and I know being a black man from DC is different than anything Eugene has to offer, and vice versa. Which I personally enjoy. I like the differences in people, it makes stuff interesting. 

Here are photos of my pets. I look forward to this term.

Kemba on our couch
Kanji in our laundry “basket”
Liyah (Leah) and Maggie doing what they do all the time… such a hard life
My lovely wife Alison and I sending out Christmas cards