A Quick Introduction.

By: Morgan Murphy

My name is Morgan Murphy and my pronouns are She/Her! I graduated from Pleasant Hill High School with the class of 2020. I have an extremely adorable dachshund named Snoopi. She is completely blind and loves snuggles and making random appearances on Zoom calls. 

My hobbies are: Drawing on procreate, watching Netflix, snuggling with my doggie, and sometimes painting. A fun fact about me is that I love to rewatch movies and TV shows all the time. Some of my favorite movies are: Super 8, Bridesmaids, Date Night, and Blended. My favorite shows are: New Girl, Avatar the last Airbender, Vampire Diaries, and Gilmore Girls. Weird mix, I know. But all of them are great and I would highly recommend them! 

 I was interested in the Graphic design program at Lane before last term, but after disliking the introduction class for the program I decided to switch things up this term. I felt like Graphic design wasn’t really what I was looking for. I have always been interested in film production and I am really interested in learning about animation. 

I am not really sure what I want to do after the media arts program, but I know that I would love to make my art into a career, whatever that means. I would love to either make art and sell it, or maybe get into working in film. I am open to anything really. I just want whatever my career is to make me happy. That’s why I chose an art degree. Art is the only subject in school that I truly loved! 

I am really looking forward to a new term.

One thought on “A Quick Introduction.

  1. Keyan G Carlile

    Yo, I relate to like 90% of your bio! I’m in the Class of 2020, I was originally interested in Graphic Design but shifted towards MultiMedia, and I rewatch EVERYTHING (including Avatar). So that’s cool I guess.

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