Category Archives: Winter 2021

About Me – Katelynn Burnett

by: Katelynn Burnett

Hello and welcome, to the world’s window into my journey as a Media Artist. My name is Katelynn Burnett and I am a mother, brand ambassador and small business owner who was born and raised in Oregon. I have the soul of a gypsy, but I feel most at peace when I am making art in the mountains of my home state. My favorite color is pink, I feel spiritually connected to elephants, my determination is insatiable and my blood is coffee.

I have been studying business, media and music for the last two years, but “The Arts” are a study I have dabbled in all of my life at varying stages, in varying manners. As an artist, this erratic growth pattern has resulted in an eclectic collection of hobbies, interests and skills. As a person, my experiences in life and the obstacles I have overcome are matched only by my ambitions for the future. I like to consider this thinking one of my biggest strengths. The beauty in this belief is that every new obstacle serves only to intensify my drive. The downside is that I have been known to overwork myself in the name of my craft.

I like to keep myself busy and enjoy fast paced work, so the somewhat hectic pace of Media Arts is a space of homeostasis for me. For the time I am learning to perfect my talents to a degree of personal satisfaction. In addition to my schooling and the daily care of my daughter, I spend my time building/running my business – Honest Olive Art & Design. From which I make and sell handmade arts, as well as graphic designs and logos/merchandise for small creators, entertainers and business owners. I also work as a brand ambassador for various cannabis brands in Oregon and as a freelance ambassador/model.

One really unique thing about my journey is that it all began with lyrics. About five years ago I decided to commit myself to pursuing my dream of becoming a songwriter. But the more I learned about the industries of music and business at large, the more I felt compelled towards a sense of complete artistic independence. I was aware that this meant a long road of growth, but that is not the kind of thing that can stop me. Now I intend to one day own my own production company, from which I can manage my own artistic and musical distributions as well as those of other artistic hopefuls in the PNW.

Thanks for taking the time to get to know a little more about me. Until my next entry, I wish you all the best.


About Me – Jazlin Sobel

Hello! My name is Jazlin Sobel and I have lived my whole life in Oregon. I grew up in the small town of Oakridge, but recently I moved to Junction City with two of my long-time friends. I love reading novels, playing video games, drinking tea, traveling, camping and hanging out with my gray tabby cat, Sir William. I have also recently been enjoying watching Korean dramas. 

My last experience with school was ten years ago when I graduated high school. I am honestly not sure what I am doing back in school now but I am hoping to figure that out. I have enjoyed creating things since I was young, and I have dabbled in many different forms of art over the years, including traditional art, digital art, jewelry-making, and even crochet. The last time I took a structured art class was in high school.

I have worked as a freelance artist on-and-off, painting murals and signs as well as some other small-time design work in my home town. Also, for the past five and a half years, I have assembled and painted small model kits for a client’s personal model railroad layout. Unfortunately, he is slowly running out of tasks for me to work on.

These past few years I have really struggled with my art and creativity and I am hoping that going to school might inspire me.

About Me

Hello! My name is Quinn Brown, I’m 19 and fresh out of high school in Portland. I am studying multimedia design and animation at Lane because I have a passion for 3d computer animation. I first discovered this passion back in January when I started teaching myself blender, since then I’ve worked nearly one thousand hours in blender! My family and myself are always working on our next big project or skill. I have experience with screen printing, unicycling, laser engraving, juggling, costume design, drawing, as well as designing and building telescopes.

I Like to relax by visiting museums and antique stores, reading about history, and watching movies. Some of my favorite movies are, Mad Max: Fury Road, Snatch, and Master and Commander.

My dream is to start a visual effects studio that makes original animations in addition to contracting and consultation work for larger film studios.

About Me

My name is Jennifer Howard, I go by Jen. I am in the new Multimedia Animation program at LCC.

I am generally a withdrawn and quiet person, but I love to discuss my interests and share ideas with others. I have a great interest in anything artistic; from drawing in sketchbooks to the texture files in 3D models. I first started casually drawing when I was young, and have done so since on and off. This eventually shifted into the world of 3D and animation as I’ve always been interested in games and movies who utilize such technology. The increasing accessibility of art and 3D has helped this interest further. I have dabbled in many programs such as Blender, Procreate, Clip Studio Paint, and many others.

The artistic interest also manifests in other mediums like blogs and web design. When I was younger I experimented with creating websites for subjects that interested me. Recently, I have had some experience making custom MediaWiki skins.

I look forward to expanded my knowledge even further in this program. I have many interests, so this program will help me refine my interests. Ultimately, I plan on being a freelance 3D and visual effects artist after I gain the most experience. I look forward to learning with you all.

-Jennifer Howard

P1 About Me

By: Shawn Zousel

Hey there, I’m Shawn. I’m 21, just moved up to Eugene from Coos Bay a coastal town about 2 hours south that I’ve lived in for the majority of my life. (And to be honest I’m glad I left haha). I like to write, read, hike, play videogames, hang out with my friends, and binge watch shows until 4AM and realize I made a horrible mistake. I’ve recently picked up a drum set and am trying to learn the drums as well but the key word there is trying. Other than that I’d say I’m a big walker, I’ve found myself wandering across town more times than I can count. Something about aimlessly wandering is strangely very comforting to me. Once I finish the media program I’d like to work towards making short films and from there go on to being a director but ya know, small steps first right? I’m just hoping that with getting my multimedia design certificate I can start working on projects more closely related to film and start building skills and connections. I hope one day you all get the chance to see a film made by yours truly, and I also hope that you enjoy watching it because it’d suck to go that far to make another version of “The Room”. If anyone would like to collaborate on any projects outside of class feel free to follow me on Instagram at Zouselboi. Thanks for reading and have a great rest of your morning, night, day, or other specified time!

About me

Hi everyone! My name is Maria. I am from Mexico. I have 4 beautiful sisters. They live in Mexico just like my parents. I am the only one who lives here in the United States. When I decided to come here, I was looking for a better life, I wanted better opportunities. I came looking for the “famous” American Dream. Today, living for about 10 years in this country,  I can say that the American Dream exists, but you need to work very hard to live it.  I have lived in Springfield for a long time, and I  still love living here. My 9 year old son was born here, and I think it is still a nice, and safe place to raise a family.

When I arrived in the United States, I did not speak any English at all. I did not know how to communicate with people at my job. It was very hard for me, so three years ago, I decided to take English classes here at Lane Community College. My idea was just to finish my 6 levels, but then I asked myself.  What do you want to do after you finish your English classes? Do you want to go back to your last job and do the same thing? What do you want for your future? You came here for a better life and you need to do something. When I was in Mexico, I wanted to go to college and become a journalist, but I did not have the opportunity. Now, I am here. English is not my first language, but now at least, I can have an English conversation. I do not have any experience in multimedia, but that is why I am attending college.  I want to fight for my dreams. I believe that there are many better opportunities for me in my new future. 

By: Maria pedraza

P1 About Me

Me & My Cat- Charcoal

Hello everyone, My name is Maan Yiu but everyone calls me Bebe. I am an international student from Hong Kong. Since I was a child, I have had a passion for all art. When I was in middle school, an art teacher encouraged me to participate in a school-wide art competition. It felt great to have encouragement from my art teacher, however, my parents felt differently about me getting too involved in art. Because I felt this parental pressure to be traditionally successful, I had no choice but to move on from art as a career. Then, in my early twenties, I went through a period of self-discovery. It was during this time that I rediscovered my curiosity and fascination with art. That’s why I am here. 

My career goals are to become a graphic designer and tattoo artist. I want to be a graphic designer because I want to utilize my knowledge of art while continuing to gain practical skills and experience throughout my career. More specifically, I was drawn to graphic design as a career because graphic designers draw from and apply multiple art mediums to meet client needs. Fortunately, there is overlap between the graphic design field and the tattoo world. My understanding is that the artist and client collaborative relationship in graphic design is similar in the tattoo industry, which I’m looking forward to experiencing for myself. Furthermore, I have always had an appreciation for tattoos that is different from the view of the culture where I grew up. I see tattoos as an individual expression of self while the standard view of tattoos in Hong Kong is conservative. Even so, I look forward to following my passion for art by becoming both a graphic designer and tattoo artist.

About Remedy

What’s Up ! I’m Remedy Brady, I was born In Portland and moved around a lot, I would fly out one year with my dad and one year with my mom, as that was the custody agreement at the time since I was around 5, up until around 7th grade my dad got custody and he decided to move back out to Oregon !! He grew up here his whole life and had family out here, so we lived In Eugene for a couple years before moving to Cottage Grove when I was 14. I Lived in Red Bluff and Fairfield California for a time, Idaho, Phoenix Arizona, Montana, and Spokane Washington. So I did a lot of back and forth up until 7th grade when my dad decided to get custody of me because my mom was struggling and fighting mental health and addiction. During this time I was also struggling with the situation, and it didn’t really help the most that I was also getting bullied in school, grades starting getting worse as my mental health followed and I was only 9 when this all started, so fourth grade up until 7th. I was 9 and kind of just looking for ways to cope haha. I remember watching my favorite youtubers back in 4th grade and thinking about how they film and edit their videos, write their scripts, animate their stories, and how they did this all on their own and created from scratch or out of passion for something they enjoyed. Back when Youtube just started kickin’. I tried my best to replicate how they filmed videos with my little Kindle Fire tablet and I started vlogging every day, making little skits with toys and props and I built my own little mini sets, and I was posting that to a Youtube channel that still exists because I forgot the password… you might be able to find it.. Or maybe not haha, But eventually I got my hands on this camera my uncle had bought for me because everyone knew I had like multiple Youtube channels for different stuff, probably too many. Unfortunately the charger literally broke inside of the camera and I couldn’t get it out and it never worked again, never got to edit those videos but I enjoyed everything about it. I loved making characters, giving them stories, building the sets, filming at different angles, and I was even the voice actor haha! Things like Film, Writing, Drawing, Poetry and especially music were what I went to as a sort of escape from the outside world I was dealing with at the time, it was my outlet for my emotions, rage, happiness, sadness, all of the emotions that come with being a person and growing up, trying to make sense of the world. It was my therapy I’d say, it was also the only way I knew how to make sense of my thoughts and emotions at the time because with Film, Music, Poetry, whatever it is when related to art, It has a beautiful way of telling and making sense of stories while either giving the most detail or the shortest, simplest explanations and I think the way it makes sense so beautifully is well beautiful. I think Arts in many forms is one of the things that you can connect to no matter who you are, it’s one of the few things that have the ability to bring people together or help others understand others, or kind of force you to look a little deeper into the meaning behind the art and get past the surface level question of whether this art is worthy of being considered “good art”. Even Art with no meaning could be saying a lot in itself. I hope to learn how to make my dreams a reality and finally get to creating and dedicating my time to my passions. I hope to pursue two careers at the moment mainly in Film-Making for the big boys whoever they end up being at the time, and Writing and Producing my own music. I’m excited to learn as much as I can !!

P1 About Me

Hey there! My name is Bianca Hernandez. I was born in East Los Angeles, California, and have lived in Oregon since 2012. I love Universal Studios Hollywood! (And I have so many mugs to prove it!) I remember myself being amazed by the Special Effects and Horror Make-up Show as a child. To this day, I dream about working on a movie set and show up with all my creative skills and efforts, and of course my love for Universal!

This term will be my first term back at Lane Community College after taking a few years off to focus on my mental health. I decided to join the Multimedia Program at LCC because I’ve always wanted to be an entrepreneur and make a career out of my art.

During the pandemic, I did exactly that! I started my own business as a service provider for the Cannabis and Wellness Industry and have dipped my toes on creating content for start-up businesses and nonprofits. I taught myself programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Sparks, Canva, and Adobe Lightroom. I am excited to expand my skills during my efforts in earning my Multimedia Degree, and to build a career with my art!