Category Archives: Spring 2015


Typical college student? Maybe.

But what’s typical these days, anyways? Hi, my name is Christa Antoniak and “I’m an art student!” I don’t know what that means anymore or what exactly goes with the title – or maybe I do and that’s why I’m avoiding owning up to it entirely, but that’s alright. College students are weird – the art ones even more so! I guess that’s not such a bad thing. I’ve always been a bit of an oddball. It doesn’t help that I stick out like a sore thumb since I’ve moved to Oregon.

I’m a native Californian. Do you know what that means? It means I’m used to sun. Or rather – I expect it. My expectations fall short quickly these days as far as the weather is concerned.

When I moved up to Oregon a year ago I brought my job with me. Retail, of course. Most of you have probably known that story sometime in your life. (Do any of those stories have happy endings?)

I brought my dog up here, too. He’s weird just like I am. Small, fluffy, and an sometimes adorable. His name is Bear and his is a “Schipperke”, which literally means ‘little captain’ in Flemish but I’m convinced means ‘smallish dog-like creature that is actually a cat’. I also have a cat with dog like qualities named Batman, a chinchilla, & a tree frog.

Currently my plan is to stay up in Oregon a few more years and get a two year degree from Lane in Media Arts. Eventually I want to work in pre-production on animated films and my goal in life is to get my name in the credits of a large motion picture, even if it’s just as ‘coffee runner’.

A few of my art pieces are in a local gallery in Eugene called ‘Custom Cranium’ and my first piece just sold a few weeks ago. How exciting!

Allow Me to (re)Introduce Myself…


My name isn’t Hov, its Adam Poole. But I’m sure you knew that much. I hail from Rhode Island, born and raised. Spent 4 years in the Army Infantry, stationed in Germany for most of it and a brief stint in Kansas. Germany was cool, but you can imagine Kansas, not so much. Upon release into the civilian world, I set off to earn a degree. Entered the video/audio production program at the New England Institute of Technology (mouthful); after 2 years and a divorce I earned an AS in “Video and Audio Production Technology”. Fancy.

Work opportunities on the East Coast are few and far between, especially in New England in the media field. You’ve got a couple big markets, and more often than not they want years of experience on top of a Bachelor’s. While working menial jobs, sending my resume all over the place, I was asked to help someone move cross-country to Eugene. Being a bit of a driver, I took it as an opportunity and a challenge. Made the trip towing a u-haul trailer in 3 days (56 hours on the road). Not too shabby. Once I recovered and got some real sleep we headed to the Saturday market and I got a chance to take in the town’s (this can’t be a city..) charm. It was October and the weather was phenomenal. Needless to say, I was enamored. The scenery a short drive away and the overall vibe here really compelled me to take a chance.

When I got back to the ‘real’ world I started researching schools in the area. Being a veteran qualified for the Post 9/11 GI Bill, I figured I could take advantage of my remaining benefits while looking for work in larger West Coast markets- Denver, Seattle, Portland, maybe even L.A. Just about a year ago, I packed up all my stuff- mostly computer/electronics jazz- and headed for literal/figurative greener pastures. Since then I’ve been taking a handful of classes at LCC, still looking for work in the industry. I have my own equipment, though most of it barely prosumer- t5i, decent iMac, a couple mics and random older video cameras.

Will work for sizzle (reel).

About Me



My name is Cory Peterson, I was born in Portland, Oregon. Moved and lived for a few years in Salem, Oregon then in 1995 moved to Eugene, Oregon. I have lived in Eugene for close to twenty years. I live with my parents and help them with taking care of the three dogs, five cats, and one bird. The dog name’s are Jazmin, Angel, and Zen. The cat name’s are Hades, Isis, Xanadu ( itty bit), Nix, and Medusa. The bird’s name is Samson  In my spare time I play MMORPG (multimedia online role playing games) video games mainly DC Universe Online and Rift. I also like to construct different things using legos sometimes I leave then the way they are from the box other times I build them then take them apart and build random things. I really enjoy mythology and the unknown, with the mythology I tend to focus on similarities in myths from all over the world, like Norse myth about Ragnarok and Christian’s end of the world myth, both state that it will start in a fiery way. The unknown would be things people think don’t exist like Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot, we haven’t even explored 100% of the planet so we cant really say there isn’t a real monster in the world or not, which makes learning and trying to figure out the unknown just as much exciting as finding new planets.

Hey there! Nice to meet you.

My name is Rich Robison.  I am a first year student at Lane Community College and am earning an AAS degree in Multimedia Design.  I was born in Pendleton, Oregon but I’ve lived all over the nation.  I’d like to tell you a lot of really interesting things about what I do with myself but honestly, there isn’t much to say.  That’s why I’m in school now trying to change my life in a positive way and learn how to do something I feel passionate about.  I’ve spent most of my life working jobs that I got no enjoyment out of and had no future in.  I’m 31 years old now and it’s time for some change.  I still go to a dead end job everyday that I don’t like but I am bolstered and renewed by the knowledge that in just a couple of years I will possess the skills and knowledge to finally move on to something better that I will actually enjoy doing.


I chose media arts because I have always loved film and wanted to be a part of it.  I’ve gone through a big range of “What do I wanna be when I grow up?”  I’ve daydreamed about being a comedian, an actor, a video game designer, a director, the list goes on.  About a year ago I took a non credit course at Rogue Community College in Medford, Oregon and for the final project I created a video.  I had an absolute blast on that assignment!  I got to see how fun and challenging it is to organize, develop, and produce something like that.  I also saw how it brings people together in an immense and impressive team effort, as all of my classmates, co-workers, and friends contributed to the project.  Though it is extremely amateur at best, it has led me into this program and I am extremely grateful for, and proud of it.  Here’s a link if you’d like to check it out.

My New Life

Hi, and welcome to my blog.  I’m Marla, and this is a totally new adventure for me.

Up until two weeks ago, I’d been working in the healthcare industry.  Good money but no creativity.  As the left-handed, weird child of my family, I’ve never really fit into normal society, but years of acting classes paid off and I’ve successfully fooled people into thinking I’m a responsible adult for some time. Well, no more.  It’s time to let all the creativity that has been boiling up in me since my childhood overspill its limits and lead me into a new career path.  That is where the Multimedia Design program at LCC comes into play.

I can’t say that my life has been entirely devoid of creativity.  I rediscovered my love of writing a few years ago, and have recently found a new passion in video production, so I plan to focus my studies on audio and video production.  I’m not planning to head to Hollywood anytime soon, but would like to use my new-found skills more locally helping on small independent films and documentaries.  Of course, I may decide that I really like blogging and parlay this new skill into something financially viable.  Who knows.  At this point, all paths are open to me.

There isn’t much to say about me personally.  I’m not the typical college student. I’m a bit older and a bit more jaded generally, but also a bit more enthusiastic about this since it’s a career path I’ve decided on after a number of years doing what I thought a “responsible adult” should do.  As the director Brian Singer once said, “Screw continuity, I’m going for substance.”  So, substance, here I come.  Feel free to revisit my blog to see how this adventure plays out.

By Marla

Life in Oregon

I have been living for fourteen years in an evergreen state. Decisions, life and fate brought me to Oregon from Bolivia. It is very difficult to get enchanted by the green when gray clouds cover the sun almost two thirds of the annual calendar, that was my thought the first year I lived here.  But the time has taught me well. Today it is very easy for me to see the changing seasons with such clarity, yellow flowers in Spring, a dip in the river in Summer, Autumn with colorful leaves and the cold wet Winter. Oregon is a beautiful state, cozy and full of life. I don’t ever want to move away from here.

I have been a licensed massage therapist since 2008, but I was always interested in photography and motion pictures. The need to explore this art beyond simple desire, made me decide to opt for the career of “ Multimedia Design” and here I am in my second week of classes.

Franco Rengifo