Category Archives: Past Student Work

P5 – Image Editing – Tonari Abiori

This is the first video I have made in years and going back to my older videos I made for high school assignments/projects for inspiration, this new video I made is a big improvement. Here, I used Adobe Premiere for the first time so had more choice for editing and thus more creativity. What I found helpful is that I could record my voice on top of a clip without having to compress it to an mp3. That saves me a lot of time. There were also the tools to make music and voice different levels and that helped me so much because I always felt like I was talking quietly through my microphone. There were three challenges I faced during this project. The first one was recording my voice on top of another voice I recorded. The tricky part was making sure they could hear both voices clearly and I did everything I could, but I feel like it’s still the level I want. The other problem was music. My old videos had one song in the background. Here, I wanted to have each segment have its own unique music, so I mostly used music from the Associated Production Music (APM music), the music you would hear on shows like Ren & Stimpy, SpongeBob and Westworld. The last and hardest challenge I faced was mixing my two voices with music in the background for the final segment.

P5-Mason Perkins

I had fun making P5, I wanna do more with it but that’s for later. I’d like to, expanding on the theme of five, make 4 more images, one without the giant, one with it forming, the one that’s made, one with the city mid explosion after the star is taken, and the city destroyed. Then I could edit them together in sequence and the video could be longer and not rely so heavily on premiere editing for visual storytelling. With that being said I like what I came up with my limitations withstanding. I researched and found out Danse Mascarabe Is copyright free in the US, It’s one of my favorite orchestral performances and I’m glad I could use it. It was fun getting out of my comfort zone for this project because I don’t paint things in color often, I need to practice that more, but doing it for this I can see I have a ways to go for color painting, with more time it would be more refined but more paintings in general will help me find a comfortability with playing with color and light in paintings.


The painting is composed of five colors, yellow, blue, purple, and orange. The painting is of a constellation giant coming to loom over a golden city in a dark desert and taking a star from the sky, leading to the city to be destroyed. Stars are five pointed shapes in their generic symbol form but I chose to not draw any five pointed stars so that choice wouldn’t be so obvious.

P5 assignment

by: Allisa Olsen

Pets, most of us have at least one, I have 2 dogs, 3 cats, and a hamster but someone didn’t make the cut due to the assignment being in numbers of 5. Don’t worry the older dog will be shown in a later assignment. For this assignment, I picked the pets with the most prominent personalities to rate them on a scale of 1-10. For example, my cat Mushu is beautiful and intelligent but he’s so smart he gets bored fast and creates chaos. Balancing out the pros and cons of my pets will determine an accurate rating. My mother would also agree with the ratings too, as most of the things that are destroyed by the pets are her belongings, unfortunately. In the video, I have presented as I said before the pets with the most personalities.

The video includes Jett the purebred black lab, yes I said purebred because no one believes it, because of his size but he is just a gentle giant. The 2nd animal featured will be the animal I used in the example above, Mushu he doesn’t need an introduction he’s just chaotic. The 3rd animal would be the lovely Sulley, there’s nothing past those blue eyes, no thought process at all. And the 4th animal is another cat, Miso which is the first cat we adopted. If you want to know the 5th animal you are going to have to watch the video he’s the best pet in the house.

P4 Audio

By: Kaysha Cockrell

For this project, I chose to make an audiobook of Aesop’s “The Fox and the Grapes.” my main goal was to practice more with audacity in general as I am familiar with the software. I usually use it for voice acting, but this time was when I really dipped my feet into the water, as I had to learn more; how to move the audio around the timeline, learn the difference between mono and stereo tracks, and import sound effects in their own tracks.

This audiobook also includes practice in Foley; a way to make sound effects for certain things without actually recording it. One example of this I like is in the comedy, Monty Python and the Holy Grail when they used coconuts to make the sound of a horse galloping, even though it’s actually shown as the setup of a joke. For my recording, I hit the sleeves of my sweater together to try and make the muffled footsteps of the fox.

P4 Audio


For this project I was trying to create a fun spin on one of the example options given in the instructions. I was trying to convey someone getting to their car, turning the key and starting the engine, then flipping through radio stations. I wanted to emanate the feel of absurd dated 20th century product ads by making an even more blasphemous ad then those that exist. I also wanted to poke fun at some of the obscure celebrity musical artist names people come up with nowadays. I felt like I needed to add a modern and/or hip element to the project so that’s the context of the ending. I think it works well comedically. I wrote a loose script and then let the talent improvise some of the dialogue. For the sound effects I mentally went through the scenario of starting a car and clicking through radio stations, then made a list of all the sounds I would need to provide a smoother workflow and more effective workflow later on.  I’m thankful to have had cooperative talent for this project because my voice most likely wouldn’t have suited my creative choices as well. I feel the talent’s voice sounded realistic in terms of how a real radio host might sound.

P4 Audio: Accident

Back in December 2021, I got hit by a car crossing the street in Downtown Eugene. I was all dressed up walking to my new friends apartment because we had a work formal that we were going to all go together. I was one street away when I was crossing the street and a car turning didn’t see me and hit me with their car. It is crazy to me because I was so excited to go to this formal and to think I wouldn’t go because I was in an accident is insane. I am fortunate enough to have survived but it was a bummer not being able to go. I told all my coworkers that I had a family emergency and that’s why I couldn’t make it that night. It wasn’t until the day after that I had to tell them because I needed my shifts covered(haha). Anyway, I just wanted to recreate my thought process and how it happened to help process things. I still have not gotten over what happened and it still affects me to this day, but I feel like I understand now more than ever that it has in fact affected me and why.

P4 Audio

In this audio, I was trying to get a simple soothing bedtime story. I had a lot of trouble with audible and had to use a lot of different systems to get it to work. I wanted some calm music for the background and I think it is pretty good. I could not get any sound effects I wanted. This was my first time working with audio and I learned a lot of new things and found out some ideas for the next time I will be using audio. It took me about six hours to edit all of it. I could not find a good website that had all the things I needed but I still think I did well. Also at the end, the sound gets really loud. I tried to fix it but could not find out how. 

Audio Project

Doing this audio project was very much a step out of my comfort zone. I have never attempted to make a project completely audio-based because I don’t have any experience in it. Although it was new, it was really fun voice-acting and editing the audio to make it sound the way that it is now. Now that I have the proper tools and experience, I might just do more of this and make my own podcast. 

This story is about a fallen angel who has gotten amnesia upon arriving on Earth. He meets a complete stranger who takes him inside the nearest bar, and it just so happens that this bar is filled to the brim with life-ruining vampires. There is more to this bone-chilling story than a man tortured by immortality. Farther along in this tale, he finds love, gains power, and gets revenge on the people who turned him.

This is a completely original project, solely written by me. I wrote this story before this class and it was way more graphic than it is now. If you are interested in the rest of this tale, please ask. I would love to tell you about it even though it is still in the works!

By: Kyrsten Crittenden


by Lemoni Genosar

In this process, I used the snowball mic for the first time. It was very simple to use n audition and it gave me some great clear audio. I wish I could’ve read the whole story, but I reached 3:00 minutes at about half way through. I used a denoise filter and a dynamic processor to make the voiceover clear. I couldn’t really think of a fitting sound affect, but I found that fun background song. I honestly think it’s better without it.

P4: Audio_”Soul”

“Soul” is movie of Disney and Pixar, talking about Joe is a middle-school band teacher whose life hasn’t quite gone the way he expected. His true passion is jazz — and he’s good. But when he travels to another realm to help someone find their passion, he soon discovers what it means to have soul. I picked this scene because The Great Before (also known as the You Seminar for rebranding purposes by the Abstract Souls) is a location featured in Disney/Pixar’s 2020 animated feature film Soul as the pre-existence place of life where new born souls get their personalities, quirks, and interests before going to the Earth, it makes me feel interesting about the world that I’ve never know about it.

I did the sounds and foley the sound effects (SFX) with my friend by using Diamond room in Building 18. We spent 2-3 hours to recording the dialog and SFX. To be honest, it was tired but I had fun to work on doing Audio production, I can know more about this field. I used ProTools for recording this sound and edit in the studio but when I got home, I felt the sounds just too left and too right, so I used Adobe Audition to make the sounds more balance itself. I hope you’re enjoying this short audio.

By: Zoe Nguyen