P5 – Image Editing – Tonari Abiori

This is the first video I have made in years and going back to my older videos I made for high school assignments/projects for inspiration, this new video I made is a big improvement. Here, I used Adobe Premiere for the first time so had more choice for editing and thus more creativity. What I found helpful is that I could record my voice on top of a clip without having to compress it to an mp3. That saves me a lot of time. There were also the tools to make music and voice different levels and that helped me so much because I always felt like I was talking quietly through my microphone. There were three challenges I faced during this project. The first one was recording my voice on top of another voice I recorded. The tricky part was making sure they could hear both voices clearly and I did everything I could, but I feel like it’s still the level I want. The other problem was music. My old videos had one song in the background. Here, I wanted to have each segment have its own unique music, so I mostly used music from the Associated Production Music (APM music), the music you would hear on shows like Ren & Stimpy, SpongeBob and Westworld. The last and hardest challenge I faced was mixing my two voices with music in the background for the final segment.