Category Archives: Past Student Work

From Mermaids to Pyrotechnics

I was thrilled to come across Benjamin Von Wong’s photography blog.  He does amazing fantasy inspired photo shoots and gets to travel to beautiful countries to produce these photographs.  Whats not to be inspired by?

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Besides just being in awe of the work he has produced and the creative thinking that went into each project, he actually tells you how he pulled off the image. On most of his recent posts he lists the ISO, f stop, and shutter speed settings used to make the image.

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He also gives tutorials and tips for accomplishing unique style and photography tricks to use in your own work. One post in titled, ” How to get free epic models”, he talks about just getting out there and crashing events, insert yourself into the situation. I really think his blog is meant to inspire people and get them to start thinking creatively without the “I cant do it” attitude.

Another thing I found to be helpful, he has an entire section that talks about what equipment he uses. Theres a picture of the object followed by a short description, and sometimes the reason why he likes to use it. I think thats information that can be golden to someone who is just starting out with photography. Everyone wants to know what a professional uses in their work. I think the quality of the information provided in the blog is supported by the images that are products of that information.

The site looks very professional and well produced. The video at the top really draws you into the articles, and has an overview of what the blog entails. I feel that a lot of effort is put into the blog, and I appreciate creative wit he puts into the titles of his entries.

I found a new favorite artist and blog.

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Scavenger Hunt!


1) The Media Creation Lab


2) The Blue Cyc Wall


3) Equipment Checkout


4) The main Art Gallery


5) The Art-O-Mat


6) The Library


7) The silver sculpture with a very confused turkey


8) Mary Jo Kreindel’s office


9) The Center for Student Engagement


10) Christina Salter’s office


11) The Indie Lab


12) Flags of the world in Building 1


13) Construction workers hard at work


14) Some really cool art on the side of Building 5


Scavenger Hunt!


1) The Media Creation Lab


2) The Blue Cyc Wall


3) Equipment Checkout


4) The main Art Gallery


5) The Art-O-Mat


6) The Library


7) The silver sculpture with a very confused turkey


8) Mary Jo Kreindel’s office


9) The Center for Student Engagement


10) Christina Salter’s office


11) The Indie Lab


12) Flags of the world in Building 1


13) Construction workers hard at work


14) Some really cool art on the side of Building 5


The Scavenged Treasures of a Campus Hunter

An empty (hopefully not for long) media creation lab. Media Creation Lab

Blue Cyc Wall The Cyc wall has always looked like a wave about to crash, waiting for a surfer to ride it.

He was prepared for pictures. I like this guy. Equipment Checkout

Art Gallery The art gallery was one of the first places I visited when I visited Lane for the first time last year. It’s so elegant.

I’d never heard of the Art-O-Mat before this project. It’s very cool! Art-O-Mat

Reference Counter The library is large and busy. The same cannot be said for the Reference Counter.

I’d like to sit in this work of art for a while and just think. Silver Sculpture

Mary Jo Kreindel Mary Jo’s shelves really caught my eye when I found her office, I had to capture them.

The CSE was welcoming, but oddly empty. Center For Student Engagement

Christina Salter Christina was absent when I found her office, so I was forced to take a picture of her door.

2nd floor in 17 is where I spend most of my time between classes. 2nd Floor Commons

Students First Flags The diversity in here is wonderful.

By the time I took this, I was left with an empty construction site. Construction Shot

Wild Card TURKEYS!

Essential places every Lane Media Arts student should know!

1.) Swing by the Media Creation Lab, which is favored towards multimedia students with such programs as adobe suites; but is open to the general public! Located within the Library 2nd floor. ( Banana for scale)

2.) The Blue Cyc Wall, used mainly for lighting classes. Some say if you stare at it for long enough, it stares back into you! Located in building 17, first floor. (Banana for scale)

3.) Wanting to use state of the art tech for your class project? Look no further, with the right clearance you can at Equipment Checkout Counter! Located just around the corner of the Blue Cyc Wall in building 17. (Banana for scale)

4.) Come check out your art teacher’s and other staff member’s work at the Art Gallery! (Find the banana for scale on this image, its not as obvious!)

5.) Check out this nifty machine( The Art-O-Mat) and for just “tree-fiddy” – Errr, I mean for just five dollars you can get a souvenir to remember your trip to the Art Gallery. (Banana for scale)

6.)  Looking for a quiet study place? Needing to print? Looking for answers to a life-long question, such as: Why was Avatar the Last Airbender so horrific? Well at The Library you can at least achieve the first two! (Banana for scale)

7.) *Whispering* Ahh crikey, ain’t she a shiela! Here we have a vicious native northern turkey, standing its ground in the middle of the Sculpture; located right outside the Health and Wellness Center. ((NO banana for scale, but you’re going to have to take my word when I tell you this wild animal was about three stories tall and two car lengths wide!!)

8.) Thinking you’re up to the task of entering your own piece to the Art Gallery? Drop by Mary Jo Kreindel’s office, located conveniently in the Art Gallery itself. (No banana for scale)

9.) If you ever want to be more involved with student life, joining a club, or even creating your own; you will want to check out the Center for Student Engagement! Located on the second floor of Center. (Banana for scale)

10.) In 1998, a commando counselor was sent to higher education by the school board for a crime they didn’t commit. This counselor promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Lane county underground. Today, still wanted by the government she survives as a counselor of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find her….maybe you can hire The A-Team Christina Salter!!! Located in building one. (Banana for scale)

11.) This is a shot of The Commons with the opening door leading into the indie lab. This is a nice place to relax and do work in between classes. Located in building 17, second floor. (Banana for scale)

12.) The Students First Building or building 1, is where you can get help with counseling and financial aid! (Banana for scale)

13.) At first glance this construction photo is not that creative, but when you focus on such things as unity, tension, and rhythm; it is oddly not too bad. You can find unity by how the left frame of the photo connects to right by repetition of the ceiling support beams. Tension by how the brown dirt seems to come in from an angle ( not the corner) and points towards the middle of the photo. Rhythm through shaping.

14.) This isn’t that wild, but here’s a picture I took the other day feeding a squirrel on my Spencer’s Butte Hike. I didn’t know whether to feel like a Disney princess or like Kronk from the Emperor’s new groove, but either way they didn’t mind hanging out.

Essential places every Lane Media Arts student should know!

1.) Swing by the Media Creation Lab, which is favored towards multimedia students with such programs as adobe suites; but is open to the general public! Located within the Library 2nd floor. ( Banana for scale)

2.) The Blue Cyc Wall, used mainly for lighting classes. Some say if you stare at it for long enough, it stares back into you! Located in building 17, first floor. (Banana for scale)

3.) Wanting to use state of the art tech for your class project? Look no further, with the right clearance you can at Equipment Checkout Counter! Located just around the corner of the Blue Cyc Wall in building 17. (Banana for scale)

4.) Come check out your art teacher’s and other staff member’s work at the Art Gallery! (Find the banana for scale on this image, its not as obvious!)

5.) Check out this nifty machine( The Art-O-Mat) and for just “tree-fiddy” – Errr, I mean for just five dollars you can get a souvenir to remember your trip to the Art Gallery. (Banana for scale)

6.)  Looking for a quiet study place? Needing to print? Looking for answers to a life-long question, such as: Why was Avatar the Last Airbender so horrific? Well at The Library you can at least achieve the first two! (Banana for scale)

7.) *Whispering* Ahh crikey, ain’t she a shiela! Here we have a vicious native northern turkey, standing its ground in the middle of the Sculpture; located right outside the Health and Wellness Center. ((NO banana for scale, but you’re going to have to take my word when I tell you this wild animal was about three stories tall and two car lengths wide!!)

8.) Thinking you’re up to the task of entering your own piece to the Art Gallery? Drop by Mary Jo Kreindel’s office, located conveniently in the Art Gallery itself. (No banana for scale)

9.) If you ever want to be more involved with student life, joining a club, or even creating your own; you will want to check out the Center for Student Engagement! Located on the second floor of Center. (Banana for scale)

10.) In 1998, a commando counselor was sent to higher education by the school board for a crime they didn’t commit. This counselor promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Lane county underground. Today, still wanted by the government she survives as a counselor of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find her….maybe you can hire The A-Team Christina Salter!!! Located in building one. (Banana for scale)

11.) This is a shot of The Commons with the opening door leading into the indie lab. This is a nice place to relax and do work in between classes. Located in building 17, second floor. (Banana for scale)

12.) The Students First Building or building 1, is where you can get help with counseling and financial aid! (Banana for scale)

13.) At first glance this construction photo is not that creative, but when you focus on such things as unity, tension, and rhythm; it is oddly not too bad. You can find unity by how the left frame of the photo connects to right by repetition of the ceiling support beams. Tension by how the brown dirt seems to come in from an angle ( not the corner) and points towards the middle of the photo. Rhythm through shaping.

14.) This isn’t that wild, but here’s a picture I took the other day feeding a squirrel on my Spencer’s Butte Hike. I didn’t know whether to feel like a Disney princess or like Kronk from the Emperor’s new groove, but either way they didn’t mind hanging out.

Scavenger hunt on LCC Campus


Media Creation lab in Library


Blue Cyc Wall in building 17


Equipment checkout counter in building 17


Art gallery in building 11


Old ciggy machine (Art-O-Matic) in building 11


Library in building 17


Cool silver art work in front of health and science building.


Mary Jo Kreindel ( Art Division Specialist) in building 11


Center for student engagement in center buildling on the 2nd floor.


Judy Gates office in building 11.


Indy Lab on the second floor in building 17


Many nation flags in Building 1


Artsy construction shot


A leaf in the student courtyard

Multimedia Scavenger Hunt


The Media Creation Lab


The Blue Cyc Wall (I was locked out!)


The Equipment Checkout Counter


The Main Art Gallery


The Art-O-Mat


The Library


The Sculpture Outside of the Health and Wellness Building


Mary Jo’s Office


The Center For Student Engagement


Christina Salter’s Office


The Indy Lab


Some Flags


Heavy Construction Machinery


Our Beautiful Surroundings

Multimedia Scavenger Hunt


The Media Creation Lab


The Blue Cyc Wall (I was locked out!)


The Equipment Checkout Counter


The Main Art Gallery


The Art-O-Mat


The Library


The Sculpture Outside of the Health and Wellness Building


Mary Jo’s Office


The Center For Student Engagement


Christina Salter’s Office


The Indy Lab


Some Flags


Heavy Construction Machinery


Our Beautiful Surroundings

Can’t Stop Scrolling




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I stumbled upon this blog (among a few others) and was immediately drawn to BOOOOOOM. Their name alone was impactful enough to decide it was worth clicking on. Before even checking out the content I wanted to like it…if I ended up not finding any interest in it I would have been a little disappointed, because with a name like that, you have to deliver. Kudos to BOOOOOOM because the delivery was done. This blog focuses on all sorts of digital art, illustration, animation, photography, etc. They showcase a lot of really interesting pieces, like their most recent post, showing a pencil line depicted as an IV. They have it laid out as an eye grabbing photo or illustration, followed by a very clean-looking button/link to read more on the artist and the art.

The image above is a drawing done by an artist, Ibrahim Resnelli, from Bursa, Turkey. The link features another link to learn more about the individual artist, as well as showing other examples of his work.

I think it’s cool that this blog shows work from artists all around the world. In addition to that I think it’s a very well developed blog aesthetic-wise. It’s a very clean layout, not over-crowded or cluttered like I saw some other blogs were. It’s organized in a very clear and simple way, with topic links that stand out right at the top with zero confusion. They even have their Twitter link right at the very top of the page which was smart.

Overall, I really enjoyed scrolling away through this blog. I almost couldn’t stop, just looking at all the incredible artwork being featured. Very inspiring. Good job, BOOOOOOM.