Category Archives: Fall 2014

P4 Audio Project

With this project, I wanted to change up the flow of my typical style of Audio and video. I challenged myself with this project, and unfortunately I feel like I bit off more than I could chew with this one. I will say that I impressed myself with the story telling and visualization aspect of the project, but in the future I definitely feel like I need to go into these projects with a simpler approach. The story follows a 3rd person narrative of this character me and a buddy created a few years back, and he fits the 90s aesthetic pretty well. So overall, I had a good time with this project, and I’m impressed with how I’ve done.

-Carsen Perry

Wow, the number 5 is so cool huh..? Yep. Sooo cool…

It’s the number 5.

This is a hand drawn piece that only took me a few hours to finish. There is no music, and this is not a video because that would be a silly way to display a still image. I hope you like the number five. Thank you for reading.

-Max Ryan

5 Different Sketches of 5 Different Things

Flash Warning? This project was definitely hard to figure out what to do at first, as the directions were very vague. This makes me excited to see what everyone came up with though! I came up with my Idea by just simply wanting to draw more. I always hear people saying drawing at least once a day can help you improve. So I thought hey, I can draw some stuff each day and then compile them all into a video for my project.

I didn’t exactly know how I was going to execute that until I went and picked out an audio track to use. I thought the drums were very prominent and were perfect to make the pictures cut between each other. I added the switching black and white background because I just simply thought it looked cool with the music.

I picked 5 different random things to draw and drew 5 each day for 5 days. I outlined them in 5 different colors to help add to the theme of 5. I tore them out of my book and taped them onto a different paper I scribbled on to make it look a bit more interesting.

I wish I had done something a bit more with my project though, but I had a lot going on last week so I couldn’t work on it as much as I would have liked. I should have taken my pictures in landscape, but I didn’t realize it til I started editing…

I used this sound from

What does 5 mean to you project

Being assigned a project like this one was very challenging at first. No directions. No leading ideas. Just be creative. So that’s exactly why I did. I started storyboarding a halloween skit that I thought of in class. From there all the marbles fell into place. Although I will say that when I had my finished script leaving class, when it came time to shoot the film lots of things changed. There was a plot developed into the story, multiple shots were changed, and this is where the feeling changed as well. Shooting this video was not only a very fun experience but I learned a lot about which shots I was able to use for what I was trying to create. I also realized how long each individual shot would take on its own. Learning to work with actors (in this case my mom) was also a very interesting process on its own. I had to learn to cooperate with ideas that they felt should be involved in this film and how I would be able to incorporate the film and on the spot ideas. Shooting this video took 2 days from start to finish and I couldn’t be happier with the final product with the time provided.

P4 Audio – Kaiden Kuntz

I was mainly hoping to tell this story in a super serious sounding way in order to emphasize the goofy joke that I decided to write for it. I have heard quite a few ‘spooky’ podcasts, so I knew what I had in my mind when I decided to go with the scary route for this assignment. The music and the sound effects were all used with this in mind, specifically because I wanted to hook the audience in order to make the lead up to the actual joke that much more effective. Overall, I think I could do a better job if I gave it another go. I feel like I have a little more experience with combining audio than I did before, so I imagine that I’d probably be able to balance the audio out in a better way. I’ve made stop motion videos where I decided to add sound effects to them, but that usually doesn’t entail too much work because each sound effect is fairly separated from one another. So, while this isn’t the first time that I’ve worked with audio, it was a bigger project and there was more overlapping of background audios that I had to do in order to put it together.

Also, I referred to Mixkit for nearly all of my audio, which is a great online resource for both music and sound.

By Kaiden Kuntz

P4 Audio project

What I was trying to accomplish with this audio was to be able to tell the story in a peaceful way. I really wanted to have a peaceful audio that draws emotion and grabs attention. This poem is “no difference” By Shell Sivertsen, and the person reading it is me! The other audio I record was the light switch! Found the other audios on the website Freesound ( I had a lot of fun With this audio Project and hope everyone likes it!

I do Have to say that I wasn’t that happy that the poem wasn’t that long and was a little worried that it wasn’t going to work for the project. With saying that I am starting to really enjoy editing and putting together audio.  The other thing I am starting to get over is recording my own voice, I have never like my voice when Listen to videos and for me to say that I am getting over that is a big achievement for me. I’m really looking forward to what I’m going to be learning for the rest of the class! Like I said before, I hope everyone likes it as much as I do!

~Alyssah Trautman

Online Review

My main goal was to create a dramatic, yet funny audio about something we can all relate to. I wanted to bring out that feeling of desperation a person feels when they want to expose someone publicly or just be heard after an unpleasant experience.

I tried to match my voice to what I would imagine someone like this sounds like when they’ve had enough.

I actually read reviews online before I shop somewhere, and I read them outloud in different funny voices, just to get a good laugh out of it, so this was one of those moments that kind of came naturally to me.

This was my very first time ever creating something like this, and I really enjoyed making this project. I laughed at myself a lot, and felt like all sounds blended well together. I got a few sounds from, but most of them I created myself.  It’s amazing how most sounds we make sound different when we record them, and have to find different objects to recreate them to make them sound authentic. Big learning experience, and looking forward to creating more in the future. 

By: Sandra Osorio  

Voice thing P4

For this project I wanted to make something cool that was inspired by something I like, and content I enjoy. Projects like this are to me: tedious; and it helps to be doing something you enjoy, spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. This project was inspired by the internet writing community known as the “SCP Foundation” which centers around a fictional organization that captures horrible creatures beyond understanding. The main inspiration for this projects format was a youtuber by the name of “TheVolgun” who does very similar audio drama’s covering the entry’s on the SCP foundation wiki.

My goal in this project was to possibly introduce some people to the concept of SCP and grow peoples awareness of so good horror media, although I have to admit the greatest drive to finish this project is to get credit. I do not think I performed immaculately during this experience, and looking back there I things I would have changed, namely getting a better microphone, and using a stronger speaking voice, but what’s done is done. The least I could hope to accomplish in an artistic sense is raise some interest within listeners, people wanting to learn more about an interesting writing community. Here’s to a passing grade.

-Max Ryan

Static City

My goal with the Static City audio was to create something caught on the radio that wasn’t meant for us to be hearing—a sort of stray transmission that got snagged by someone idly fiddling with their clock radio that’s outdated by several years and has probably been chewed on by a dog. Any identifiable names have been drowned beneath static, and the subject of the announcement itself doesn’t entirely make sense. It’s understandable enough, sure, but it’s definitely not quite original to our world.

Overall, I’m decently pleased with how it all turned out. My biggest annoyance was keeping my speech audible; I’d liked to have had more interference and distortion, but figuring out how to accomplish that without making it needlessly difficult to understand ended up being too much for my very beginner-level skills at this point in time. It was enjoyable to work on Static City once I got over my voice and got better at using Audacity—don’t even ask how many times I looped things without meaning to. I’ve now got sound effect files scattered across my desktop that need to be cleaned up, so if you’ll excuse me, I should go take care of that.

By Kaitlyn Harper