Category Archives: FALL 2021

Photo By Arad

Never thought I would look up at a “Toilet Paper”
I would like to know how this looks in fire “stone/crystal”
Ready to get to into the Dirty business “Washer”
looking from the ground up, “Shoes”
seems a little Blurry “car”
this one turned out better than I imagined “table”
This one didn’t “coffee”
I like the “Reflection”

By: Arad Razaghi

Photos by Jake

Here is a picture of a roll of toilet paper sitting on the banister of my stairs. Thrilling! (Riddle 1, Toilet Paper)
This chair was much heavier than it looks. (Riddle 2, Chair)
This picture of ice that I dumped in the driveway looked a lot better before I rounded the edges, but for the sake of consistency, I will live with it. (Riddle 3, Ice)
I considered taking the dryer picture from the inside, however, I am too big and my little brother was not home. (Riddle 4, Dryer)
Ironically, I got another pair of shoes very dirty while on my way to take this picture. (Riddle 5, Shoes)
This is either a tree, or an extremely bad case of eczema. (Riddle 6, Tree)
You have no idea how much garbage is hidden inside of this thing. (Riddle 7, Car)
I can’t come up with a caption for this one. (Riddle 8, Table)
That coffee mug is actually empty, I wasn’t going to make fresh coffee just to take a picture of it. (Riddle 9, Coffee)
If you’re ever unsure of how to take a good picture of something, just set it outside, it always helps. (Riddle 10, Mirror)

By, Jake Burton.

About Me

Hello, I’m Doran Simpson. I was born and raised here in the Springfield-Eugene area.  I’m a technical drafting student here at LCC, and I’m taking this course to diversify my skill set. Although I’m not in the media arts program, there is some overlap between it and my field. As a drafter, I create technical drawings and annotated layouts for manufacturing or architecture. While it’s necessary to follow strict guidelines and standards when creating drawings, there’s still some artistry that goes into the process! Your drawings should be easy to understand but still convey all necessary information, and a good drawing is visually appealing too.

I have a love for all things electronic; I enjoy working with computers and playing video games. A hobby of mine is to start with an older video game, maybe 10-20 years old, and install 3rd party modifications that alter the game in various ways, improving the graphics or the gameplay. Since these modifications are usually all designed by different people within the game modding community, they don’t always play nicely with each other, so getting a large list of modifications to load correctly together without any conflicts can be like assembling a puzzle. It is a very rewarding feeling to start with a game that is over a decade old, and through judicious application of mods, bring the game’s graphics and mechanics up to par with modern titles.

P1 About Me

Greetings! my name is Anuar Zhanabay. I am an international student, originally from Kazakhstan. I’m 19 years old and I’m currently studying Multimedia Design at Lane Community College.

Starting in 2019, I was passionate about graphic design and also attended a computer academy majoring in computer design. I have a little experience as a freelancer. I always was interested in creating different kinds of content and in particular, I was very passionate about identity and branding.
But recently I decided to tie my future to multimedia design because I think that education in this area will help me fully realize my creative potential and give me the opportunity to become a master of my craft.
I am incredibly interested in working on images, video, and audio. My goal at the moment is to learn all the basic skills that will allow me to improve my understanding in this field, create amazing content and just enjoy the process.
Over the course of my life, I want to work on projects in different places around the world, get to know more people, and learn about different cultures. I believe that everyone is one, no matter where we are in the world. We breathe the same air and share the same land, and I know that by working together, we can achieve common success.
My dream is to create a platform for Digital Creators through which people from different backgrounds can learn together, communicate, and help each other by sharing experiences, knowledge and also learning about the world.

I believe that power is in unity!

About me!

Hello! My name is Jack Garland and I am a Junior enrolled at both University of Oregon and Lane. I previously was a computer science major, however I decided I didn’t want to be in front of a screen for the rest of my life so I switched to the product design major. Since this decision set me back progress-wise, I am taking courses at Lane that I can transfer over to my major at University of Oregon, while saving what’s left of the college fund. I’ve always wanted to pursue the entrepreneurial side of business and hope to one day create a successful startup. I created a few startups before the age of 16, most of which were illegal, so you can say I’ve had this mentality for a while. In my free time I mostly hike and go to the gym, and I also go to about a concert or two a week. The last event I went to was a rave featuring an artist named Troyboi, and before that was Cordae. I actually am also going to see Denzel Curry tonight in Portland now that I think about it. I should probably get ready for that. Thanks for reading about me!

About Me

About me 

Hi my name is Ayden Erickson. I am 22 years old. I am a returning student from 2019. I took a break from school because I didn’t know what I wanted to have as a career. I didn’t see the point in adding on more stress as well as paying for classes when I am unsure what I want to do. During that break I played a lot of video games as well as worked a few different jobs. I would play games on a concoule but I have always been interested in playing on a computer. I had the opportunity to learn the ins and out of a computer from a hand me down computer. I started to watch videos and talk to people that had more experience than me. After I saved up enough money to buy new components, I got to build my computer myself. I fell in love with how computers work and playing games on them. So being undecided on what I want to do for work I thought I might as well go to school for something that has something to do with computers or even gaming. So as of right  now I am going to get my education in game development or design.  

By: Ayden Erickson

Riddle me this

One sheet, two-sheet, three sheets or four…some use less and some use more. What am I?

coins on a forgotten napkin

What has arms and legs, but no head?

zoomed in digital clock 4:00

What can’t be burned in a fire nor drowned in water?

I have a big mouth and I’m quite a load. I’m not gossip, but I get involved in everyone’s dirty business. What am I?

I interpreted this as a vacuum, this is a panorama photo

Stepping out? Wear me first! I’ll protect your feet from the worst

The goal was to make it look like one of those sock ads

Tall and strong, I stay outside. The sun, the rain, they’re by my side. I give birds homes and help you breathe. I even give you fruit to eat.

branch of a tree, taken on my trip when I traveled to Athens
taken in a Famous Garden on my spring break

Here I come and there I go. I move really fast, anywhere I go. That’s why you take me when you’re in a hurry. When I zoom by, I might look blurry

I took the opposite photo/ instead of taking a picture of a car/ I took a photo from inside of a car revealing what one would see

Kick up your feet, if you will. I’ll keep you company through Netflix and chill. Though you might not notice, I’m always here, to hold your zines, your snacks, and beer.

You say we’re pals, that we’re best friends. But only until the morning ends. You say I give you fuel for the day. And when we’re done, you’re gone away. 


 Don’t frown at me, I made it clear. Won’t make a difference if you’re near. Just stand in front and I’ll show you exactly how the world will know you.

Some of these photos I already had in my camera roll others I had an interesting time attempting to capture my interpretation of these riddles.

P1-About Me – Jake Burton

Hi, I’m Jake!

I’m a second year student at LCC. Initially I was pursuing an Associates of Arts Oregon Transfer degree here, with plans of transferring to another college in the future to pursue a degree in film study, but those plans changed recently. After the wonderful experience that was Jan Halvorsen’s ‘Drawing for Media’ class, along with many failed attempts at snagging one of Lane’s Film Arts classes, it has come to my attention that pursuing a career in animation may be preferable. Cartoons and video games always have and always will hold a special place in my heart, and I think it may be my goal to put myself within the industry of one or the other. The reason I say “I think” is because I am not yet certain if animation is the route for me. I am using this class, along with another to figure that out. The other class is called ‘Digital Design Tools’, and it seems to be primarily about learning how to use digital art programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator. Even if I discover that the media arts industry isn’t for me, at least that class will help me broaden my range of artistic capabilities. I’ve never been a particularly gifted artist, but I’d like to believe that expanding my skills and knowledge through various art (and media arts) classes will eventually help me find my outlet.

TL;DR, I’m at LCC to get better at art and figure out if want to pursue a career in it.

By: Jake Burton

About me

Hello everyone! My name is Ella Busch and I am a Multimedia Design major. I recently moved to Oregon from Virginia. I grew up in a town called Vienna about ten minutes from D.C. I adopted two cats in July of 2020, their names are Willow and Oliver. I decided to pursue this major because I have a passion for post-production editing. I love manipulating content and working on projects to create something unique and creative. I just think the editing process is fascinating, how you can turn raw footage into something unimaginable. My favorite show right now is Good Girls, I am currently binging it and highly recommend it. If anyone has seen Parks and Rec Donna Meagle is one of the main characters, it’s hilarious. I’m also really loving the Harry Potter movies right now. I have seen some of them but I have never watched them in order. I’m always looking for movie and T.V. show recommendations! One of my all time favorite shows is Normal People. It’s on Hulu and I highly recommend it, but be prepared to shed some tears. When I finish this program I would love to be involved in the production/ editing business in anyway I can, and from that find what I’m good at and hopefully be able to pursue it. I have a special interest in audio production after taking the audio class here at Lane.