Category Archives: P1 About Me

[P1] About Tristan Adams

By: Tristan Adams
My name is Tristan James Adams, this is my third term at Lane CC pursuing the multimedia design course. Outside of Lane I already have a almost 5 years of experience with both 2D Illustration and 3D modeling and animation. Going through the media arts program I believe will help me ask the right questions and search for ones that will help guide me to my path in the multimedia space. Outside of those pursuits I am decently addicted to video gaming now and is my main form of entertainment, even though I usually lose the urge to spend a lot of time gaming with how low the space has been quality wise. There has been very few diamonds in the rough with a lot of entertainment these days in TV media and games, but I am glad to see a few older games gain some growth from the lack of quality of the newer releases. I hope once I dethatch from schooling I can hopefully improve the quality of what I can in Media and as always hope A.I doesn’t ruin any chances of monetary gain that can come with multimedia production.

This was from a while back but these are some versions of a generic brand laser sword design I worked on from a few years back to give an example of what I’ve done in the past:

MUL101 Final Project P6 – Tristan Daniluk

Production started late due to inclement weather traveling to the destination. With time constraints, production became underway when the weather was nice.

I made various film clips for what he wanted to achieve. As in the production of movies, generally there are retakes. 

I felt the experience was exhilarating! Some of the retakes took bravery. For example, highway 58 is one or two lanes traveling in one direction. I drove in two preferred areas and had to make a U-turn to go back to the starting point. Making a U-turn was in a precarious area near a curve while putting safety first simultaneously. I can be a daring person and took upon the challenge and operated smoothly. 

Other than that, there were more retakes. Ideas were depicted and produced as well as ideas removed. For example, the film starts with a rising sun before the road trip. What about what takes place before you enter the car seat? Recording scenes of a shower sound and cereal dropping in a breakfast bowl were deleted. It’s more of a road trip and those sounds, for example, were not necessary for the plot.

I cannot wait to see the final product of the road trip! I took the time to strategize and achieve what he desired to complete a masterpiece of his first production of this kind. I had fun creating it with my mom (Stacey). My Dad helped with one scene.

Stacey & Tristan

The Fixed Final version:

P6 Jordan Smith

By Jordan Smith

My final is a simple one and honestly I can’t say I am a fan of it. I wanted to try both acting, editing in a more involved way. I was hoping to also try more interesting methods of getting audio, namely attempting to get audio as a separate source but that quickly died as the stuff I would need were not at my disposal.

It wasn’t all shortcomings though, this was the first time in a while that I was directly being recorded in something and it went fine enough. The actual editing part I feel good about because it was the first time I used multiple lines of the audio track in an effective way. I also feel I hit a good audio blend with the barks in the background that it didn’t blast your ears except for the last one where it was kinda meant to be a bit loud.

I did have a few trip ups with Premiere that required me to figure it out in better detail but I got over those with a good bit of messing around.

Overall, I feel that I learned from this well and hope to be able to hone these skills in the background of my other classes.

P5 assignment

by: Allisa Olsen

Pets, most of us have at least one, I have 2 dogs, 3 cats, and a hamster but someone didn’t make the cut due to the assignment being in numbers of 5. Don’t worry the older dog will be shown in a later assignment. For this assignment, I picked the pets with the most prominent personalities to rate them on a scale of 1-10. For example, my cat Mushu is beautiful and intelligent but he’s so smart he gets bored fast and creates chaos. Balancing out the pros and cons of my pets will determine an accurate rating. My mother would also agree with the ratings too, as most of the things that are destroyed by the pets are her belongings, unfortunately. In the video, I have presented as I said before the pets with the most personalities.

The video includes Jett the purebred black lab, yes I said purebred because no one believes it, because of his size but he is just a gentle giant. The 2nd animal featured will be the animal I used in the example above, Mushu he doesn’t need an introduction he’s just chaotic. The 3rd animal would be the lovely Sulley, there’s nothing past those blue eyes, no thought process at all. And the 4th animal is another cat, Miso which is the first cat we adopted. If you want to know the 5th animal you are going to have to watch the video he’s the best pet in the house.

P4 Audio

By: Kaysha Cockrell

For this project, I chose to make an audiobook of Aesop’s “The Fox and the Grapes.” my main goal was to practice more with audacity in general as I am familiar with the software. I usually use it for voice acting, but this time was when I really dipped my feet into the water, as I had to learn more; how to move the audio around the timeline, learn the difference between mono and stereo tracks, and import sound effects in their own tracks.

This audiobook also includes practice in Foley; a way to make sound effects for certain things without actually recording it. One example of this I like is in the comedy, Monty Python and the Holy Grail when they used coconuts to make the sound of a horse galloping, even though it’s actually shown as the setup of a joke. For my recording, I hit the sleeves of my sweater together to try and make the muffled footsteps of the fox.

P4 Audio

In this audio, I was trying to get a simple soothing bedtime story. I had a lot of trouble with audible and had to use a lot of different systems to get it to work. I wanted some calm music for the background and I think it is pretty good. I could not get any sound effects I wanted. This was my first time working with audio and I learned a lot of new things and found out some ideas for the next time I will be using audio. It took me about six hours to edit all of it. I could not find a good website that had all the things I needed but I still think I did well. Also at the end, the sound gets really loud. I tried to fix it but could not find out how. 

P4 Interview -Violet

(hopefully the link works)

In this interview, I sat down with Gerald the Giraffe (played by my dad, “Dad” the Human) to talk about his daily life as a giraffe. It was an opportunity I was very lucky to have, it’s not everyday that you get to talk to a creature with such a tall, spotted neck. 

You may start out like me before I had the honor of hosting this interview, clueless about how a giraffe would spend his day. If that sounds like you, then, come with me as I learn about his disdain for the birds that nest in the branches he plucks the leaves from, what in the world an ossicone is, and how to really appreciate the beauty of standing quietly in a plateau for hours. This interview is there for everyone with a thirst for knowledge of what it really means to be a giraffe.

This assignment was very entertaining to work on! I originally ended up with around 30 minutes of audio of my father and I just goofing around, so I really had to prune through that to get the final product. I hope you enjoy listening to this interview as much as I enjoyed making and editing it.

Link to Credits

P4 by: Allisa Olsen

The story means everything and more to me. My father was a bull rider and my younger sister was and still is doing barrel racing. doing rodeos I learned so much about myself, and made lifelong friends on the way cheering me on from the practice area while still on horseback. Rodeo tested me in ways that my other sports didn’t. It’s not just a sport but it’s also your body language with your horse and bonding with an animal to a point to make you successful, you don’t get that in any other sport where a live animal is your tool. In the rodeo community, you will find people willing to help you even if you just met them second, the bonding people share with each other and animals ita amazing how it can bring people together. It’s also the most competitive sport I’ve ever done. I’m so excited to share a lifelong passion of mine with an audience that might not understand this sport or the work that goes into it. If you have any questions whatsoever about rodeo or the animals that play a part feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my ability.