MUL101 Final Project P6 – Tristan Daniluk

Production started late due to inclement weather traveling to the destination. With time constraints, production became underway when the weather was nice.

I made various film clips for what he wanted to achieve. As in the production of movies, generally there are retakes. 

I felt the experience was exhilarating! Some of the retakes took bravery. For example, highway 58 is one or two lanes traveling in one direction. I drove in two preferred areas and had to make a U-turn to go back to the starting point. Making a U-turn was in a precarious area near a curve while putting safety first simultaneously. I can be a daring person and took upon the challenge and operated smoothly. 

Other than that, there were more retakes. Ideas were depicted and produced as well as ideas removed. For example, the film starts with a rising sun before the road trip. What about what takes place before you enter the car seat? Recording scenes of a shower sound and cereal dropping in a breakfast bowl were deleted. It’s more of a road trip and those sounds, for example, were not necessary for the plot.

I cannot wait to see the final product of the road trip! I took the time to strategize and achieve what he desired to complete a masterpiece of his first production of this kind. I had fun creating it with my mom (Stacey). My Dad helped with one scene.

Stacey & Tristan

The Fixed Final version: