Category Archives: P1 About Me

about me.


Greetings, I’ve a passion for a number of random things including getting into uncomfortable situations around the world, under-proofing my sourdough loaves and taking the occasional black and white film photo, letting it sit in a random backpack for years and developing it in my bathroom a few years after finishing the roll. I have tried starting business, failed and tried again.

In a previous life I got an AA from LCC transferring to the UO with a BA in Ethnic Studies and a minor obsession with poetry and film classes. After the UO I left the country as fast as humanly possible moving to Thailand where I got an MA in Thai Studies. I’ve learned to write and forgotten to write, learned languages and now also forgotten them, silkscreened and sold t-shirts, worked in numerous random jobs and wandered and taught. Feeling at home while on the move I’ve spent several years taking stock photography and videography as well as written a book sized thesis about discourse analysis using Gramscian and cultural studies theories analysing advertising imagery in Thai lifestyle media. Currently I am attempting to finish my second year of a daily drawing/animation three hundred and sixty five day project.

My dreams from the animation option of the multimedia program is to be able to design, animate and do art on a beach somewhere while saving for a house and small farm in northern Thailand. Essentially to have enough skills to live outside the US but not have to completely rely on English language instruction as a primary career. As such, I hope to start or run my own small multimedia design firm working in realms of the bizarre and strange including games, videos, photos, storytelling, animations and design.


The fear of growing up and the enevitable End.P6-Final Project

The whole process of recording this short video was a blast. I feltt guilty for my camera man, as I had held him hostage and gave him a lot of directions when it came to filming me. of course, the one major difficulty I had while filming was to capture all of the important scenes that required me to have a beard on screen, because once I shaved. It was over. I had the interest to make this film as I had been growing a beard and had people talk about how older it made me appear. I thought about shaving my beard a while a go, but thoght it would be intersting if I had made something with and without facial hair. As interesting was the concept; the following showed to be a challenge. How was I supposed to transition between me without facial hair and with facial hair. Being able to mark ourselves with tape and doing the same gestures helped me be able to slighty redeem the illusion of continuity. I unfortunately hadn’t produced a illusion that i wanted, but the idea to make it appear continuous would have me to black out the screen for a couple of seconds and to edit in the past/ future me. The wether and time was also a tricky obstacle to maneuveras it had to be done fast, or within the same time, weather, or lighting when it came to recording outside. Especially if I had no beard, because it takes TIME to grow, at least for me. I had so much more content recorded for this video. However that would have to remain as a deleted scene lost in media. However as truth be told, this was a fun, funtastic, and marvelous experience I had when making this film. I love creating stories and being able to express myself through media. Being able to do this was such a pleasure and I’m so grateful to had the opportunity to attend this class. Hope you enjoy, and if you’d like some deleted scenes, I wouldn’t mind sharing. With a price of course…Jk ?

Angel Acosta

Final project

I had a plan to create a slight horror film to represent the feeling of a nightmare, but my film quality wasn’t the best so I changed my idea. I decided to draw little moments in life instead. I’ve never done any animation before so I felt extremely out of my comfort zone, it was intimidating and I kind of felt like a child. I deciding to draw everything with a brush that resembled a crayon to make it child like and cartoony. This project was definitely time consuming. So I pieced it together and also showed the drawing process because I thought that was creative.

P5 Image Editing-A Day in an Unfortunate Fella

When I thought if the idea of what to base my film off, I had thought of the idea of when I was stuck in the basement where I lived and had been there for almost a full day until, someone came down stairs to open the door for me. However, in this, “A Day in the Life of an Unfortunate Fella”, I thought about hey, what if it was an unlucky dude, who happens to be foolish as well. In this instance instead of pulling on the door, he pulls in. I managed to put in a minor montage within the video to show how one passes time. There was more that went into the video, however in order for it to fit the time limit I managed to cut some footage for the sake of it. I also hope I manged to make it a bit comical at some points. Hope ya’ll like it!

A Walk With Nature

I chose to record my walk I do in the morning around my apartment complex. Even though I walk around my complex literally everyday, I was so surprised at all the different species of plants everywhere. I knew where some of my favorite plants, but I found some new plants that fascinated me. Editing was pretty easy for me because when I was younger I use to make a lot of videos, and I would spend hours editing and watch YouTube to figure out how to use everything. Since this was a different kind of video and it was pretty short I didn’t take a long time editing it. One thing I liked was the background music and sounds I put in. It relaxed me so much.

By Savina Fetch

The Big Toe

I chose this story because I have always been a horror fan ever since I was little. I remember being in the library in second grade renting out all of the “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark” book one through three although grade school. I would read them over and over again, or even make my mom read them to me before I went to bed. Still to this day I don’t know why I was such a big fan of these books, but I am a big horror fan still. If you are thinking how can a little girl read these books without being scared, you are wrong. To this day I think I’ve put childhood fears in the back of my head from these stories. But, to me they were just entertainment stories. In this project I wanted to have fun, and make kinda of like a horror story myself. So, while I was thinking which story I would do out of these books I wanted to do one where I could use scary background sound effects to create even more suspense in the story. I wanted to bring the stories to life and make them even more scary.

I am a big imaginative person, so when it came to actually recording I did get frustrated a lot because it wasn’t turning out to what I wanted. But, after multiple attempts I finally got to something I’ll accept because in the end it actually was a lot of fun. I hope it’s fun for you guys to listen to as well. And hopefully it creates your own journey into the scary story world.

By Savina Fetch

A Day In a Life With Logan

I have mixed emotions about this project. I think that it was very difficult yet fun. I did it with premiere because I really wanted to challenge myself. Let me tell you, it was a challenge. I really had to explore the platform before understanding what I was doing. There was a lot of errors that I had to fix. Between the cuts and the editing made it hard. I added in text and other transitions. I am overall happy with my work and my final project. I am looking forward to using this platform later on. I am glad I got to experience using new platforms to create a video.

By: Logan Moscatelli