Category Archives: P2 Riddle

Introducing Me

Greetings, I am Lady Diaz, an aspiring animator studying at Lane Community College. These are some of the things that define me:

  • I am bilingual in Spanish and English and I have an intermediate level of reading comprehension in Korean. However, I cannot speak Korean.
  • I enjoy learning standard French, watching YouTube videos on various topics that interest me, and binging on true crime stories in my spare time.
  • I am obsessed with the “Blue Beard” episode in “Los Cuentos De los Hermanos Grim”, produced by Nippon Animation based on the fairytale adaptations of the Brothers Grimm. I also consider this show as my first introduction into Animation and as the reference for the type of work I wish to create. 
  • I am very passionate about my academic pursuits and I always strive to learn as much as I can. Therefore, I am a perfectionist who seeks a lot of feedback. I used to fear criticism and see it as a conflict, but since I decided to pursue animation as a profession, it has become the thing that motivates me the most.

I would appreciate it if you could provide me with some feedback on my blogs that will help me improve. 

Thank you.

Lady Diaz

7,349 miles away from home.

Hey Everyone! My name is Lisa.

As I was thinking about how to write this post, I realized that for one year now, I have been introducing myself by saying that I am a 19-year-old international student from Ivory Coast who came here to follow my passion for making films. I believe that I am more than that, but at the same time, it is a part of me.

Growing up, I was always the “artistic” kid in my family. I would constantly come up with new passions and hobbies, causing my parents to spend a lot of money on ballet classes that I gave up on after two days, a piano that I never knew how to play, and a guitar that ended up smashed on the floor and filled with water. After some time, they gave up, and I kind of gave up too.

Until I discovered BOOKS. I spent my entire middle school years reading books and writing some of my own in the back of all my copybooks. Fictional characters were better than people and I had finally found how to make something of the chaos that was going on in my head. As the years passed, I got into the wonderful world of doing nothing with my days except binge-watching TV shows and reading books. Then, one day, I had this revelation: I was going to make movies for the rest of my life! 

After days, weeks, and months of arguing with my mother (who actually wanted me to become a doctor, as if I had the abilities for that, lol), she gave in, and I flew 7,349 miles to Eugene, where I began this great adventure. I have no idea what I am doing, and I am still very lost after one year here, but as I explore filmmaking and creative work from people around me, I am sure of one thing: I am doing something that I love.

By Lisa Kouadio.

P1 About Me

by Nicole Sherman

Hello my name is Nicole Sherman, yes I did only add my last name for more words. Anyway I have been a part time student at lane for about a year now, plus taking the multimedia animation course. I’ve been doing art probably since middle school. Funny thing about it is I only got started doing art because I wanted to show off to this other kid, I can’t exactly remember how it all went because it happened so long ago.

First I started drawing on notebook paper sometimes even on assignments basically any paper I could get my hands on. My teacher wasn’t really happy that I was drawing instead of doing the assignments, but I kept doing it. Eventually if I remember correctly my parents got me my first sketchbook book.
Then I started drawing in that a lot probably going through one to two a year both pages front and back. That happened all throughout middle school untill I graduated middle school. maybe before or after my first year of high school my grandparents bought me an iPad for Christmas. which I still use to this day and I hope to still use it when I get into the animation industry.

This is me

Hello there! I’m Simon, born and raised in Eugene, in my third year at LCC. For a long time, I’ve loved movies. Growing up, particularly in my teens, I could almost always memorize movie dialogue word-for-word. I even wrote them for me because I wanted to. One of my favorite dialogue scenes is the battle of wits scene in The Princess Bride. I’m currently working on an epic reimagining. I also love Legos, so some of my reimagined scenes will have Lego stop-motion.

There’s just one thing that scares me. I’m worried I won’t make it in my classes for my multimedia major; my last two majors weren’t good fits for me, and since I’m an intellectual guy, my uncertain future is a little aggravating. But I can’t say that I haven’t enjoyed what I’ve been learning. I got a $30 film school book not long ago, and it’s been incredibly helpful in teaching how movies work! For instance, part of a film crew is an Assistant Director (AD). Since an average director can’t be everywhere at once, an AD gets work done, which is a lot like dividing and conquering. So, in many ways, an AD is a director’s right hand.

I hope to graduate from the Media Arts program to join the industry. I want to do camerawork with advancement opportunities. Then again, it’s natural to look for advancement opportunities.

by: Simon Edwards

Here, have an introduction!

By: Jeremy Roman

My name is Jeremy. I’m a 35 year old Navy veteran, and spent my time stationed in Norfolk, Virginia onboard the USS Leyte Gulf (CG-55) for 5 years. I was in the supply department, and spent my time rotating between the ship’s store, ship laundry, and the barbershop. I’m originally from Brooklyn, New York, where I lived until I was 16, when I moved to South Florida. I’m also a father of two. I have twin sons who are about to turn 7 years old. 

I’ve always considered myself a bit of a nerd. I love franchises like Star Wars, Star Trek, and the MCU. I occasionally like playing tabletop roleplaying games, like Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, and Starfinder. I’m also an occasional gamer, playing things like Rocket League, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, and Mario Kart (That last game usually being played with my kids on the weekend). 

Since I’m a Multimedia Design major, my end goal with this degree is to be able to create my own multimedia company and get to work for myself. I originally chose multimedia design because I have always loved creating. Whether that takes the form of digital illustration, traditional illustration, photo manipulation (via Photoshop), or creating videos online for Youtube or TikTok. I figured since I was already doing these things in my free time, I might as well learn how to do them better and build skills doing what I already love.

Hello Everyone!

My name is Danielle, I am 34 years old. I am an artist. I work in several different mediums, including; Wire wrapping stones, painting, photography and design of all kinds. I love making all forms of art. I love to garden and I enjoy growing many things including eggplant, bell peppers, green beans, cucumbers, lavender and lots of sunflowers.

I struggle with mental health issues, finding and making long-term friends is really hard. Sometimes it’s hard just being around people for me. I have a service dog named Charlie who saved my life from addiction and homelessness. I have almost 7 years clean and have lived in my own apartment with my dog for going on 6 years now. Charlie is the best dog ever I don’t think he knows what he saved me from. He just turned 7 in August. I enjoy going on nature hikes with my dog. He really loves to swim and play ball. Charlie brings a lot of joy and happiness to my life.

I am a childhood trauma and domestic violence survivor and this is my first term back in college in 5 years. I received my AAOT from LBCC in 2013 and graduated with honors from Phi Theta Kappa. I have been through so many setbacks and traumatic situations, but I am here and ready to make myself a bright and happy future. I plan to have my own photography studio and work for myself taking pictures for people and making edits. I also want to get into making music videos, it’s been something I’ve wanted to do since I was a kid.

By: Danielle Hilliard

ohioian fields.

My name is Erin, and I grew up in Ohio.

I was shuffled around… a lot. I went from babysitter to family member to family friend and back again. This is most likely how I developed a deep interest in the human condition at such a young age, and it wouldn’t be until a few years ago that I would learn not everyone is just really good at constantly hiding their continuous existential thoughts. Not everyone lives on that line full-time, and maybe I needed to learn how to relax.

Growing up, I was able to see how every household was so different, despite having so many relating factors and crossovers. The only true correlation between all of these homes was the attachment to the media, though every taste was different. And the only consistency in my own life was the media. The movies, to be more precise. Movies with practical effects and puppets and moving dolls.

Most of my time was spent doing this or that for others, or it was spent in a state where I couldn’t move or couldn’t exist. Life either went electric fast, or not at all.

But one day, I found clay. And over time, I learned how to appreciate myself, and what came from me. And I discovered that it was okay to admit that I had aspirations.

So, now I sculpt and dabble in many other areas from tangible art to digital. And the goal is to give back and contribute to the medium that helped me make it through.

by: Erin Schooley