F19-P2-Welcome Lane Media Arts Students!

Welcome to the Lane Community College media design program! If your like me, you may need to take advantage of some of the student resources available here on the main campus. 

Here are some of the student resources available.
The Equipment Checkout Counter:

So your new to Lane. Your first assignment may be to take some photos. If you don’t have a camera, you can check them out at the “Equipment checkout” in the lobby of building 18. But don’t be late on your return, there are late fees.

The Blue Cyc Wall

This is located in building 18, room 207. You may need to film a scene walking through a desert. But who has time to go to eastern Oregon for the day? That’s ok. You can create any back drop with the Blue wall.

The Student Engagement Center

This is located in the Center building on the 3rd floor. Here you could grab some popcorn, and maybe something to drink. You can also chill out and play some video games at times.

The main Art Gallery

Located on the ground floor of building 11.

Maybe you just bombed a quiz. You might want to blow off some steam by checking out the original works kept here.

The Art-O-Mat

Located in the entry to the main Art Gallery

Now that we’re not smoking inside anymore, this cigarette dispensing machine has been repurposed to give life instead of taking it. With Art!

The Reference counter in the Library

 Located in the Center building on the 2nd floor.

So you’re still struggling with Google Slides? The staff working here is very helpful, no matter the subject.

The Health and Wellness Center

This is located in building 2, right by the bus station. It can be easily identified by the beautiful polished sculpture located outside the main entry.

Ingram’s office

You may need some real world experience to get your feet wet. If you visit this office you can find out about work study programs available to you.

The ATC (Academic Teaching Center)

This is located on the 2nd floor of the Center building.
Here is yet another resource for students to get help when you just need a little or a lot of help.

Judy Gate’s office

Judy’s office is located in the hallway right off the main Art Gallery. Judy is more then willing look your schedule over and set you up to graduate or transfer as planned.

Teresa’s office

You may be taking Intro into media arts with Teresa Hughes. It’s always good to check-in and make sure your on top of all your assignments.

The Students First Center

Located on the west side of campus. You will need to go here for any enrolment services, and financial aid. You will know your there when you see the display of the world flags.

Watch out! These turkeys are large and in charge. I wouldn’t be eating around them.   

Again welcome to Lane and enjoy the resources at your service!