Something about me

Hello my name is Adam and I am

19 yrs old and this is my first term into collage. I am the only one from my fathers side of the family to actually attend collage. I grew up in a small town called Walterville outside of Springfield, Walterville is a decently small town with nothing but Heriks farm and a cafe.Other than that its a nice community. I came here at Lane so I can major in genetics and as and learn about media art. I wasn’t really into school as a kid until in 2007 my dad meet my step mom and as I grew older she taught me of how important education is. I really took high school very lightly and graduated with a 3.0 GPA, Ive never been more proud of myself. One of my many hobbies is collecting records from Queen to Cinderella so far my record collection is really low but I hope to

expand it farther. After collage I plan to move back to Walterville and buy my grandmas house and move on from there. Until then im gonna stay in Springfield and help my parents. As of traveling LA is the most ive been out of state.