Tag Archives: Sp-P5 Final Project

Aesop’s Fables

I was looking forward to this assignment for a few reasons. For one, I am in Audio Production currently, so I have access to recording equipment. I’ve been looking for opportunities to use the recording equipment for extra practice, so this assignment was perfect. Additionally, I am a fan of audio books, so I was interested in getting a chance to peak behind the curtain and imagine the workflow of a professional audio narrator.

Originally, I was thinking of picking an excerpt from a book, but I wasn’t able to find anything that was quite short enough. Instead, I chose to browse Aesop’s Fables until I found a suitable story. I chose The House Dog and the Wolf largely because I thought it would be fun to make use of the sound of a howling wolf. I also thought I might try a crack at

While putting together the various files, I was hoping to create a natural nighttime forest ambience. For the most part I was pretty happy with the outcome. One disappointment, was that I was unable to find a good recording of the classic “ribbit” of a frog. It turns out that frogs have a large variety of calls, and many of them are not very recognizable. I was looking for something a little more gentle than the frog calls I found. I did end up finding a fun recording of an owl hoot. I was happy with that one, since it is so recognizable, and indicative of a nighttime forest.

Overall, a fun project!

by Gabriel Olsen-Martinez

F20-P4-Two Travelers and the Bear

I had set out to do his big elaborate audio. I wanted to use all of the things I thought I had learned through the videos and websites.  I tried a few different versions of this fable, but some were too long and I was being over-ambitious. Once I started to clean it up I realized that I did not nearly give myself enough time to do this the way I visioned in my head.  I was a bit confused at times with all of the different options and steps that I had to take in making it sound good. I know that the more I do it the better I will get at it. 

Once I did finally find a version I like I thought that I would record my voice in a way so that the listener heard the story. I tried several different ways to use the pitch of my voice to try to convey the story. I wanted to engage the listener in what I was saying. I searched for the right music track that would deliver a “children’s” type theme. While I didn’t think that audio is something I would like to do, I have changed my mind after listening to where I started to the end result. Though it could have been better I will be experimenting more with audio recordings. 

By: Darlene Waters

Sound Design – “Rubble”

by Jeff Pagano

This is my second version of Rubble.

The assignment was to use sound to create an emotional response, so that’s what I was going for. I don’t want to say too much because I want to let the listener be drawn in and draw their own conclusions. Please tell me in the comments what you think has just happened.

I did the first version for my Timeline Based Tools class, but I wasn’t satisfied with it. One minute was too short and I wanted to tell the story more clearly, so I started with the sounds I liked and started from scratch in Audition.

The idea first started with the song “Help, I’m Alive” by the Canadian band Metric. It’s about anxiety and the line “my heart keeps beating like a hammer” stuck in my head for days.

I started by recording loops of that line and the title on an iPad app called Loopy. I exported them to Audition and added delay. The heartbeat was a recording of a cloth being snapped and the water dripping was from my bathtub.

I put this all together in a multi-track sequence that starts with a gramophone needle clicking and popping. I wanted to convey that this was an old story, one that’s been experienced too many times. I guess my artistic motivation was to tell a story from a perspective we never hear. This is intense perspective and my point is it needs to stop.

The action begins with the character returning to consciousness and listening to what’s happening around him. The repeating thoughts and monotone voice are meant to convey his subscious mind. He’s dazed and deep in shock.

I spent a lot of time tweaking volume levels and used the panning feature extensively. If you listen closely you’ll hear it in the heartbeat and be able to sense the direction of travel of the tank, plane and marching feet. (It’s best to listen to this with headphones.)

After completing this project I have to admit it’s eerie and weird, but it is Halloween today, so I guess this was my way of expressing myself.

Below is the first version of Rubble, which now that I listen to it is a suitable prequel to the Revisited version.

An Unspoken Miracle

This short audio essay is about the power of words that can change the world or, at least, someone’s life. I believe in this power, and believe everyone has it inside. It just needs to be found and spoken.

Working on this project, I spent most time on just feeling life and hearing sounds around me. I had to go into the audio world from my familiar visual world. While walking with a recorder, I really missed my camera. However, it was an amazing experience. I tried to think how I can use the tools I usually use with my photography. How to highlight, tint, dodge, gradient, or dehaze sounds, how to use layers and masks in audio language. I experimented, played, and eventually, learned a lot. I know I have areas I need to learn more about. For example, it is how to clean the voice to perfection. I really struggled with this problem. I also struggled with English translation of my poems and my Russian accent. Nevertheless, it is my first audio project and experience with Audacity, so I am pretty satisfied with what I accomplished today. But tomorrow, I know, I will hate it, so I will continue to improve and develop the better multimedia designer inside of me. I think this is the key to growth, so it’s a good thing.

I used music and sounds from free libraries: https://samplefocus.com/ and https://www.soundjay.com/ I also recorded sounds of birds from the street. Plus, I used my own voice, texts, and a picture.

By: Lyu Gremli

The Lion and The Mouse

For this audio project I was trying to achieve the second option out of the three. Which was to read an Aesop fable and to record it. I tried to accomplish of achieving the realistic feel whilst reading this story aloud by using sound effects. Having the sound effects lead you through the story as I read them out loud. Finding the perfect sound for each part of the story. My experience with this project was positive. Nothing went wrong and I’m already familiar with using audio in my projects. As well as editing audio and adding sound effects. Putting this project was fairly easy, recorded my audio and imported it into premiere pro. After importing, I searched for sound effects that would fit this fable. Looking for lion and mice sound effects. Then some few other effects like a trap and rope getting tied. I really enjoyed looking for sound effects. Listening to many options making sure it was the perfect fit. I only struggled with finding a decent lion sound effect because all of them sounded extremely aggressive. Other than that specific sound, all the other ones were super easy to find. Overall this project was fun to do and I had enjoyed it.

Audio Project

This is a short reading of the first part of Little Snow White, as recorded by the Grimm Brothers Fairy Tales. For this recording, I tried to record myself as clearly as possible. That way, I could emphasize the story being read, rather than the fact that it was being read. While I feel my pop filter was lacking, I did try to edit out as much of the odd silences and unusual mouth sounds as I could. Removing these sounds from words was difficult, and in certain places, I simply could not separate them, but in the gaps between words, I was far more easily able to remove the noticeable sounds. I also did some noise reduction in an attempt to clarify the words further. Had I had more time to move past these necessary steps, I might have added introduction or ending music to help set the fantasy setting. As far as Audacity goes, I found it to be an incredibly intuitive program, especially if you already have experience with prior versions of the program.


So with this project, I worked diligently to instill a feeling of relief into anyone who listens to it. In my audio, I tell a story with minimal dialogue. I used the sounds to help decide the place, the weather, and the overall vibe of the story. I used my project from another class as the bases, then I went from there, adding and taking away different parts and reworking the overall flow of the audio by taking multiple steps.

The story I was trying to convey was a story of someone who just got home from a long day of work in the rain and walks through the rain to their place of residence to enter and be greeted by their roommate. After that, they proceed to walk into their bedroom, turn on some tunes and draw. There are many things that people do to relax every day and I just wanted to convey another way to relax. I hope this audio conveys relief and relaxation after a long day.

Radio Advertisement

For this assignment I decided to go for a Radio advertisement one because it sounds like it would be fun and two because I have a little bit of skill when it comes to recording sounds for audio. The audio is a gorilla tape advertisement where the gorilla tape spokesperson brings in a satisfied customer. While I was working on this project I learned that getting audio to be perfect is really hard and I also learned that I need to work more on how to use audacity. I learned that if you want to get the best product for audio you need to sit down with the voice actors / helpers and read and try to memorize the scripts so you won’t have to worry about reading from a page.

I tried to implement the advertising technique of repetition by the spokesperson and the customer say how durable and strong the tape actually is. I also used the technique of ” be more human ” by bringing in an actual customer and let them describe their experience with gorilla tape in everyday situations.

P4 Audio

My audio project is a story of the time I went swimming with sharks. I had a fun time with this assignment and I thought my audio went well with the story. I wanted the listener to understand many things throughout the story and so I added sound where it could help. I wanted the listeners to get a feel of what it’s like to wake up on a beautiful island with the waves crashing below your feet. To do this I added a nice relaxing sound of waves hitting the pillars below my villa which can be heard from anywhere on the island. I think this does a great job of carrying the listener all the way through the audio while keeping them relaxed. I then wanted to bring the listener along for the ride. To do so I added a sound of a boat starting up and driving around so the listener could feel like they were taking the amazing boat ride right next to me. One of my favorite parts about this audio is the ukulele that I added. This was important to me because it was one of the most memorable parts of the trip and I wanted the listeners to hear the elegance and beauty of the ukulele. This part also gets the listener ready for the next part of the story which is about sharks. The next thing I wanted to add was descriptive sound effects. I knew I wanted to add a few sound effects such as dipping underwater and footsteps where needed to give the listener a better understanding of what is happening. I then listened over the audio a few times and decided that I could add the sound of someone taking a bite of an apple and a slimy sound for the corresponding dialogue. The last step was to add dramatic effect to my story so I added a couple of things like a heartbeat and sound effect going DUN DUN DUN. After giving my audio a final listen I was pleased with the way it turned out and thought the dialogue sounded very crisp.