Tag Archives: Sp-P5 Final Project

P4-Audio: Tortoise and the Hare

For this project I had a decently fun time having my mother record the audio and having a friend teach me the audio editing. The whole project only took me 30 minutes or less to create but was a fun learning experience since I could ask for my friend’s help on the editing of the audio file. In all honesty, this assignment wasn’t too hard to do, but it was a fun excuse to collaborate with my friend. He works in music making software, so he was able to give me some good pointers with audio editing. Also having the choice of not reading was nice since I thought having my mom read the moral story of the tortoise and the hair, it made me happy to ask her to read a story I heard a lot as a kid and was very nostalgic. I grabbed a lo-fi audio for the background music and found some random snoring audio for the rest of it but in all it came out great I thought and thanks to my friend I was able to get it done with little to no mistakes. The hardest part I’d say would have been having to find time where everything was quite so I could get the project done.

by, Quinn Hodges

My Audio Story

Logan Moscatelli


During this assignment I was trying to create a serene environment in which listeners can put themselves into a spa like head-space. My goal is to broadcast information about the spa’s newest addition, which is acupuncture therapy. I tried to make it fun by adding in sounds and different voices to keep the audience engaged. My project did not turn out exactly how I wanted because of the new technology I was using. After realising how difficult it was to use I am now even more happy with the product. I had a difficult time doing this assignment due to the new software that we had to use. My experience was interesting in the fact that I got to explore more online platforms to create projects, in this case audio. I really liked using this platform because I got to explore an application with audio. I think that this platform is extremely important to learn and explore for the future. You can use this software to create so many different things. I like that there are so many different features you can use to change the product. Although I experienced difficulties using the software, once I got used to it I was very happy with my final product.

Road Trip Nation – Photographer

By Molly Engelman

Kelly Williams is a Dallas based photographer. She specializes in fashion and portrait photography and has a degree from the Ohio Institute of Photography. After graduating she travelled throughout the US with her camera gear, working odd jobs and photoshoots along the way.
RoadTripNation – Kelly Williams

The Fox and the Crow – P4

For this assignment I wanted to create a narration of a short Aesop fable called “The Fox and the Crow”. I wanted to create a naturalistic ambient background to match the setting that this story would take place. To challenge myself, I decided to use my voice for the whole story. I want to feel more confident using my voice in projects going forward. In terms of equipment, I chose to use my phone for the sake of convenience for this assignment. I also worked with Audition because I am very comfortable using the software.

I had a fun time creating this project. The story was enjoyable to read and easy to create an “environment” for. Finding sound effects wasn’t too difficult for my audio. The one sound effect that I did create were the “footsteps”. I used a crumpled sheet of lined paper and moved my fists against it. In general, I am always picky when searching for a music track. I think that I need to start using other websites to search for royalty free music. Most of what I find on Incompetech makes make laugh because of where I have heard some of the music from (Super cheesy and old Youtube videos).My biggest struggle was finding the perfect balance between the narration and the music. I had to listen to my audio mix with and without headphones to ensure that everything I wanted in the audio was coming through. Most of the exports I created had the music barely audible without headphones. It was mildly annoying, but it had to be done.

By: Liah Craven

The Mastiff and the Goose

by Ellie Grover (link)

I chose this story because I absolutely adore Aesop’s Fables, and I wanted to be able to have fun with this project. I wanted to be able to use an array of animal sounds and fun, tranquil background noise that would bring the fable to life by my own doing! I wanted my storytelling to be engaging and intentional by all of my choices for the audio that I was planning on making.

Starting to make the audio was the worst part. I grabbed my giant book full of Aesop’s Fables and read several dozen trying to find one that I thought would make a good audio. My indecisiveness truly got the better of me as I sat in my living room attempting to pick one. Ultimately, I had to wait until the next morning after I let Audacity download before I could make my decision on The Mastiff and the Goose.

The actual creation of the audio was a little frustrating. The software was difficult to understand and made me a little overwhelmed. I had to re-record the audio a few times (no thanks to my lovely cat who liked to make background noise), and I had to spend a couple hours adjusting the extra sound effects.

However, ultimately, I’m very happy with how the audio as a whole turned out. I hope that my storytelling accurately portrays the life lesson that the story aims to teach: Arrogance inspires contempt.

The lion and the mouse

Link to story: https://read.gov/aesop/007.html

Audio: used by Anura

I choose to do this story because my initial plan ended up getting ruined to unfortunate events. My plan was to make not necessarily a story but like a guided mediation. I listen to sleepcasts when I go to bed and when I found out about this project I was planning on making my own. I was going to take the listener on a peaceful journey of walking through a garden, describing the flowers, their own symbolism, and to create a peaceful garden that one could close their eyes and be transported there. I would have added relaxing music like what you would here in a spa and record the birds outside my window so it would be peaceful and include nature. But then I got sick. And trust me I tried to make a satisfying audio and it was terrible. The whole video concept revolved around being soothing and peaceful and my voice was just not cutting it. So I went with my backup plan which is the fable story that was one of my favorites as a kid which was the Lion and the mouse. I’m pretty sure that the reason this story is one of my favorites is the fact that none of the animals died within the story, that the Lion and the Mouse lived happily ever after and benefited from each other while having a lesson to be learned. It was fun fiddling around with the audio and sound effects. There are two sound effects the lions roar and a ripping of cloth which is actually magazines rolled up. This audio is the best out of all of them, no coughing or hoarseness in my voice is present from what I can tell. This project was interesting and it was a little overwhelming to figure out how to use the editing but I got the basics down.

A Mouse Goes On An Adventure

With this project, I took the opportunity to use a fable story from my daughter’s book of fables and add a richness through sound. My goal was to elicit the emotions of what the mouse may be going through at different points throughout the story. I chose to add a few different kinds of music and some sound effects to enhance the journey of the mouse. I also made the choice to leave out added sound for the first moments of the story, when the mouse is talking with his parents. I wanted the sound effects and music to come in at the point where the mouse sets out on his own, and to elevate his personal journey. I chose this fable over others, because the ending feels positive. I enjoyed this project, especially because I just completed an audio production course last term, so I knew a bit about what I was doing, and was able to create something fun without getting bogged down in the software. I think if I hadn’t just completed the audio production course, then this project may have felt a bit frustrating at first. I made the choice to ask my mother to be the voice of my story, knowing that in projects past, I have been caught up in the sound of my own voice. This choice allowed me to focus on editing and composing the piece. I hope you enjoy The Mouse At The Seashore!

by: Margaret Giddens

RTN + Stefan Sameister

In my research of Stefan Sagmeister, I was absolutely blown away by his accomplishments and/or milestones throughout his career. They seemed to be like the ones you would read about in fiction, just from the pure luck alone. My favorite milestones of Stefan’s life was the first one he made after graduating college in 1986: He went to Hong Kong to visit one of his friends and did plenty of sightseeing. When he felt he had seen everything the public has access to, however, he became innovative. He wanted to look at design firms, and would call of secretaries of these design firms to be able to tour. In a happenstance of misunderstanding, one of the secretaries thought that Stefan was looking for a job. He was immediately directed to the boss. Stefan used this misunderstanding to create a faux job search so that he could merely tour these design firms, despite having no interesting in taking up any of these jobs he was being considered for. However, one firm wanted to give him a job. Stefan, having no interest in working in Hong Kong, gave the firm a ludicrous salary request in order to sign on and work with them. Much to his surprise, they agreed.

This milestone of his kickstarted his career. Saving all the money he got from his ridiculous requested salary, he worked for two years and eventually bought his own design firm!

P3 Roadtrip Nation

Ben Younger is a movie writer and director. He is known for his work “The Boiler Room (2000). His story of becoming who he is is quite interesting and funny. Also, the decisions he made are, in my opinion, very brave and instructive. Although the interview is short, I’m sure each of you will be able to highlight something for yourselves.


By: Anuar Zhanabay